Sunday 25 November 2012

Indescribable by all means

Hey there. TODAY IS AN AMAZING DATE: 21/11/12. Just thought I shouldv'e mentioned it.

And I think this post will not be as exciting and as fun as my others.

Ohmygosh I am so tired. Just had swimming for a few kilometres and it was like 100m butterfly non-stop and I am horrible at butterfly. Dislike swimming. Very much. I am so tired.

You must be wondering why the title of my blog changed from 'Don't Forget Toffee Apples' to what it is now. I have good reasons:
  • School is making me go crazy
  • I just really really like hats 
Today I've just realised I've never been clothes shopping before without my mum to pick my clothes. What am I. I usually go shopping for hats *surprise*, accessories and stationery and food *surprise surprise surprise*. Tomorrow I'm going to Westfield to have MAX BRENNER (best place ever) and to go buy the Coldplay Live 2012 :D AND this weekend I'm going to watch The Perks Of Being A Wallflower (EMMA WATSON :D) with my cousin before she goes to the US. I really want to go back there. Need an adventure AND I've only discovered about 3% of it all. Regrets should never occur unnecessarily in your life ESPECIALLY if you are an opportunist.

Talking about opportunists, I find, and swear, that I am an extreme opportunist. When I don't go and take that beautiful opportunity, regrets and anger and grief explode and if I take it but it is a bad opportunity, well...regrets and anger and grief explode (for example, missing on out that coldplay concert...*lyric reference* don't let it break your heart). I feel that my blog isn't interesting anymore.

Oh FUNNY TIME. Well it really isn't but it's a good exaggeration. I spent the WHOLE day in my spare time trying to finish my essay and then just as it was due after lunch *poof* I lost it. Just as I finished. Oh well. I had a punny mood today. Made one for my friend: sKELLYton :D

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Third Wheel, is in my grasp, and I really love bookworld now, it took only 3 days to arrive O: So far, it's quite okay. I cannot say much because I'm only up to page 24.

Also today I'm really happy because I made it to this amazing class next year because of my luck. Yes. It is maths *actual surprise surprise*

My dreams have been just...slightly...odd. My latest dream was about me being able to go to the Coldplay concert at Parramatta in 88 weeks end then as my mum drove along the road into an empty carpark there were two people from Dharavi (we were learning about slums in geography that day and we were also performing our conversations to one another, in which I was not the Indian but the Brazillian favela person) and they were just coming back from shopping. Suddenly they were mauled by tigers and then something happened. Aww I forgot but something happened to my mum and I... Keep on imagining fellows.

Lately I've realised *mini-epiphany* that I talk really fast. And when I mean fast I mean really really fast. I realised I need to arr-tick-ku-late my words better because its all mumbo jumbo when I try to say too much in such little time. Just slow-oh-oww-oh-oww-oh-oww it down....

This morning I thought it was a Thursday which means I don't go to school early. Well silly me put my alarm on in time for my late train and then sillier me decided to sleep in another half an hour after pressing snooze for a gazillion times after the alarm rang. Then during school at recess I thought it was Monday. Then Thursday. Then Wednesday. Ahh the days of the week. Just keeps getting better and better.

OH on Tuesday we made these DELICIOUS bread cases in food tech which had yummy corn and asparagus in them. Just. Love. Food.

I feel like describing myself right now so: Hey there. I'm Jade. Opportunist. Optimist (sometimes). Joker. Highly sarcastic. Lazy. Tired. Artistic. Odd. Adventurer. Chocoholic. Reader. Writer. Sleepy.

I have come to realise that I am very lonely during maths. Sitting there, all alone, trying not to sleep. But it's okay. When someone's friend is away and they don't want to sit alone, they shove Bob the Shadow out of the chair and sit next to me. I have this cycle: Shannon then Emily then Hannah then Mayeesha. Just rotates overtime C: That also used to happen in French but now we have the "first come first served" rule :D

It's 10:41 pm. :'(

I also remembered: I lied again. Didn't finish off my bucket list today but I remembered that one of them was to buy a yellow bucket.

I promise I'll make a better blog by Friday at the most. Pinky promise.

Did you know if you broke a pinky promise you have to chop off your pinky? Never happened. Ever.

Images: My Christmas card from class and bread cases. YUMMY.

N.B. This isn't actually a post I posted on 25/11/12 it's just that I fixed the pictures so they look nicer. Never knew it publishes as a new post. Sorry for the confusion.


  1. So it was your class who chopped up our lino prints D: you know you have Tina's right?? :( my class was very sad to discover chopped up lino prints D:

  2. I like the first come first served. :)

  3. HA, ON MY COMPUTER. FINALLY CAN COMMENT. and i didn't know because i was away D: and I only just realised on friday when she was screaming out what the hell for five minutes straight. and yes they chopped up ours as well :C noone wanted tina's so i had to take it :D
