Thursday 22 November 2012

42 Wallaby Way, Sydney

Hi hi hi hi HEY THERE.

In a great mood today *cough*

Eww a beetle fell off the ceiling onto the floor and I was like "hmm what does it look like?" So my dumb self went up to it and and and I saw it was upside down, wriggling its legs. So of course I didn't see it had wings so I went right up close, like a few centimetres away from it, watching it wriggle. But of course just love my luck, it turned back the right way and flew onto my foot. I'm not a screamer but I'm jumpy so i just...jumped and then it fell off, upside down again. It was all too much for me so I grabbed what was nearest to me and put it out of its misery. Eww. Cruel, but to be kind you must be cruel. Shakespeare knows it all.

WOO JUST FINISHED WATCHING FINDING NEMO. I love the Australian accents AHAHA. Then I started watching Harry Potter. Then Prince of Persia. Then...the Beetles (it's just a joke on the beetle on my foot...and the Beatles).

I got the COLDPLAY LIVE 2012 DVDFGHJKL. So. Happy. :'). It's so BEAUTIFUL. Though if you are diagnosed with epilepsy please do bot watch as I do not know how to help a person with seizures. The lights and colours flash a bit too much for even non-epileptic people. BUT ITS STILL BEAUTIFUL. CSI also has a flashy intro but not as bad as this XD cool I want to be a CSI :D But there was this funny time at school where my friend was at her locker and I took her keys and I was so blooming tempted to sing "I stole a key...took a car downtown where the lost boys meet..." but thought the better of the high chances of being thought of as an "insane" person over one referring to Coldplay.

I'm still looking for a good photography course, but of course luck never strikes me. I found HEAPS in The Big Apple (lovely place- I would live there if it wasn't so crowded and dirty) some decent ones in Sydney but I think they are mainly for adults. Sad.

On the topic of New York, I had this funny scenario with my geography teacer during the time I was working on my assignment with my buddy. And as you can see, my assignment was on New York *surprise surprise*:
Teacher: Have you ever been to New York?
Me: Yep.
Teacher: What did you think of it?
(Now there are alot of things to describe New York: fun, interesting, crowded, different, busy, snowy, cold, enjoyable, nice, cool, amazing but...)
Me: Dirty.
AND I have a good reason to say so. I was walking along some street near Broadway, this shopping place and Burger King near this Chruch near my hotel and at this time of the year it was snowing. So there was piles of American snow everywhere BUT what I didn't realise is that, among the snow, was huge white bags of rubbish. Then there's the classic "jump into the snow and make a snow angel" feeling but just as I went up to it I faced the truth. New York is not a good place to make snow angels. And the snow is mixed with dirt so it's easy to mix it up with rubbish bags. It is truly crowded. One time, walking along the main street towards Times Square...SUDDENLY everyone was compacted like a tin of sardines literally- I was smaller then so all I knew was "cool I'm breathing in some guy's winter coat. Smells really nice now."

If I compared the US to Australia I's choose Norway. That's a kind of pun with "no way" and an accent. AHAHA. Bad but reasonable. I think Australia has a better... environment and is a lot less crowded. The US is just like my school bus stop (NY referrence: CROWDED) and I swear they don't need to act so unaware about Australian accents and slang. I don't even sound like someone with a bogan accent. The only difference is that I don't pronounce my R's with much force, like an Australian. Here's an incident in Anaheim, CA:
Dad (to local): 'Scuse me do you know where target is? (pronounced: tahget)
Person: Sorry what is target?
Dad: Y'know...the store with the red and white target sign?
*person looks confused*
Mum: He means TAR-get (pronounced american-ly)
Person: OH tarrrrget. Yep just five blocks ahead.

I swear that wasn't hard. Another funny scenario was:
Me: Sorry where is the rubbish bin?
Rellie: *looks confused*
Me: Do you know where the bin is so I can put my rubbish in?
Rellie: *still looks at me*
Me: *gives up but until around a minute later I go back up to him* Whoops sorry do you know where the TRASH CAN is so I can put my garbage in?
Rellie: Oh right here.

I decided to teach a bunch of my American rellies some slang:
Me: So you see, we say FAIRY FLOSS not COTTON CANDY. And we don't ride kangaroos to school. That is something called "ANIMAL CRUELTY"

I also had some dumb moments too.
Rellie: ...blahblah....and the squirrels...
Me: WHOA. You guys have squirrels?
Rellie: yeah all the time in our backyard.
Me: *amazed* can I go see them?
Rellie: shouldn't because they can give you rabies.

Completely forgot about rabies.

Something I really liked about Louisiana was the French Quarter. Amazing history right there. And lovely french powdered cakes.

I need another adventure. My cousin js going to the US again next week. Lucky duck. I could only afford the cheapo tickets to go the Sunshine coast now. If I had that opportunity, I would go in Spring or Autumn and go to everything possible. (Please refer to the opportunist section in my previous blog "Indescribable by All Means"). Europe is another place I need to tackle. I feel like I'm always trapped in this house of mine with just work. Working all the time. And the only places are Olympic Park, school, extra classes centres and that is about it. Besides random shopping times.

I need to teach myself more about painting. I get imaptient and ruin things. Though I'm very patient, for some odd reason when it comes to paint I just lose it and don't bother waiting. I prefer drawing and doodling- something in which my expertise in the arts finally show. I need to go to an art school. And get a DSLR. Yes I do.

I haven't written in a long time. Stories, poems and even dreams (yeaahhhs... bout that... I got lazy and stopped ish). I've had millions of fantastic best-seller worthy ideas. But laziness always wins *yay let's all give three cheers* (sarcasm, if you didn't notice). So anyway do you want a random poem I made in those few seconds? Sure.

POEM: Dusk

I hate the seas,
I hate the sky,
I hate the flees,
And I hate why.

I hate the plights,
That aren't flown in my lights.
With their endless nights,
And curious mights.

Those empty stars know
How silence is slow
And how answers are always a bittersweet no.

Did I just write a random poem? Of course you did...not. You typed that up. It doesn't count. Those trees dies for a reason, gosh.

Oh another scenario (so many today) AHAHA:
Friend: What does Qu'est-ce que c'est mean?
Me: What is it?
Friend: Qu'est-ce que c'est.
Me: Yeah, what is it?
Friend: like...what does it mean?
Friend: OH right. But you kind misheard me because I said (insert whatever she had said that sounds like qu'est-ce que c'est)
Me: ohmygod.

Images: My chocolate shot today from Max Brenner and another clown I drew but the teeth shrunk because of excess outlining. There is also this beautiful ladybug picture I took and a frangipani I found and my Gloria Jeans anddd a backyard fire. NOT IN ORDER.

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