Thursday 15 November 2012

Welcome to My World

Cher mes incroyable amis partout dans le monde,
Trust me, no more French after this: Je suis très désolé.
The laziness has finally been revealed. Eleven days.
I'm going to make up for it. Right now.

In fact, A VERY EVENTFULL ELEVEN DAYS. I find that this day of all is most appropriate for reasons such as:
•good mood
•exams, no joke, are almost over
•feel like pouring out everything i had
•the week, in total, was eventful
I actually was writing a blog on Friday last week then I woke up to a weekend and was like: "Whoa Jade science exams where are your notes?" But then there's this really odd, sometimes useful, fact that I can randomly wake up or in the middle of something and have this whole new epiphany. It's like I'm just chilling, scrolling through my rubbish Facebook and then all the sudden: WAIT JADE WAIT---IT'S SUNDAY WHAT IN FROG DISHES ARE YOU DOING?

I've had a lot of gloria jeans within ten days ish? Well I've had three. And I caught a cold from my dear friend Alice, right in time for my clarinet exam. *nose and breathing problems*

Have I ever told you guys my average morning of my life? Okay here's the worst morning ever, this week:
*alarm rings at 5:45am*
Jade: no.
*alarm continues to ring and I turn it off*
Jade: YOU wake up *brain makes me wake up* so far I had finally succeeded in world domination and had this epic finale and would make a great storyline and all and I'm like casually typing down these notes on my phone and oh I remember it so well and wait *annoying iPhone alarm is ringing*...but I already turned it off WAIT OH MY GOD I'M DREAMING *wakes up for real (now this sounds like Inception)*...oh that means that I didn't write anything from my real dream but only wrote notes inside my dream about the dream inside that dream and that means...shoot I forgot my dream COMPLETELY. No notes OR memories. They were all about the dream in a dream and in that dream was me waking to from the dream in a dream typing notes and then waking from that dream- HA. THANKS BRAIN.
Brain: anytime body! Wait hey Jade.?
Jade: *face flat at the foot of the bed snoring*

Quote. Of. The. Blooming. Year: "Life can be easy, for example, 'trick' questions" And if that doesn't work out for you: "Life can be tricky, for example, 'easy' questions" I've never recieved 100% because of these "quotes"

Recently I've taken doodling as my job. I don't sell my doodles. I just draw them and try to avoid the stress that is trying to shut down my brain. Completely.

Catch up time with Jade! *audience applauds* Now I've had more exams than you can count, depends how far you can count, but for accuracy, since the last time I have blogged, I've had four exams, and an english one tomorrow SHHEEEETT and a clarinet one SHOOT BASKETBALLS ON THE EIFFEL TOWER.

A few weeks ago I think I had mentioned an astronomy excursion. Well anyway I wasted $5 on a piece of paper which lets you stare at the sun all day without INSTANT blindness. I'e been waiting for this moment for EVER. And the moment came. Woke up early to catch the early train and all prepared and all that so as my excited self woke up that morning, jumping off the bed and scrambling to the wind and pulling up the blinds: I died. The sky was basically culumus clouds. Big. Fat. Dark. Grey. Rainy. Clouds. The solar eclipse was out of sight for a LOONNGG time. Don't worry: the next date is July 22nd 2028. I'll be...just as youthful. Turning 30. Wow. Waiting is not a problem when you're sarcastic.

Oporto is an amazing fast food restaurant because why? THEY. HAD. THESE. AHHMAYYZINGG coins. Remembrance coins, 2012, brand new, on a $2 coin (impossible!) and two of them for change. I was being served by the manager and his facial expression as I marvelled and squeaked and inspected and jumped was stony and like: bro, the fudge?

I think it's great now to give me the award of: LAMEST PUNNY JOKE AWARD. I made my name in maths class today. Ew we're learning about tax D: and doing questions about this girl called Mary who has a low income and wanted a car but then wouldn't have enough money for food. So the teacher is just like: "...blah di that's why, girls, when you grow up, get a great job." I didn't realise how lame I was when I whispered to my partner next to me "We should get a job as a cheese grater." Well she ende up cracking like scrambled eggs and laughing her head off and the teacher is just turning around and everyone stating at us and she says: "someone being a smart alec?" And my partner answers for me between laughs, "nah she just made a really bad joke" Oh but it is always curiosity that kills the cat i.e. my reputation as knowing when to shush and when not to. So the people sitting in the pair of desks infront of me turned around and asked me. Then the back table. Then the sides. And the teacher was saying somethin on the lines of : "care to share?" In my most serious explanation face possible I said "You know how you said we should all get great jobs? I told Shannon that we should be cheese graters when we grow up." It took a while for it to sink in and THEN they realised the joke. Ha. ha. Ha. Great job? No food but want a car? Cheese is a food? Grate -> Great? Oh god I'm so funny sometimes.

Recently dreams have been in my mental black hole, never to see the light of day and why? Alarm. Snooze. Sleep...Mon point exactement (i lied about the french)

On that note, $7000 is due next week for france. Greedy français. Why I can't even afford to pay for my surfing tuition which is only...1.8% of it approximately. Why am I poor :'( But I'm so blooming excited.

Christmas is in the air. You can smell it *no you can't* You can touch it *no you can not either* You can taste it *no you can't* You can see it *no* You can feel it *fine...maybe yes* AND I HAVE BOUGHT THE MAJORITY OF MY CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOR EVERYONE. Thirteen in total. All. Done. C; And I feel so proud.

In school, we do PDHPE sport every friday but 90% of the time we can nor due to bad weather or no place to do so. So this time it was just cloudy and we had set up the cricket field. Then the lighting and thunder came within 28 seconds. And then rain fell like hail literally- the place was flooding. The teacher said: "it'll pass"
Let's just say we ended up watching films for the rest of the time.

Last week of surfing last week :( I'm so sad. We did boogie boarding and body surfing. SO fun. Well anyway boogie boarding is and always will be fun and body surfing...I like everything except:
•salt water in eyes
•salt water in ears
•salt water in nose *pain*
•salt water in mouth
•salt water

I should be sleeping now. I have an exam. Nah it's okay. I will always wake up...
Brain: LIAR

Well you know that feeling when you are just running for your life. At the edge of fear itself. So you are just sprinting down your street at night on the balls of your feet until you feel safe? Of course not, but I do. For abour four days I had consecutively had dreams about running. Whether from kidnappers, my family for some odd reason, my teachers or something. Oh and there was this time where people in my grade were forced to make these different types of food (i had to make fruit jellies) and sell it and if you were caught eating any or taking any SOMEONE'S THROAT WILL BE SLIT. Anyway, no distractions. Well I've been running. A lot. Just needed to say it because it feels for some reason awfully important.

Well that's it for today. I'll leave it there. I'll most likely post this weekend. Toodles.

Below are images for this week (in order): Boofly doodle, cool sky, raining sport day, lizardy doodle, me falling off my surfboard, an unfinished eye, and my favourite monotelescorpion: Charlie Ice-Scream

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