Wednesday 2 January 2013

Like A Dream Come True

Why do my neighbours like murdering trees? I swear everytime I look at them they're cutting down trees. I think I mentioned this before but they cut down a tree that wasn't even on THEIR property. In fact...they cut down MY tree. Recently they had cut down the huge old eucalyptus that has been there for almost a century. Now they're cutting down another. It's a bad addiction and we environmentalists and tree activists need to stop this NOW.

LOL nah that's not the topic for today but seriously. I was completely serious about stopping them. When I'm old enough I am going to sue them. That's right. I have a video of them cutting down my tree. It's going to be like: "Five years ago during the installation of the cream fence which now cuts our territories, our neighbour's brother has happily murdered our purple tree which has been growing for about our house's age- 80+ years". That's right George's brother. You are going DOWN.

Next topic. I despise my past self which I'll call Jadie to avoid confusion. So Jadie...when she talks she uses an overload of exclamation marks, not full words often when typing, spam (, no sarcasm and is just plain silly. Why did I talk like that. It's just like rubbish. Now when I look back I'm thinking: ...did I do that? Or something like that. It's like if you follow the current 'trend' or something then when it goes out of style you just regret it. To be honest I never had followed a trend whether it was fluro or pastel or studs I just stuck with a "deal with it" look LOL. Comfy. So now to how you previously's like a lasting first impression. I don't even want to be part of the pack anymore so I just do what I do. Now hopefully my intense sarcasm and correct-grammar sentences do just fine (I just know it does).

Have you ever done something you had regretted? I hate regrets. Regret is like BOOM BOOM inside your head. Whether it's from an exam...which it usually is for me or whether you had picked the wrong opportunity when it was there. I regretted how I spoke, many questions in my exams, what I had chosen in my life and many more.

I'm eating an almond magnum after playing sport LOL no regrets here. Then later on when the game finds out whether you improved the next day or not... :(

I'm writing the rest of this post at 11:46pm so I hope I post it in time for the 2nd of January. And...I don't know... I kind of updated my ideal job. Not sure if I had mentioned this but I've also wanted to be a detective/police officer sort of thing because it is interesting. But I don't like guns. They are loud and I don't like loud things. Except for music. Or if I ever end up being a pilot I'll have to endure the starting engine of some aircraft. Then again I'd have to endure gunshots. If not a detective then a forsensic scientist for crimes. To be honest I don't think I'd ever become a director or an animator or a journalist so those dreams can shrink a little in priority. Funny thing is that my childhood dream was to be an astronomer (no not astrologist) and an artist and how things didn't much change from there. Okay now I just feel like doing something awesome. Like being an elephant trainer. No that was a lie because I do not -nowhere near- want to be an elephant trainer. By this rate, for work experience, I'm going to end up being stuck as an elephant trainer.

Today (second day into the year of 2013) I saw something online (which obviously may not be true) which had stated that an old Japanese superstition (which I call 'stupid'stitions...ahaha) was that the first dream of the year will come true. I somehow want that to happen and not want that to happen. It may be hazy mais à expliquer...voici mon rêve:
The staircase I quickly
drew just then
My family and I were on a holiday in a big brown hotel with a lot of windows. Now there's been talks of a terrorist. Now this terrorist is like an incredibly skinny dumbledore (like as in skin and bones) who wears rainbow out of fashion clothes and has a long white greasy beard. Dangerous. So ignoring this fact we moved into the area for our vacation and we were placed onto the second floor I believe. My parents and sister left to go shopping or something like that while y brother and I stayed in our room doing what we just do on an average day. So my brother played League of Legends (ew... Sorry gamers, I really don't like it) while I... I do what I do. So I walk around hoping for some dead clown to appear in closets or something frighteningly interesting to occur when suddenly I heard cheap glass breaking. As I walked towards the sound I stepped on some glass (it was extremely minute and you could not see it until you looked extremely close and I think it was only one or two millimeters in length). Slightly in pain I managed to pull the glass out, which cuts my finger but that's okay, and then what was left was this little red dot on my sole (not soul). I still walked barefooted to where the sound was. This place was apparently where my brother was. The rectangular window above him, was completely smashed. Luckily my brother wasn't hurt (or even cut) because no glass had even made contact with him. I looked out that window then I saw this giant brown window-breaking machine (the machine was like this huge plastic brown board which was the size of the side of the hotel that had, at every few metres, a little block that would push forward to break all the appartment windows, probably killing someone). Worried, I ran outside our hotel on top of the grand staircase on a black and whote checkered floor (there wasa shaking gold and diamond chandelier) to see all these kids just playing around like everythig was normal. Confused, I went to the front door to go outside but as I looked outside, there was the scariest thing EVER. Outside, on the pathway near a fountain with the background of a crowded park, was an old man with a long white beard and incredibly skinny arms and body sitting in a red and beige canoe, using the oars to slide across the pavement and staring at me with a crazy look. He was just slowly sliding him and his canoe across the ground like as if it was water that made him extremely slow but the water was a concrete pathway. Extremely worried I ran towards our room to get my brother, where ever he disappeared to when suddenly *SCREAM* SOMEONE HAD PUT A BOMB IN HERE. Chaos broke out and I was just sick and tired of these terrorist bombings. FINALLY after stepping on so many legos the kids left on the ground I found my brother. I'm like to him: do you have anything important you want to retrieve from your hotel room before we leave? He said no and it was about time my tranquility is smashed. Yes what I saw was that evil shrivelled Dumbledore canoe guy just running with crooked legs and wrinkled hands outstretched. My brother and I both ran into the elevator through the glass and pain and we managed to go to ground floor before that crazy terrorist could kill me. I forgot this part of transition or maybe we just did change suddenly from the hotel to my real home in my dream but anyway our family was reunited. We had a bomb squad. Not really actually it's just some of my rellies who are experts and professionals are bombs. Okay I'll call it a "homemade" bomb squad. Apparently I live in a villa (is that what it was called? I don't think it was a town house. It's like there are houses right next to your house on your property sharing the same driveway or something) because an Islamic family lived next door (as in, in my backyard). Well apparently the crazy rainbow dude had followed me home (...RAPE no) and put a bomb that was on the left side of our front yard (take that tree-hating neighbours, it's going to kill your garden). The bomb explodes at 9pm which was sunset in my dream which is strange because 9pm is like darkness already. So I'm dumb and materialistic in my dream so I tried to grab as many precious things as I could and the best my homemade bomb squad can do is delay the bomb. So they managed to delay it for another ten minutes. In this time my dad, mum and I ran into our house to get as many things as possible (just before this I had asked my brother if he wanted me to get anything for him and he said no and that nothing is worth anything to him). First I went into my room to get two of my favourite hats (both my brown Witchery fedora and my black Brixton Jones), my artworks and handmade things which in the end would've gotten squashed in my overflowing plastic bag, some photos I could scavenge, a pen (lol), some notebooks including my adventure travel journal (I ignored all my diaries because by the time you buy a diary and use it... At the most it would only last for a fortnight then you forget about it or get lazy so...). Then I went into my closet to get a jacket, a shirt, pants and two pairs of shoes. I couldn't fit more so I got a larger garbage bag. Someone had knocked on my window and yelled out "I MANAGED TO EXTEND IT FOR ANOTHER EIGHT MINUTES" (fifteen minutes in total) and I was getting stressed. I went into my brother's room and took something (I forgot), then went to my sister's to get her a doll, took my laptops and hard drives and my USB's. I almost forgot the family photos. After running outside and dumping the stuff, I ran back in and took all the photos I could, with the help of my mum. At the last minute we ran as far from the house as possible, but the Islamic family didn't make it and for some reason the bomb affected their side the most :(. Incredibly sad (for some reason it was daylight again) my uncle and my dad went inside to check to see it's safety and if we can go in. Luckily my room was least affected and I can actually go inside it safely. My brother's was a little less safe but still good but the rest was dangerous. The middle had caught on fire (just a little) and we saw that the roof was crumbling inwards with the plaster falling you would expect a crumbling sound but it wasn't. I'm going to guess that it was at 130 decibels the noise was like a screeching fingers on chalkboard sound and it was absolutely painful and horrible to hear. Discordant is a better word. And harsh. I think after this that part of the dream ended.

Now you see why I kinda hope this Japanese stupidstition isn't true. But the next part would be amazing if it was true.

After leaving computing class with my technology teacher trying to con us into buying these stuffed cats for $5 we found out that our two french classes this year were merged together into one classroom because the teacher was away today. As we walked we saw our tech teacher again in the corridor, already having a stand which was selling stuffed cats. As I could see, those yellow cats were still piled high. I went inside the crowded french room with my friends Yameng, Donna and Tina already sitting at the back. I sat right in the middle of the back and the room was unbelievably humid. Waiting for our french teacher to come, my mates were talking to each other and scribbling in each other's books (which I imagine, in reality, they would never do, except for me, and if I did I would have my throat slit). The main french teacher that I know and will call Ms M was teaching us. She had handed out a "very important" sheet for us all to stick in our books. I used my new notebook and just tucked it into the slot for papers. I looked at my friends who started to throw glue and paper at each other. Shame on these immature children (reality: I am usually the person who throws around the glue and paper and they are usually the ones who are mature and scolding me). Suddenly the room is quiet. The teacher says: "Okay class I have to leave for a meeting but for now you will have a casual teacher. His name is Mr Cooper and he should be coming now". Okay for me I was like: heyy isn't Mr Cooper the same alias Neal Caffrey used on one of his cases once in White Collar? But not necessarily the one where he was a substitute teacher (or maybe that WAS when he used the "Cooper" alias then again that name could've came from that character the same actor played on glee). Anyway as soon as I thought of that...guess who walked happily into the classroom? That's right. Neal Caffrey. Or Matt Bomer. Or whatever you call him. And I think it was because I was rewatching french versions of WC again yesterday. Apparently we were told that we all had to wash our hands because they were dirty (which is completely irrelevant to french but we still had to do it) and as we filed at the door (since I was at the back of the room, I was at the back of the line) I asked him "Are you Matt Bomer?" and he's like "Yep". Yeah that was awesome and my dream self was about to tell Bernice to come because she would want to meet him too but then I had realised she was in whatever class she was in XD (yes Bernice imagine this dream became real according to the superstition) and I think the dream ended when I stepped outside the room to go wash my hands.

And this is why I kinda wish this superstition was real. I need to get rid of "hi 5 a celebrity" and "meet the cast of white collar" (well in this person :( ) off my bucket list. In my dream I couldn't hi 5 I guess because my hands were dirty. Supposedly. Well I could believe that the whole setting of the second part of the dream coming true because a) Ms M does teach one of the two classes this year b) the three friends mentioned do do french and c) we do occasionally get subs.

Well you know how I mentioned I wanted to finish this post by 'minuit'? It's 12:44am now and I doubt that.

Oh I caught up a little more on 'Suits'. Harvey and Donna are a funny pair XD

Tomorrow I am going to Strand Hatters to see if I can get anymore hats as well as going to Max Brenner in the city. So an "early night's sleep" I am supposedly having.

Goodnight (: I'll post again today since I missed out yesterday but a couple of minutes.

Images: me messing about bored continental soup in one of my best mugs EVER.


  1. I went out :( And didn't finish the post until now and omggg as soon as I read 'Mr Cooper' I instantly started fangirling LOOOL. I WAS LIKE OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG WHY ARENT I IN THIS DREAM. WHY DONT I DO FRENCH???? And then Matt Bomer walks in ;_; Feel free to somehow magically invite me into a dream like that please :D

  2. LOL yes exactly. I actually don't remember the teacher's name he used but LOL. YES WHY DON'T YOU DO FRENCH? FRENCH IS AMAZING. while rewatching the episodes in french I realised that he speaks little Jap as well because he's like jyane (or jyaane? LOL I'm really bad at Jap spelling that's why I chose French over it XD see you later) and I was like HEYY I KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS TOO. you know like the post-dreaming part where you're kinda drifting in and out of sleep because you are a lazy child? Yeah I think I texted you to come or something because it was lunch then but-but... :( you never came D:
