Sunday 4 November 2012

L'Ordinateury Day

late late late LATE!
5 days :C
WOO think I passed my French exam.

Hello readers :D

Oh yay, mum let's me go to the Coldplay concert. It's in two weeks. Tickets been selling since March :C She does not realise how many times I asked her those many times when they were first released. so now those tickets just flew out the lonely window of heart-breaks.

Heap load of extra assignments since exams are over. And couldn't post yesterday mainly because I didn't wake up until 3:30 pm and then leaving to a barbie at 4:30 and not coming home till 9:30 and then watching Marley & Me and then going to bed. That's the only thing I find very sad :C POOR MARLEY. Don't worry, no tears, I'm not that emotionally unstable. I have some odd news: My school is celebrating Halloween a week late, this Thursday  in fact 8 days late. So yes I've always wanted to dress up as a zombie so I'm heading off to the lovely train station and as myself, I'll probably get heaps and when I mean heaps, I mean all the passengers staring at my wound covered face. Awkward BIG TIME. Last time I posted...30th..Tuesday.

Wednesday, I did..I swam, yes. Hate training :C Why? because I'd rather go home and sleep. Actually I would end up procrastinating so that reason would NOT work. Oh yes BIG NEWS my laziness scale just reached 8 because now I'm just to lazy to run to catch my early train home. O: mainly because there were no buses and I would've missed it anyway but on the other hand I would absolutely appreciate finding my lost jumper *sniffle* or I would have to wear my blazer for sport.

I HATE myself, my lousy brain or what ever part of the brain which is in charge with memorising and the fact that when ever I enter a room I forget. All. The Time. Forgotten dreams for four days STRAIGHT. This is a shame. Four empty days in my dream journal D: Well actually yesterday I remembered it until I walked into the bathroom the memory was COMPLETELY erased.

I really feel like watching some television because I put a stop for a long while for the exams. Two months I think. But all my favourite shows ended or I already finished watching them or they are not starting the new season yet :C AHAHA White Collar is off, Once upon a Time I don't think is on in Aus yet, and I don't think the others are on too :(

Still STILL haven't tried toffee apples. Oh the utter disgusting shame I put myself through.

How to make a zombie costume. I have, four days and counting. And OH GOD YES IT'S ALMOST CHRISTMAS. FIRST. CHRISTMAS. IN. SYDNEY. in a long shot but I think I already said that but ANYWAY I have FANTASTIC NEWS. I'm missing out the second week of school next year to go to the GOLD COAST. YAY Surfer's Paradise, Movie World, Sea World, Wet 'n' Wild and the beach and the shops and the view :D and two months later. F-R-A-N-C-E I NEED a fantastic camera. I really had been wishing for those amazing cameras with the unfocused background effect and all because they are just beautiful as my hats.

Do you want to hear some bad news? Of course :C My sister dropped my artwork into the toilet *sniffle* Now the paper is crinkly :'(

Here's a photo of this lovely sunset I had some time. Oh how I'm too lazy to even get out of bed any more.

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