Tuesday 1 January 2013

New Year. New Identity. New Life.

Hey everyone I'm a spy now. LOL jokes. However that would be a GREAT start to some best-seller novel. Cliché but a classic. Warning: This will be a short blog and will self-destruct after being read.

Happy New Year. Yet again I am trying to type a blog at 1:29am. Every time you restart school for another fresh new start and actually TRY to keep everything organised and neat because someday... you WILL regret it (yes I am talking about you, you sneaky exam period) it all gets ruined when you write the date. That's right. The date. When you write that title of yours into a crisp fresh exercise book then its like "31-1-2012". Then you realise it's 2013 and you're just like: best neat streak EVER. Anyway about the celebrations this year, I really liked Sydney's fireworks this year (ESPECIALLY the golden waterfall...nice unique touch... like every year) and the symbol for the year- a pair of lips- just reminds me of modern pop art. I like modern pop art. Anyway I spend the whole day sleeping, eating, doing yoga (I killed my Archilles tendon and to make up for my excessive eating) and watching another few episodes of "Suits". GOD I HATE TREVOR. *Extremely dislike.

I realised I didn't go shopping at all to get any of those wonderful sales (besides the White Collar perfection set...previous blog) and all. Bad news is that my Goldcoast trip in February may get cancelled and I was actually going to try out my uncle's DSLR (Nikon D5000. Old but the best I can get at the moment) at Surfer's PARADISE and that place is like a haven.

Oh and this paragraph is dedicated to Jasmine Chew (stinkbomb) but note to some viewers please don't be offended by anything as this is an inside joke we both had together. I do appreciate patriotism at time and this is a good time to. Here it goes: Jas, Mate. Accept reality. You've just gotta. Australia is truly heaps better y'know. Who cares about restoration of public toilets. Just rid the bloody guns already or put some more laws 'bout it and we can all just have this friendly chat over the barbie. I think your arguments are a load of rubbish. That's right Jasmine. Rubbish, not garbage.

My pillow still smells :( Like rubbish.

Oh my gondripoddoodles (that's not a word either) BERNICE if you are reading this (and I had read your blog and no I didn't assume you would start crying XD) I'M ABOUT TO TELL YOU AND THE FOLKS ONE OF MY DOOMSDAY ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE DREAMS. And it is AHMAYZING. Okay okay I'm going to start this thing aye? On the fateful night of the 26th/27th of December I was at great grandpa's birthday party (his birthday is really today) at my cousin Jessica's house except it didnt look her house in real life but ANYWAY we were all outside this one story house. My mum had to take one of my rellies home and I asked if I could come with. She said: fine then you stubborn child. So I holped into the car. My relative said that she's going home early to prepare for doomsday even though it had already past. (in reality one of my other rellies was actually a doomsday prepper) I thought it was weird so I said okayyy then. I looked out the windscreen and saw three huge circles. I asked what were the three circles on the window for. My rellie said: Hey Jade, as a Christmas present I had installed UV-ray circles to protect your family from the sun if you have to escape from home. So after dropping her off in the middle of nowhere, literally, and me sitting in the front seat what I had actually found unbelievably weird was that as we passed this school, some kids were running from what I could see, giant spiders (yes like in Harry Potter). Two big hairy giant spiders. Huntsmen I believe. Maybe Brazillian. I told my mum to speed up because that was horrifying and start heading home instead. LOL At this moment I didn't even are about the rest of my family that much and just wanted to go home. After a few seconds later I decided to call my brother and sister to run over 15km home (even though the house they were at was on the way). My mum and I reached this huge intersection near the house my siblings were in but the road to home was coincidentally closed. Wow. This is getting amazing. So we parked the car on the street randomly, not a care about the other drives and started to run. Yes. Across that darned intersection. I did not wear running shoes (hey it was a party so I wore thongs. American readers you totally know I'm Australian and thongs here means "flip flops" not... Yeah not what you think) So I was kinda behind my own mum who just sped ahead of me and the bad thing was that it was sunset. And god sunsets in dreams (and even in my Australian backyard) is extremely fast. This was slightly creepy. As we ran we noticed that there was this huge concrete wedge so I assume if soneone drives on it they could possibly but most likely die because their car will presumably land on such low ground (as in 100m down). As we ran we saw my annoying siblings and a few other people I don't know with us. At that monent we arrived home with only my brother, sister and mum who started to call my dad to come home but to not roar his truck because it'll attract the zombies. We were inside and there was a zombie outside our house so I told my mum to go and get the shotgun (Jasmine yes I was a bit hypocritical about the guns) because there was a walker (the Walking Dead reference XD). I ran back inside to find more weapons (it's time to survive, to not be completely safe but safer than with zombies). I took three fat knives and gave one to my sister and I think my brother took a nerf gun (for all those who don't know what that is... it is a toy gun. Yes and ohmygosh he took a toy gun. Of all things). I found a small barbie bag and gave it to my sister to put medicines and first aid stuff into it. See? Because I'm smart LOL. I thought that now at least the smart doomsday preppers are prepared. I went outside to fill my fat dog Blizzard's waterbowl (apparently he isn't fat and he is just fluffy but that's just what people would say to just let him feel better) to the very limit and overflowed his food bowl with, obviously, dog food (no it was dynamite *sarcasm*). I went back inside to get more food but as I poured the food I realised someone had replaced the dog food with toys (and of all things that person does... Why?). I went to my room to get change in comfy clothes so I can actually run and I hear my dad arriving home. I only changed my pants at that moment (jeggings because I only otherwise own shorts and jeans and I hate jeans and my amazing cargo pants went missing). I went outside and I think he saw me carrying two knives (hey he was cool with it) so he ripped off both of his truck doors and then putting their hinges together (how? I don't know) saying: this is an overcoat to store sharp things. At first it didn't fit but the longer I wore it the more it started to fit and turn into a regular comfy coat which I could put knives in and it still wouldn't stab me (I love how realistic this all is). I asked him where the axe was and he said he'll go and get it (the last time I had asked him this in reality, which wasn't long ago, he's like: why don't YOU go look for it? And I'm just like: no). Oh note please: there were also some neighbours at our place as a survival team since were the only house who has gates. And as you know all zombie survivors must have a survival team of random people or you won't survive for long unless you're like Will Smith in 'I Am Legend' (a great movie). So finally I changed into a long sleeve even though it's summer (can go up to 40°C which is HOT) and packed survival backpacks including torches, lighters, matches etc.and as I went back to sharpen my knives the dream ended.

Oh my jundolumps my brother sometimes sleeptalks and just then (its 2:09am) he was just like, in this creepy whispery voice, "see?" and it snake-like and OHMYGOD.

You know how yesterday I had hiccups? This was at like 2am so I was supposed to be asleep.
*Mum walks into room to put back something she stealthily took that I never noticed*
*I pretend to sleep*
*She was just about to leave...*
Mum: ...why aren't you asleep?

Oh and yesterday's blog I had also mentioned my pillow ban. AHAHA TODAY WHEN MY MUM DIDN'T NOTICE I TOOK MY PILLOWS. AHAHA.

Okay goodnight guys. Have a happy New Year and no this blog will not self-destruct.

Jokes. But I know you would survive it.


  1. Omgg, Jade!! Is that your dog Blizzard? :D He's so cute!! :D How old is he? (:

    1. Ahaha this February he's a year. He's a midget and is fat for his age LOL
