Tuesday 30 October 2012

Dear Mangoes

Hullo C:

N.B.: Yameng a.k.a. Mango, I did not mean any harm to you or or fellow mangoes but I'm not referring to you but to my fellow "fiends" (not a typo): Thai mangoes.

How my evening went:
Me: Can I eat this?
Mum: Sure
Me: Is this the type of mango I'm allergic to? The one that makes my throat itch? Or was it tongue?
Mum: It was your throat. Eat it.
Me: Sure.

Oh my good lord I have to RE-SIT MY PDHPE EXAM. WHY? Because the staff thinks it'll be better? But I would be happy if:
a) it was a PAPER exam (no lags)

Too stressed this morning so I left my dream to fade away...well anyway I had this dream about Mr and Mrs Slenderman owning this professional first class private train and offering my friends and I to go on it to go to Central station since we missed our train. You know how it ends.

A spider, as large as my palm, is currently crawling around the ceiling above my bed like a drunkard. Keep calm. Calm. CALM. CALMASDFGHJKL.

Surfing was great today :D managed to avoid jellyfish not get MUCH water in my eyes stand up my board for two seconds AGAIN. I was actually not going to get any water in my eyes today or any water in my ear. Unfortunately, while stand on this huge board tryin to get some balance on a wave, my lovely friend's board drifted and clashed right into me. The scenario went a bit like this:

*wave in sight*
*paddle paddle paddle*
*on wave*
*hands on board, lifting self up, placing feet in position*
*loses balance*
*friends board has now clashed*
*tumble tumble tumble, more than tumblr*
*underwater for three seconds and water has now accumulated in ears, nasal cavity (pain) and of course the eyes and the more sand in my swimmers*

I hate Martin Green. Why did you have to do what you did? Why are you part of the school syllabus? You aren't even important. Made me lose a mark in my science exam *hmph*.

HEY GUYS do you want to know what my mind was thinking during a silly mistake during my maths exam? (BY THE WAY if I failed this test and did not get a good mark I CAN NOT GO TO FRANCE D: *life over*)

*looking through sheets before exam and sees a sheet with a graph and there's a huge space on the top end of the graph*
Me: That's right. I knew it. We need to draw a parabola in the exam.
-In the exam-
Me: *stress stress stress. rush rush rush. think think think* "OH HEY look: y=x^2. I KNOW. I'll use this easy method of finding the gradient and two points and drawing on the line. Hmm. So the gradient is 1 *myself now: oh lord it doesn't even follow the y=mx+b formula. It's using x^2. Poo head* OH and one point is (0,0) the other is (1,1) and the next could be, to double check (2,4) WAIT WHAT? That's not a straight line. Oh don't be silly Jade. You must have done a simple mistake in your head. Just draw a line and ignore that coordinate. But try again in case. There's also...(3,9). WAIT I KNOW WHY IT'S NOT A LINE. Why? BECAUSE YOU ARE CALCULATING IT WRONG. So yeah just draw the line.."

For goodness sake you bum.

Right now the song stuck in my head is the "You got a Friend in me"~ Toy Story. Is that what the song is even called?

Did I even post yesterday? Well if I didn't...I'M TRULY SORRY. PLEASE ACCEPT THE MOST SINCERE OF MY APOLOGIES.

But of course.

My apology is ALWAYS accepted.

Below is a picture of a poisoned halloween toffee apple. Please use your imagination and pretend there's a bite in it and it looks toffee-fied and sugary and poisonous. I didn't have the time to make a toffee apple (shame I'll never try them) so I got an apple from Woolies and combined with imagination and ta-da...world's best apple

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