Saturday 1 December 2012

Doomsday Necessities

When was the last time I posted? Not sure. Well I've been forgeting my dreams A LOT so all I can remember is that every single dream so far is about a train trip to the WRONG place.

An important issue, speculation, conspiracy theory, joke, predicted event, the apocalypse, end of the world, the rupture or whatever one would call it, Doomsday is just a really good topic I need to just talk (is that a good word to use?) about.

Hey earthlings, it's officially December.

When I say DECEMBER first thought is: ahh Christmas. Then, it is probably: ahh holidays. Then: ahh first day of *insert season*. I actually have not realised that December is also the end: of the year or as word has it, the world. Summer solstice, 21/12/12. What I had found funny today is that I was watching 2012 and as soon as it ended an advertisement came up plainly saying: 2013. ahahaha. And I love Lilly from 2012. She is so cute. And has an amazing taste in hats.

Pour moi, j'ai une jour de liberté. School ends on the 19th. But I have it all planned :D For fun, I'll pack a survival kit and hide under my table for the whole day saying goodbye to my friends and families, wearing the best clothes to run in and all and finishing whats possible on my bucket list, which includes breaking a window. And researching tips on how to survive: what plants to eat, what things to use, what shelter etc. And i'll sleep so my death isn't painful.


  • First Aid Kit
  • Medicines
  • Water
  • HEALTHY and preserved foods or snacks
  • Water and juice (because I love juice)
  • Knives, fork and spoon
  • Rope
  • Sleeping bag
  • A SUPER thick but light book
  • Torch
  • Extra batteries
  • Portable Radio
  • A mobile phone
  • A Hat (you can wear this)
  • A Jacket
  • A Map 
  • Chocolates or lollies

Oh and I need to work on my ability to run (slowest in the class, proven, and wear sports shoes), flying an aeroplane (woo one off my bucket list) and the ability to have luck.

Time after time there are many theories to the day of the solstice and now note I'm down under so it's not the winter one at that moment. These theories include: alignment of heavenly bodies causing some sort of disaster, solar storm, nuclear attack, asteroid or some sort of body slamming into Earth, (unlikely and unrealistic) zombie apocalypse, unknown disease destroying everyone, (Christianity) some random spirit demons roam earth for some years, aliens attacking the world, mass natural disaster event and heaps more. The proof they have is a Mayan long-count calendar or if Christian, the Bible. The Mayan calendar ends every 5125 years and it seems to happen on the 21/12. It seems like a very coordinated day *cough* palindrome. WE ARE ALL HUMAN. You cannot predict an expiration date mates. Unless it is all a conspiracy theory. Or it really is real. Oh pickle beans in a leaf trunk if it is.

Welcome to the land of rhetorical and non-rhetorical questions. What if it is real? What will you do on that day before? What if it isn't? What if you die a painful death? What if all these questions are of a crazy nutcase who survived to whatever year you are reading this and yes I'd laugh at myself too? For those believers, what is going to happen, do you think?

What will your famous last words be if it does happen. Ned Kelly's one is pretty cool: Such is life. Sadly it's already taken.

Just saying but I cannot wait until it is 22/12 and saying: "oh hey isn't the world meant to end yesterday?"

A huge asteroid is visible in the daylight in the sky.
Then I realise that Sydney is around 10 hours ahead of the GMT.


Well it's not like the Mayans were THAT exact and even had the GMT then. But then they were from (I think) Mexico, at the top of my head. That place is 17 hours behind Sydney (approx).

Oh well. I'll definitely post something about this issue AGAIN.


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