Sunday 25 November 2012

Reality and Dreams

Why are people always so curious? *hypocritical*


Woo. Got a haircut. But it's weird because I just don't like it. Not liking it. Nup. Mum has bad taste. Nup. Nup.

I'm very curious. And interested in things. I'd research if I didn't get distracted so easily--OH HEY LOOK ITS A CHAIR. I'VE ALWAYS WANTED ONE. No I'm joking, no not that easily. Do you see what I mean? I get off topic alot. Well in some of my blogs I've actually raised questions, such as:
•Can anyone imagine a new colour right now?
•If some animals are limited to some colours, how do we know that the shades and tints (black and white) are just as being colour blind to that particular colour?
•Why and how do dreams occur and why can you not remember them?
•Are there more to shadows? D:
•Why are people curious?
•Why do things fear?
•What if there is really a parallel universe but the problem is we are the actually "parallel" part and the other universe is the real original universe and O:?

Yeah why am I curious?

For me it's really hard to distinguish dreams from reality unless the dream was entirely unbelievable. Because, for example there was this day where my mum was like: If you wake up early I'll take you outside the house. And she never says that so I thought it was a dream and slept until 1pm. Then when I actually woke up she's like: Nah it's too late to go now. And I think I mentioned this other dreams about tigers, coldplay, slums, and a carpark and well I woke up and actually thought I had tickets to go to their concert in 88 weeks so of course I was excitedfor the whole day until around midday I was like: WAIT. TIGERS DIDN'T MAUL PEOPLE IN A CARPARK. Ahh dreams. Never achievable *except for logical ones, like time travel*


Oh and I had a dream two nights ago. So okay I was kidnapped and was locked in this dungeon-y bedroom area by this evil step-mum (maybe because I was watching once upon a time before bed) and then if I didn't do something (i forgot) then she will drown everyone else by raising the water under the bridge slowly. Well really I didn't care but then I felt bad so I was like: fine then. So she took me to the petrol station and to save everyone else I had to go and do hopscotch for a LONG time. Oh also there was swings but this fat child (ahaha) was hogging it and I was very upset so I stole his chicken nuggets and went to go do hopscotch. But this was no ordinary hopscotch. It was on moving chairs. So it's just a tad stressful *cough* so after twice I think I gave up and I hijacked a bus coach and drove around the petrol station and just...drove home. When i went home I went on my computer and my sister was watching some music videos online and then all the sudden she injects me with this needle and I was like: GOD AIMEE WHY DID YOU DO THAT HUH I COULDVE DIED COULDVE BURST MY ARTERIES COULDVE OVERDOSED ME I DONT EVEN NEED A VACCINE WITH ANYTHING DONT YOU DARE INJECT ME WITH ANYMORE WEAKER FORMS OF VIRUSES TO SAVE ME but thanks but WHAT DID YOU EVEN GIVE ME I NEED A BANDAID WHO CARES IF ITS NOT BLEEDING IT HURTS YOU BLOODY-. And then she was like: *evil laugh* IM NOT YOUR SISTER. So i relaxed and was like: ohhkay. Go on *opening a pack of mini bandaids and trying to put on one*. To make a long story short she had just injected me with heroin.

The heroin part was maybe because I was reading this short story online about some guy being kidnapped and being forced to take heroin. Ahaha.

And I think I messed up my blog big time. I was editing some typos and too large images and titles and before I knew was all reposting. So it may be confusing and I'm so bloody sorry but yeah. It's reality. Let's face it.

I have an issue I need to rant. Do you know how when you wash your hands and there is no towel to dry them on you have this whole heap of residue water on them? Well it just seems to me that it is BLOODY disgusting to just shake it off in someone's face. Do you know how many germs are in every drop? Do you know how SICK you can get from them? There's things like bacteria and whatnot in there and that can give you digestive problems. You. Just. Don't. DO. That. Here's proof: You have germs on your hands. Then you touch the tap to turn on the water. Then you wash it. Then you turn off the water by touching the germ-filled tap you used to turn on the water and JUST BECAUSE YOU WASHED YOUR HANDS DOESN'T MEAN ALL THE GERMS ARE GONE.

And no I have no fear of germs I just don't like it how peope just shake their hands in your face and you do NOT know where they have been.

IMAGE: a cupcake. yum. not germ-infested. fine, maybe.

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