Sunday 21 October 2012

First Post

NB. Posted on the 21/10/12. Completely killed my blog sorry.

Hello fellow reader C:

OH YAYY you're one of the first people to read anything from my blog. First post so I'm no too sure what's going to happen to my blog. I'm probably going to post once a week, but I'll see how it goes. Let me just introduce myself:

Hi my name is Jade :D I'm from SYDNEY and I love sleeping, owls, chocolate, purple, art and reading. N.B. I'm a joker who loves puns, lame or not. Hopefully my blog isn't going to become another boring one so...good luck Jade.

Just had an interesting time back to the last term for school. Learnt some new things: Surfing- and how to gradually ease the pain of salt water in overly sensitive eyes. Lately I've come to realise that Sydney's weather is extremely...moody? Had quite the dinner last night ahaha I obviously never had been next to a fight before WELL it all started in my favourite restaurant sizzler, eating my favourite cheese toast with a cup of my favourite drink-water (No I'm joking, I love juice heaps more). Well let's make it like this: there's B1 & B2. B1 is waiting in line for icecream. B2 pushes in but didn't know B1 was waiting. B1 swears and is you know the usual crazy-mad-upset sort of mood. So I'm just like HEY I'M GOING TO GET MY LOVELY PASTA NOW but of course it was my luck that my seat was right next to B1's seat. Ahaha :C 

Well B2's mummy confronted B1 and oh gosh it was exciting because i've never seen a fight before-just that innocent. Okay so they started to actually, physically and dangerously fight. Oh but then there's me just chewing my toast and turning around watching them do so. I got bored so I faced my family again and then soda was poured all over my brother and I so I'm just ignoring the fact that my cardi is all sticky and continuing eating my pasta.

Ahh and I visited the Sydney Observatory for the FIRST TIME on Friday and it was so interesting (I bought some rip-off solar shades so I could just stare at the sun all day). Another thing I found out was that there is going to be a solar eclipse in Cairns the day after my ESSA exam :'(. 

First time learning to surf on Tuesday C: Me and my over-sensitive eyes and my hatred for water in my ear D: Which was odd because I swim every week but this water is salt water :P Tried to stand on the board but when i did yay...crashed right into the ground with water pouring in my eyes and ears ahaha great job. But could just kneel like some retard all the way to shore LOL. Lots of homework this week and I'm just procrastinating because that's my job.

Max Brenner again on Friday (I really REALLY need to organise my blog posts) and missed the train UGH CITYRAIL TINCAN INSTEAD. Had delicious waffles :D

DREAMS. This may sound really odd but I record dreams (YAY another crazy blogger who just finds shadows and dreams interesting). Lately my mind forgets my dreams way too much D: but the best dream this week was...ahh well there are different types of papers...three of them and there was this race in egypt where you had to try and find the best of those papers and if you had this particular kind of boat you get to go to France (yes France because my school is just that AMAZING -sghs- and we get to go to FRANCE next year yes FRANCE :D SO EXCITED) Well I ended up in France and was a pickpocket there but then I forgot the rest :P I'll post a dream every week or if I don't have any I'll post a really good past one.

Why did I call my blog Don't Forget (Toffee Apples)? I honestly never tried them BUT I WILL SOON.

Well bye guys and I just realised how much I wrote...on AND off topic.

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