Tuesday 27 November 2012

Setting Fire to the Rain

Success *cough*
My assignment wasn't set on fire entirely. But still I accidently lost control of the fire and 30% was burnt off.

Hey there :D

Jinxes are so fun. One of my classmates has been a victim. Apparently the beginning of this year, I said JINX to her and when she got home she broke her arm. I didn't do ANYTHING though. Also there was this time where in science I was partners with her and we had one mL too much. So she tried to pour it out slowly and just before it I was like: jinx mate. Long story short, half of the liquid was hone.

AHAHA. I have a friend who really likes Channing Tatum and she showed me a photo from the newspaper. She shouldn't have because now I call him "The Fish".

What a role model should always say:
Brother: Isn't it theres always room for improvement?
Me: No it's dessert. Always room for dessert.

I went to a restaurant yesterday for my brother's birthday and for dessert they served oranges (sliced, of course). And I just felt like eating around four slices and on my last slice I ate it THEN I shoved it in my mouth so it looks like I don't have teeth but an ORANGE peel instead. IT WAS SO FUNNY. The waiter came to me and I smiled at her.

What the fudge biscuits is five-ever? Who says that? What happened to forever? D: *disgusted face* five...ever?

Everyone apparently thinks my jokes are lame. Gosh it's not like I make everyone take my crackers so they can crack up. Or offer them overdue bills. Because it's rather billiant. Ahaha I should win "MOST PUNNIEST AND PUNIQUE JOKER"

Bad thing about Sydney: CRAZY weather. I wonder whether the weather will weather away my happiness? Well it was pouring yesterday so on my way home I had to run through the rain and puddles on the way to the car. Hellephants, it has been YEARS since I ran in puddles. I jumped in them onthe way and the water was so flopping warm so it didn't worry me and all. It was just this feeling of absolute elation exploding in my tiny veins. Oh the fun of childhood (still have mine).

Do you know what also gives this state of absolute pure bliss? Drugs. Ahaha no I'm joking. Running. Running does. I hate running but I had never ran home before. I think it was mentioned in the blog post "Welcome to my World" about how (then) recently my dreams were about running away, usually AWAY from home. But this dream running felt oddly different. It doesn't feel like I'm suffocating from asthma or being unfit but like I could run like the wind through my street away from kidnappers, murderers, great grandmas and more. Today my car broke down so I got to run two streets. It felt ALMOST the same except I didn't feel as light or fast or no-asthma-and-unfit-feeling. It was awfully fun.

I love Dory, mainly because she is just amazing but also the fact that I now know a fish, which isn't a goldfish, which has goldfish memory like me. I can not remember anything. J'oublie everything and anything unless it is pure rubbish. I completely forget things such as dreams. Another question: Why and how do you forget?

:D I got an award for PRESENTATION DAY :D Shocky shocks because I'm never that smart O:

Last night's dream was rather funtastic *did you see what I did there*. It was based around the fact that I was a photographer. I was accepted in this Sydney Institute of Photography or something and I was on this mission to photograph the harbour...

WAIT. DREAM FLASHBACK. One of my old dreams I was on this boat and then I had to swim or something I forgot, but the harbour was just murky and dirty and I think there was sharks in there or something. Just a flashback.

...with another guy who was a photographer. We were both professionals :D and we started to take the photos IN the water. It was near the end of that we parted and I left to go to a train station that kind of looks like Bankstown train station. I walked up to the guard with my friend and because I didn't have a ticket, I pickpocketed the guard's master ticket (the guard was very kind- poor old, white-haired, man) and my friend was just THAT amazed that I showed her how to do it and she did it and got through. I dropped the pass on the ground to pretend that I found it on the floor and was like to the guard: Oh hey sir you dropped this. He said thanks and that I was very honest and nice and he said he was going to go to the next train anyway...

WAIT. 'NOTHER DREAM FLASHBACK. Left school early for some reason and I arrived on the platform with my friends. The sky was a very warm sunny. And when I mean early I mean very early.

...so I went with him and my friend. I needed to get off at Bankstown I think and I think somehow I had missed my stop so I wanted to wait till I went to a large station, like Central, to get a higher chance of catching another train quickly. So on the train I saw my photography buddy's friend at the end of the carriage and I waved at him bur he ignored me. So I got off at Lithmore, and I don't even think that is a real place, I think. Might've been the combination of Lakemba and Belmore. Well anyway I got off there and met ANOTHER friend saying that they missed their train to Punchbowl. I think the dream ended with some guy trying to push me onto the train tracks, or that may be just my imagination.

Oh I had this amazing dream, scary but amazing. So my family and I were at this grad opening of this arena which is like a mini Venice. There was a bridge in the middle and I left my family to go stand on that bridge as well as two other guys and a girl. Suddenly the ridge broke and chaos broke out. I can swim of course, but there was a Great White in the water because a piece of debris from the aqua arena had broken the aquarium glass and the blood from the guys who fell and smashed his head inside-out on the debris wasn't good. The girl drowned I think and the other guy died by being pierced with debris. In the midst of chaos I looked at the opening of the arena and I saw this creepy dementor-grim reaper like thing in which I just call a symbolic representation of death. And when I saw him apparently the shark had killed me. BUT WHAT WAS ABSOLUTELY FANTASTICALLY AMAZING was the FACT that I was now looking on as third person. Brilliant it was. Even though I was actually looking at my half destroyed body with a blood-filled water surrounding me. It was fantastic I SWEAR. So anyway spirit-me walked casually around to find my family but COULDN'T so I went to school, of course, because that's what you do in emergencies. Well I went into class just when a kid said: Oh Jade's late. So I went up to the teacher, took his phone and started to try and contact people. Obviously didn't work. Skip to the end because this bit was boring. I saw Hermione buying sarves and ties from the Harry Potter stall (this dream happened after the exhibition I went to: IT WAS FANTASTIC) and she was holding up this newspaper to me which had a photo of all the dead people and how they died and all that.

I think that dream was GREAT.

I have heaps of dreams. I'll tell you more next time. I have to go to a restaurant again now.


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