Tuesday 27 November 2012

Setting Fire to the Rain

Success *cough*
My assignment wasn't set on fire entirely. But still I accidently lost control of the fire and 30% was burnt off.

Hey there :D

Jinxes are so fun. One of my classmates has been a victim. Apparently the beginning of this year, I said JINX to her and when she got home she broke her arm. I didn't do ANYTHING though. Also there was this time where in science I was partners with her and we had one mL too much. So she tried to pour it out slowly and just before it I was like: jinx mate. Long story short, half of the liquid was hone.

AHAHA. I have a friend who really likes Channing Tatum and she showed me a photo from the newspaper. She shouldn't have because now I call him "The Fish".

What a role model should always say:
Brother: Isn't it theres always room for improvement?
Me: No it's dessert. Always room for dessert.

I went to a restaurant yesterday for my brother's birthday and for dessert they served oranges (sliced, of course). And I just felt like eating around four slices and on my last slice I ate it THEN I shoved it in my mouth so it looks like I don't have teeth but an ORANGE peel instead. IT WAS SO FUNNY. The waiter came to me and I smiled at her.

What the fudge biscuits is five-ever? Who says that? What happened to forever? D: *disgusted face* five...ever?

Everyone apparently thinks my jokes are lame. Gosh it's not like I make everyone take my crackers so they can crack up. Or offer them overdue bills. Because it's rather billiant. Ahaha I should win "MOST PUNNIEST AND PUNIQUE JOKER"

Bad thing about Sydney: CRAZY weather. I wonder whether the weather will weather away my happiness? Well it was pouring yesterday so on my way home I had to run through the rain and puddles on the way to the car. Hellephants, it has been YEARS since I ran in puddles. I jumped in them onthe way and the water was so flopping warm so it didn't worry me and all. It was just this feeling of absolute elation exploding in my tiny veins. Oh the fun of childhood (still have mine).

Do you know what also gives this state of absolute pure bliss? Drugs. Ahaha no I'm joking. Running. Running does. I hate running but I had never ran home before. I think it was mentioned in the blog post "Welcome to my World" about how (then) recently my dreams were about running away, usually AWAY from home. But this dream running felt oddly different. It doesn't feel like I'm suffocating from asthma or being unfit but like I could run like the wind through my street away from kidnappers, murderers, great grandmas and more. Today my car broke down so I got to run two streets. It felt ALMOST the same except I didn't feel as light or fast or no-asthma-and-unfit-feeling. It was awfully fun.

I love Dory, mainly because she is just amazing but also the fact that I now know a fish, which isn't a goldfish, which has goldfish memory like me. I can not remember anything. J'oublie everything and anything unless it is pure rubbish. I completely forget things such as dreams. Another question: Why and how do you forget?

:D I got an award for PRESENTATION DAY :D Shocky shocks because I'm never that smart O:

Last night's dream was rather funtastic *did you see what I did there*. It was based around the fact that I was a photographer. I was accepted in this Sydney Institute of Photography or something and I was on this mission to photograph the harbour...

WAIT. DREAM FLASHBACK. One of my old dreams I was on this boat and then I had to swim or something I forgot, but the harbour was just murky and dirty and I think there was sharks in there or something. Just a flashback.

...with another guy who was a photographer. We were both professionals :D and we started to take the photos IN the water. It was near the end of that we parted and I left to go to a train station that kind of looks like Bankstown train station. I walked up to the guard with my friend and because I didn't have a ticket, I pickpocketed the guard's master ticket (the guard was very kind- poor old, white-haired, man) and my friend was just THAT amazed that I showed her how to do it and she did it and got through. I dropped the pass on the ground to pretend that I found it on the floor and was like to the guard: Oh hey sir you dropped this. He said thanks and that I was very honest and nice and he said he was going to go to the next train anyway...

WAIT. 'NOTHER DREAM FLASHBACK. Left school early for some reason and I arrived on the platform with my friends. The sky was a very warm sunny. And when I mean early I mean very early.

...so I went with him and my friend. I needed to get off at Bankstown I think and I think somehow I had missed my stop so I wanted to wait till I went to a large station, like Central, to get a higher chance of catching another train quickly. So on the train I saw my photography buddy's friend at the end of the carriage and I waved at him bur he ignored me. So I got off at Lithmore, and I don't even think that is a real place, I think. Might've been the combination of Lakemba and Belmore. Well anyway I got off there and met ANOTHER friend saying that they missed their train to Punchbowl. I think the dream ended with some guy trying to push me onto the train tracks, or that may be just my imagination.

Oh I had this amazing dream, scary but amazing. So my family and I were at this grad opening of this arena which is like a mini Venice. There was a bridge in the middle and I left my family to go stand on that bridge as well as two other guys and a girl. Suddenly the ridge broke and chaos broke out. I can swim of course, but there was a Great White in the water because a piece of debris from the aqua arena had broken the aquarium glass and the blood from the guys who fell and smashed his head inside-out on the debris wasn't good. The girl drowned I think and the other guy died by being pierced with debris. In the midst of chaos I looked at the opening of the arena and I saw this creepy dementor-grim reaper like thing in which I just call a symbolic representation of death. And when I saw him apparently the shark had killed me. BUT WHAT WAS ABSOLUTELY FANTASTICALLY AMAZING was the FACT that I was now looking on as third person. Brilliant it was. Even though I was actually looking at my half destroyed body with a blood-filled water surrounding me. It was fantastic I SWEAR. So anyway spirit-me walked casually around to find my family but COULDN'T so I went to school, of course, because that's what you do in emergencies. Well I went into class just when a kid said: Oh Jade's late. So I went up to the teacher, took his phone and started to try and contact people. Obviously didn't work. Skip to the end because this bit was boring. I saw Hermione buying sarves and ties from the Harry Potter stall (this dream happened after the exhibition I went to: IT WAS FANTASTIC) and she was holding up this newspaper to me which had a photo of all the dead people and how they died and all that.

I think that dream was GREAT.

I have heaps of dreams. I'll tell you more next time. I have to go to a restaurant again now.


Monday 26 November 2012

Lady Bugs Me

Hey mates :D

Do-do you get my title? If you see the image it is of a very pretty ladybug. And it truly bugs me. Why are there so many creatures in the world? Why are my only good pictures are of ladybugs? Why is it always orange ladybugs. Why do they alway come to me. Stop it.

Now I officially know what is a MUST before I die: it is my DREAM. Ohkay kay kay here's the lovely scenario.
'Driving down in the pretty purple sunset wearing comfy clothes by myself with a soft fluffy pillow, down the peaceful country near an empty beach with my awesome camera. Stopping at the beach I take out my tripod and camera and start taking photos of the beautiful scenery for my internationally famed photographs (oh stop it, you...really because I'll never make it out of the friends and family loop). Then when I'm done I go and chase the happy seagulls around the beach, stepping in the cool water. I launch my nuclear bomb and the world ends.

Ignore the last sentence and I'll continue: And then when it's night I have my personal sun which brightens up the place because IF THERE IS NO LIGHT MONSTERS WILL CRAWL OUT FROM UNDER THE CAR SEAT and I use it and write a best seller (JOKING. not more then a personal read). That day will come. Then I'll finally finish going around Aus, then to Europe. I'll leave it there.

I whinge alot. Oh gosh I realised. There are actually various issues about myself I need to whinge about (or most commonly known as 'rants')
•My health overall: Yes mental and physical. OH GOD IM SO BORED AND TIRED AND MY LEGS AND MY HEAD AND MY EYES HURTS.
•Tardiness: I'm ALWAYS late.
•The lost and the found: If I gave you $100 for anything I had lost before and now found it would be negative infinity. I lose everything.
•Neatness: No. Just...no.
•Sleeping: If you turn me into a bear I'll sleep throughout the whole year unless someone takes my pillow or my quilt and if you do I'LL SLIT YOUR THROAATT *escalates further* and give you a lollipop.
N.B. it's okay Yameng, I give you permission. Swear I won't slice anything. Beside my croissant. Because I know I'm getting a croissant. Chocolate one. With hot chocolate. And sprinkles. And marshmallows. And macarons.
•Clicking pens: I did that in class today and the world punishes my by pouring ink all over my arm.
•The Joker: I tend to scare people. And prank them. And joke. Alot. Bad in some cases because noone trusts you •Hats: Nothing should become an "obsession". Anything that becomes an obsession or habit is bad. Exactly, apples, go AWAY.

See you later fiends *no typo :D* I'm off to go burn my assignment.

Sunday 25 November 2012

Reality and Dreams

Why are people always so curious? *hypocritical*


Woo. Got a haircut. But it's weird because I just don't like it. Not liking it. Nup. Mum has bad taste. Nup. Nup.

I'm very curious. And interested in things. I'd research if I didn't get distracted so easily--OH HEY LOOK ITS A CHAIR. I'VE ALWAYS WANTED ONE. No I'm joking, no not that easily. Do you see what I mean? I get off topic alot. Well in some of my blogs I've actually raised questions, such as:
•Can anyone imagine a new colour right now?
•If some animals are limited to some colours, how do we know that the shades and tints (black and white) are just as being colour blind to that particular colour?
•Why and how do dreams occur and why can you not remember them?
•Are there more to shadows? D:
•Why are people curious?
•Why do things fear?
•What if there is really a parallel universe but the problem is we are the actually "parallel" part and the other universe is the real original universe and O:?

Yeah why am I curious?

For me it's really hard to distinguish dreams from reality unless the dream was entirely unbelievable. Because, for example there was this day where my mum was like: If you wake up early I'll take you outside the house. And she never says that so I thought it was a dream and slept until 1pm. Then when I actually woke up she's like: Nah it's too late to go now. And I think I mentioned this other dreams about tigers, coldplay, slums, and a carpark and well I woke up and actually thought I had tickets to go to their concert in 88 weeks so of course I was excitedfor the whole day until around midday I was like: WAIT. TIGERS DIDN'T MAUL PEOPLE IN A CARPARK. Ahh dreams. Never achievable *except for logical ones, like time travel*


Oh and I had a dream two nights ago. So okay I was kidnapped and was locked in this dungeon-y bedroom area by this evil step-mum (maybe because I was watching once upon a time before bed) and then if I didn't do something (i forgot) then she will drown everyone else by raising the water under the bridge slowly. Well really I didn't care but then I felt bad so I was like: fine then. So she took me to the petrol station and to save everyone else I had to go and do hopscotch for a LONG time. Oh also there was swings but this fat child (ahaha) was hogging it and I was very upset so I stole his chicken nuggets and went to go do hopscotch. But this was no ordinary hopscotch. It was on moving chairs. So it's just a tad stressful *cough* so after twice I think I gave up and I hijacked a bus coach and drove around the petrol station and just...drove home. When i went home I went on my computer and my sister was watching some music videos online and then all the sudden she injects me with this needle and I was like: GOD AIMEE WHY DID YOU DO THAT HUH I COULDVE DIED COULDVE BURST MY ARTERIES COULDVE OVERDOSED ME I DONT EVEN NEED A VACCINE WITH ANYTHING DONT YOU DARE INJECT ME WITH ANYMORE WEAKER FORMS OF VIRUSES TO SAVE ME but thanks but WHAT DID YOU EVEN GIVE ME I NEED A BANDAID WHO CARES IF ITS NOT BLEEDING IT HURTS YOU BLOODY-. And then she was like: *evil laugh* IM NOT YOUR SISTER. So i relaxed and was like: ohhkay. Go on *opening a pack of mini bandaids and trying to put on one*. To make a long story short she had just injected me with heroin.

The heroin part was maybe because I was reading this short story online about some guy being kidnapped and being forced to take heroin. Ahaha.

And I think I messed up my blog big time. I was editing some typos and too large images and titles and before I knew it...it was all reposting. So it may be confusing and I'm so bloody sorry but yeah. It's reality. Let's face it.

I have an issue I need to rant. Do you know how when you wash your hands and there is no towel to dry them on you have this whole heap of residue water on them? Well it just seems to me that it is BLOODY disgusting to just shake it off in someone's face. Do you know how many germs are in every drop? Do you know how SICK you can get from them? There's things like bacteria and whatnot in there and that can give you digestive problems. You. Just. Don't. DO. That. Here's proof: You have germs on your hands. Then you touch the tap to turn on the water. Then you wash it. Then you turn off the water by touching the germ-filled tap you used to turn on the water and JUST BECAUSE YOU WASHED YOUR HANDS DOESN'T MEAN ALL THE GERMS ARE GONE.

And no I have no fear of germs I just don't like it how peope just shake their hands in your face and you do NOT know where they have been.

IMAGE: a cupcake. yum. not germ-infested. fine, maybe.

Indescribable by all means

Hey there. TODAY IS AN AMAZING DATE: 21/11/12. Just thought I shouldv'e mentioned it.

And I think this post will not be as exciting and as fun as my others.

Ohmygosh I am so tired. Just had swimming for a few kilometres and it was like 100m butterfly non-stop and I am horrible at butterfly. Dislike swimming. Very much. I am so tired.

You must be wondering why the title of my blog changed from 'Don't Forget Toffee Apples' to what it is now. I have good reasons:
  • School is making me go crazy
  • I just really really like hats 
Today I've just realised I've never been clothes shopping before without my mum to pick my clothes. What am I. I usually go shopping for hats *surprise*, accessories and stationery and food *surprise surprise surprise*. Tomorrow I'm going to Westfield to have MAX BRENNER (best place ever) and to go buy the Coldplay Live 2012 :D AND this weekend I'm going to watch The Perks Of Being A Wallflower (EMMA WATSON :D) with my cousin before she goes to the US. I really want to go back there. Need an adventure AND I've only discovered about 3% of it all. Regrets should never occur unnecessarily in your life ESPECIALLY if you are an opportunist.

Talking about opportunists, I find, and swear, that I am an extreme opportunist. When I don't go and take that beautiful opportunity, regrets and anger and grief explode and if I take it but it is a bad opportunity, well...regrets and anger and grief explode (for example, missing on out that coldplay concert...*lyric reference* don't let it break your heart). I feel that my blog isn't interesting anymore.

Oh FUNNY TIME. Well it really isn't but it's a good exaggeration. I spent the WHOLE day in my spare time trying to finish my essay and then just as it was due after lunch *poof* I lost it. Just as I finished. Oh well. I had a punny mood today. Made one for my friend: sKELLYton :D

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Third Wheel, is in my grasp, and I really love bookworld now, it took only 3 days to arrive O: So far, it's quite okay. I cannot say much because I'm only up to page 24.

Also today I'm really happy because I made it to this amazing class next year because of my luck. Yes. It is maths *actual surprise surprise*

My dreams have been just...slightly...odd. My latest dream was about me being able to go to the Coldplay concert at Parramatta in 88 weeks end then as my mum drove along the road into an empty carpark there were two people from Dharavi (we were learning about slums in geography that day and we were also performing our conversations to one another, in which I was not the Indian but the Brazillian favela person) and they were just coming back from shopping. Suddenly they were mauled by tigers and then something happened. Aww I forgot but something happened to my mum and I... Keep on imagining fellows.

Lately I've realised *mini-epiphany* that I talk really fast. And when I mean fast I mean really really fast. I realised I need to arr-tick-ku-late my words better because its all mumbo jumbo when I try to say too much in such little time. Just slow-oh-oww-oh-oww-oh-oww it down....

This morning I thought it was a Thursday which means I don't go to school early. Well silly me put my alarm on in time for my late train and then sillier me decided to sleep in another half an hour after pressing snooze for a gazillion times after the alarm rang. Then during school at recess I thought it was Monday. Then Thursday. Then Wednesday. Ahh the days of the week. Just keeps getting better and better.

OH on Tuesday we made these DELICIOUS bread cases in food tech which had yummy corn and asparagus in them. Just. Love. Food.

I feel like describing myself right now so: Hey there. I'm Jade. Opportunist. Optimist (sometimes). Joker. Highly sarcastic. Lazy. Tired. Artistic. Odd. Adventurer. Chocoholic. Reader. Writer. Sleepy.

I have come to realise that I am very lonely during maths. Sitting there, all alone, trying not to sleep. But it's okay. When someone's friend is away and they don't want to sit alone, they shove Bob the Shadow out of the chair and sit next to me. I have this cycle: Shannon then Emily then Hannah then Mayeesha. Just rotates overtime C: That also used to happen in French but now we have the "first come first served" rule :D

It's 10:41 pm. :'(

I also remembered: I lied again. Didn't finish off my bucket list today but I remembered that one of them was to buy a yellow bucket.

I promise I'll make a better blog by Friday at the most. Pinky promise.

Did you know if you broke a pinky promise you have to chop off your pinky? Never happened. Ever.

Images: My Christmas card from class and bread cases. YUMMY.

N.B. This isn't actually a post I posted on 25/11/12 it's just that I fixed the pictures so they look nicer. Never knew it publishes as a new post. Sorry for the confusion.

Thursday 22 November 2012

42 Wallaby Way, Sydney

Hi hi hi hi HEY THERE.

In a great mood today *cough*

Eww a beetle fell off the ceiling onto the floor and I was like "hmm what does it look like?" So my dumb self went up to it and and and I saw it was upside down, wriggling its legs. So of course I didn't see it had wings so I went right up close, like a few centimetres away from it, watching it wriggle. But of course just love my luck, it turned back the right way and flew onto my foot. I'm not a screamer but I'm jumpy so i just...jumped and then it fell off, upside down again. It was all too much for me so I grabbed what was nearest to me and put it out of its misery. Eww. Cruel, but to be kind you must be cruel. Shakespeare knows it all.

WOO JUST FINISHED WATCHING FINDING NEMO. I love the Australian accents AHAHA. Then I started watching Harry Potter. Then Prince of Persia. Then...the Beetles (it's just a joke on the beetle on my foot...and the Beatles).

I got the COLDPLAY LIVE 2012 DVDFGHJKL. So. Happy. :'). It's so BEAUTIFUL. Though if you are diagnosed with epilepsy please do bot watch as I do not know how to help a person with seizures. The lights and colours flash a bit too much for even non-epileptic people. BUT ITS STILL BEAUTIFUL. CSI also has a flashy intro but not as bad as this XD cool I want to be a CSI :D But there was this funny time at school where my friend was at her locker and I took her keys and I was so blooming tempted to sing "I stole a key...took a car downtown where the lost boys meet..." but thought the better of the high chances of being thought of as an "insane" person over one referring to Coldplay.

I'm still looking for a good photography course, but of course luck never strikes me. I found HEAPS in The Big Apple (lovely place- I would live there if it wasn't so crowded and dirty) some decent ones in Sydney but I think they are mainly for adults. Sad.

On the topic of New York, I had this funny scenario with my geography teacer during the time I was working on my assignment with my buddy. And as you can see, my assignment was on New York *surprise surprise*:
Teacher: Have you ever been to New York?
Me: Yep.
Teacher: What did you think of it?
(Now there are alot of things to describe New York: fun, interesting, crowded, different, busy, snowy, cold, enjoyable, nice, cool, amazing but...)
Me: Dirty.
AND I have a good reason to say so. I was walking along some street near Broadway, this shopping place and Burger King near this Chruch near my hotel and at this time of the year it was snowing. So there was piles of American snow everywhere BUT what I didn't realise is that, among the snow, was huge white bags of rubbish. Then there's the classic "jump into the snow and make a snow angel" feeling but just as I went up to it I faced the truth. New York is not a good place to make snow angels. And the snow is mixed with dirt so it's easy to mix it up with rubbish bags. It is truly crowded. One time, walking along the main street towards Times Square...SUDDENLY everyone was compacted like a tin of sardines literally- I was smaller then so all I knew was "cool I'm breathing in some guy's winter coat. Smells really nice now."

If I compared the US to Australia I's choose Norway. That's a kind of pun with "no way" and an accent. AHAHA. Bad but reasonable. I think Australia has a better... environment and is a lot less crowded. The US is just like my school bus stop (NY referrence: CROWDED) and I swear they don't need to act so unaware about Australian accents and slang. I don't even sound like someone with a bogan accent. The only difference is that I don't pronounce my R's with much force, like an Australian. Here's an incident in Anaheim, CA:
Dad (to local): 'Scuse me do you know where target is? (pronounced: tahget)
Person: Sorry what is target?
Dad: Y'know...the store with the red and white target sign?
*person looks confused*
Mum: He means TAR-get (pronounced american-ly)
Person: OH tarrrrget. Yep just five blocks ahead.

I swear that wasn't hard. Another funny scenario was:
Me: Sorry where is the rubbish bin?
Rellie: *looks confused*
Me: Do you know where the bin is so I can put my rubbish in?
Rellie: *still looks at me*
Me: *gives up but until around a minute later I go back up to him* Whoops sorry do you know where the TRASH CAN is so I can put my garbage in?
Rellie: Oh right here.

I decided to teach a bunch of my American rellies some slang:
Me: So you see, we say FAIRY FLOSS not COTTON CANDY. And we don't ride kangaroos to school. That is something called "ANIMAL CRUELTY"

I also had some dumb moments too.
Rellie: ...blahblah....and the squirrels...
Me: WHOA. You guys have squirrels?
Rellie: yeah all the time in our backyard.
Me: *amazed* can I go see them?
Rellie: Umm...you shouldn't because they can give you rabies.

Completely forgot about rabies.

Something I really liked about Louisiana was the French Quarter. Amazing history right there. And lovely french powdered cakes.

I need another adventure. My cousin js going to the US again next week. Lucky duck. I could only afford the cheapo tickets to go the Sunshine coast now. If I had that opportunity, I would go in Spring or Autumn and go to everything possible. (Please refer to the opportunist section in my previous blog "Indescribable by All Means"). Europe is another place I need to tackle. I feel like I'm always trapped in this house of mine with just work. Working all the time. And the only places are Olympic Park, school, extra classes centres and that is about it. Besides random shopping times.

I need to teach myself more about painting. I get imaptient and ruin things. Though I'm very patient, for some odd reason when it comes to paint I just lose it and don't bother waiting. I prefer drawing and doodling- something in which my expertise in the arts finally show. I need to go to an art school. And get a DSLR. Yes I do.

I haven't written in a long time. Stories, poems and even dreams (yeaahhhs... bout that... I got lazy and stopped ish). I've had millions of fantastic best-seller worthy ideas. But laziness always wins *yay let's all give three cheers* (sarcasm, if you didn't notice). So anyway do you want a random poem I made in those few seconds? Sure.

POEM: Dusk

I hate the seas,
I hate the sky,
I hate the flees,
And I hate why.

I hate the plights,
That aren't flown in my lights.
With their endless nights,
And curious mights.

Those empty stars know
How silence is slow
And how answers are always a bittersweet no.

Did I just write a random poem? Of course you did...not. You typed that up. It doesn't count. Those trees dies for a reason, gosh.

Oh another scenario (so many today) AHAHA:
Friend: What does Qu'est-ce que c'est mean?
Me: What is it?
Friend: Qu'est-ce que c'est.
Me: Yeah, what is it?
Friend: like...what does it mean?
Friend: OH right. But you kind misheard me because I said (insert whatever she had said that sounds like qu'est-ce que c'est)
Me: ohmygod.

Images: My chocolate shot today from Max Brenner and another clown I drew but the teeth shrunk because of excess outlining. There is also this beautiful ladybug picture I took and a frangipani I found and my Gloria Jeans anddd a backyard fire. NOT IN ORDER.

Sunday 18 November 2012

Epiphany in a Bucket

Hi there :)

I feel normal. Oh my God. This is a first. I actually feel NORMAL. My stress was kicked out of my house so now I don't even care about my work. Actually I do but, still.

I just had this mini-epiphany, which is my favourite word in english because, it just is...and it sounds cool. Well it was about that I should learn more languages. I used to know Italian. But it flew out of the window. Ahh. I'll add it to my bucket list so I'm going to learn six languages. Hopefuly fluently. So far english I've got pretty smoothly (but of course), french- I'm heading there, italian- need to get back on track, japanese- need to get back on track and vietnamese- need to start to actually listen and understand and learn. Now the last one... Spanish, Mandarin or Russian? Maybe spanish...si? Ahaha. My name originates from Spain. I still have a long life to live. No jinxes please.

Actually some news just killed my mood. EWW I HAVE TO START PIANO. no. Because I have "shamed" the best of my skills in clarinet. Well I know it's good to be able to play various instruments but not until I finish at least my clarinet. I'm already juggling guitar and ukulele. I know the basics of piano, self-taught because I'm pretty sure a majority of people just self-taught themselves. I think I want to learn four instruments: clarinet, guitar/ukulele, piano and drums.

Since the topic is basically a bucket list I'll discuss some of my important points.
•I need to travel to forty countries by the time I turn thirty: yes that is right FORTY. So far I've been to Australia (only four states), Vietnam (still need to go on their famous road the Hai Van Pass) and the United States. Next year I'm going to France and then back to the US. WOO. Paris and New York. All the way C:. That total will be only four countries; thirty six left. I'm (hope I am) going to go to the rest of Europe for sure, Japan, Russia, Canada, Fiji, Antarctica, South America for their Amazon, New Zealand and Hawaii.
•Skydiving: I am awfully scared of heights. Exactly why I want to go skydiving. I want to face that blooming fear and go and fly C:
•Sports: Five sports I hope to get good at- Swimming, Surfing, Cycling, Badminton, Tennis. Played all of them befote but not necessarily fantastic at them. Shame.
•Mountain Climbing: I'm talking about Everest. Nah I'm joking I can't even do indoor rock climbing.
•Scuba Diving: Great Barrier Reef is a MUST. At this age I simply can not even though I visit the Sunshine State every year because my mum has a phobia of water. Sad. I really wanted to find nemo and dory. I LOVE YOU DORYY <3
•Ride an elephant: I've asked a mate of mine and she said in India you only do that when you get married. Aww. That is so irrelephant.
•Bermuda Triangle: For those people who have been to the Gold coast's Sea World, no not that ride- The ACTUAL Triangle. I'm going to be the first person to survive. Just in case I'll do this activity last on my bucket list.
•Go on a helicopter: I really want to become a pilot for a plane or copter but I don't know if THAT will ever happen.
•Go life saving: BEACH Life saving. Really want to have a go. I swear my rescue abilities are great. I think.
•Eat koalas: OH MY GOD. I'm joking. Hug* Hug koalas C: I really do. THEY. ARE. ADORABLE. They meet the "most adorable" koalafications XD
•See Coldplay and the cast of White Collar: Ahh their concert is on right now at this very SECOND probably singing the best song ever: EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING. Yes Bernice has made me get stuck to White Collar now but it's really gooood C: And this is probably when a get a chance to do another thing on the list- hi5 a celebrity or even get an autograph or a picture :D
•Write a best seller...ish: You can dream.
•Create artworks to become FAMOUS: ahahaha. Dream on. Though I have FANTASTIC ideas. Drawing and doodling are only the best of my abilities. Need to learn how to paint.
•Photography: My dream job. As this adventurous funny director-photographer-animator-journalist-author-artist-detective-architect-explorer-forensic-scientist-astronomer- person.
•Plan some movies and scripts: Really wanted to make a blockbuster some day.
•Drive around Australia: So Australian- Inspired by The Magic Possum by Mem Fox
•Grow a successful plant: Gardeners- You will die when you see my garden and soil. It is a zone of many deaths of many plants. We will remember them.
•Create a dream house and clothes: Designing skills are to be unleashed. This reminds me of a lame joke about my dog, called Blizzard (he was on a leash. And I was just casually screaming UNLEASH THE BLIZZARD) My house will have circle windows and doodles and whatnot on all the walls and sunflowers in the garden and all. My clothes are really just...hats. They aren't even clothes. I just like hats.
•Go to the world's tallest buildings: Five of them. Sad that I threw away an opportunity. Was right next to the Empire State Building.
•Drive a yellow car: The pain it would cause to many
•Go to the olympics AS A SPECTATOR: Australia can do better than being fourth.
•See a total solar eclipse: Damn you ESSA- could've gone to Cairns on tuesday. Or at least the clouds should have gone away in Sydney.
•Poke a turtle: I actually don't know why.
•Climb the harbour bridge: Inspiredby the Biggest Loser show :D
•Ride a hot air balloon: Yes. Yes. Yes. YES. A RED ONE. or a rainbow one. I will not accept any other designs.
•Learn to knit or crochet: This one has been on bucket list for over two years. No progress because my mum is like hmm there are no good needles or crochet tools left. Oh well next time is always a good time. Well YEP MUMMY I'm waiting for that 'next time' >:(
•Go to Uluru: Just because. It is amazing at dusk.
•Get a sport trophy: That day will come. Hope is always there along with my dreams. *harsh wind blows window open* WAIT NO *hope flew out of the open window* NOO DON'T GO! Ahh well there goes my hopes. At least I have my dr- *dreams fly out of the window* Shoot buckles in a bunny factory.
•Go to the room of candles: It's in Italy. Absolutely beautiful for a claustrophobic person.
•Go across the monkey bars successfully without touching the ground: ...why did I add 'successfully without touching the ground?' D: THAT IS SO HARD.
•Break a window or a guitar: There's that urge when there is a heavy rock next to your hand and a glass window...
•Buy a plain red balloon: the one with helium. I shouldn't because helium will run out by 2018 NOOO
•Cover my dog in foil: I don't know. What. Is. Wrong with me.
•Go kayaking and hiking: It's fun and adventurous.
•See the northern lights. Or southern: THEY ARE BE-YOUU-TI-FULLL

I'll finish the list next time C:

Today I went high and went outside to go and chase me dog and spray him with a water gun which scared the living daylights out of him. Oh well.

Good night guys. Sleep tight. Let the bed bugs bite.

...I was supposed to put a 'don't' somewhere in there wasn't I?

Image: Cookies I made yesterday C: YUMMY.

Saturday 17 November 2012

Dear Musical People

HOW DO YOU SURVIVE IN AN EXAM. i ruined EVERYTHING. Even before the exam the traffic was like getting stuck in New York and then I got lost in the conservatorium. The first thing i got was a G major scale which was the easiest scale for me normally. And when i played. I forgot the G's OH MY GOD. And the first and last bar of my easiest piece ALL IN THE WRONG NOTES AND TIMING. I didn't know how to tune my clari. I forgot all my general knowledge. Couldn't tell the difference between a tie and slur anymore. Completely killed my appeggio. Not allowed to go Christmas shopping when I'm in the city or have a shake at Lindt when it's practically next door or the Darling. Couldn't even watch tele last night. Ruined my sleep in. Can't go to Coldplay's concert tonight. All my dad wants to do now is to go to the fish market not to even buy fish. My stockings ripped. I'm complaining more than I do in an average week. Mum wanting me to change from clarinet to piano. But I don't. It's piaNO. No for piano. Eww. Everyone does it. How unique is it now? Couldn't play the double bass because apparently I'm too short. I'm even complaining about things from las year. I squished my hat. I will now remember this as the worst day in 2012. My dad offered me coke. YUCK COKE. I'm sick during my exam day too.

And for the past week I actually did really well in my practices. Well a lot better than today.

Thanks, the man upstairs.

Image: Me just before my exam+my face about my exam afterwards

Friday 16 November 2012

Life is so Cold

I lied again. I'm posting today about a very special issue I have come to face. I'm really happy and sad right now. Really that is known as neutral. Here are the pieces of great news: White Collar is on today C: and I AM ALLOWED TO GO TO THE COLPLAY CONCERT. Bad news: it is not a new episode of White Collar and the concert is tomorrow so it is virtually impossible to go in a way.

Selling tickets since March, I was so happy and I asked my mum during the presale. No. During March. No. April. No. May. No. June. No. July. No. August. No. September. Maybe because it is your birthday, but no. October. No. November. No. The week before. Yes but you have an obstructed view. The day before. Sure Go ahead.

Oh my blooming goat.
It's blooming COLDPLAY. WHY.

Well anyway my LAST exam known is tomorrow, my clarinet. I hope I do well. Don't feel so confident so I'm sad. I'm also sad because I still haven't got Yameng's knitting books. But I will soon. Definitely.

I should NOT have called this URL "jadeishappy" because most of the time it is just angry and sad rants about my small little life.

While waiting for my tv show to pop up, I'm now watching Iron Man 2. (the irony: Chris Martin's wife is in this)

Short, but done. See you again soon.

Image: the evolved Charlie

Thursday 15 November 2012

Welcome to My World

Cher mes incroyable amis partout dans le monde,
Trust me, no more French after this: Je suis très désolé.
The laziness has finally been revealed. Eleven days.
I'm going to make up for it. Right now.

In fact, A VERY EVENTFULL ELEVEN DAYS. I find that this day of all is most appropriate for reasons such as:
•good mood
•exams, no joke, are almost over
•feel like pouring out everything i had
•the week, in total, was eventful
I actually was writing a blog on Friday last week then I woke up to a weekend and was like: "Whoa Jade science exams where are your notes?" But then there's this really odd, sometimes useful, fact that I can randomly wake up or in the middle of something and have this whole new epiphany. It's like I'm just chilling, scrolling through my rubbish Facebook and then all the sudden: WAIT JADE WAIT---IT'S SUNDAY WHAT IN FROG DISHES ARE YOU DOING?

I've had a lot of gloria jeans within ten days ish? Well I've had three. And I caught a cold from my dear friend Alice, right in time for my clarinet exam. *nose and breathing problems*

Have I ever told you guys my average morning of my life? Okay here's the worst morning ever, this week:
*alarm rings at 5:45am*
Jade: no.
*alarm continues to ring and I turn it off*
Jade: YOU wake up *brain makes me wake up* Hmm...so so far I had finally succeeded in world domination and had this epic finale and would make a great storyline and all and I'm like casually typing down these notes on my phone and oh I remember it so well and wait *annoying iPhone alarm is ringing*...but I already turned it off WAIT OH MY GOD I'M DREAMING *wakes up for real (now this sounds like Inception)*...oh that means that I didn't write anything from my real dream but only wrote notes inside my dream about the dream inside that dream and that means...shoot I forgot my dream COMPLETELY. No notes OR memories. They were all about the dream in a dream and in that dream was me waking to from the dream in a dream typing notes and then waking from that dream- HA. THANKS BRAIN.
Brain: anytime body! Wait hey Jade.?
Jade: *face flat at the foot of the bed snoring*

Quote. Of. The. Blooming. Year: "Life can be easy, for example, 'trick' questions" And if that doesn't work out for you: "Life can be tricky, for example, 'easy' questions" I've never recieved 100% because of these "quotes"

Recently I've taken doodling as my job. I don't sell my doodles. I just draw them and try to avoid the stress that is trying to shut down my brain. Completely.

Catch up time with Jade! *audience applauds* Now I've had more exams than you can count, depends how far you can count, but for accuracy, since the last time I have blogged, I've had four exams, and an english one tomorrow SHHEEEETT and a clarinet one SHOOT BASKETBALLS ON THE EIFFEL TOWER.

A few weeks ago I think I had mentioned an astronomy excursion. Well anyway I wasted $5 on a piece of paper which lets you stare at the sun all day without INSTANT blindness. I'e been waiting for this moment for EVER. And the moment came. Woke up early to catch the early train and all prepared and all that so as my excited self woke up that morning, jumping off the bed and scrambling to the wind and pulling up the blinds: I died. The sky was basically culumus clouds. Big. Fat. Dark. Grey. Rainy. Clouds. The solar eclipse was out of sight for a LOONNGG time. Don't worry: the next date is July 22nd 2028. I'll be...just as youthful. Turning 30. Wow. Waiting is not a problem when you're sarcastic.

Oporto is an amazing fast food restaurant because why? THEY. HAD. THESE. AHHMAYYZINGG coins. Remembrance coins, 2012, brand new, on a $2 coin (impossible!) and two of them for change. I was being served by the manager and his facial expression as I marvelled and squeaked and inspected and jumped was stony and like: bro, the fudge?

I think it's great now to give me the award of: LAMEST PUNNY JOKE AWARD. I made my name in maths class today. Ew we're learning about tax D: and doing questions about this girl called Mary who has a low income and wanted a car but then wouldn't have enough money for food. So the teacher is just like: "...blah di blah...so that's why, girls, when you grow up, get a great job." I didn't realise how lame I was when I whispered to my partner next to me "We should get a job as a cheese grater." Well she ende up cracking like scrambled eggs and laughing her head off and the teacher is just turning around and everyone stating at us and she says: "someone being a smart alec?" And my partner answers for me between laughs, "nah she just made a really bad joke" Oh but it is always curiosity that kills the cat i.e. my reputation as knowing when to shush and when not to. So the people sitting in the pair of desks infront of me turned around and asked me. Then the back table. Then the sides. And the teacher was saying somethin on the lines of : "care to share?" In my most serious explanation face possible I said "You know how you said we should all get great jobs? I told Shannon that we should be cheese graters when we grow up." It took a while for it to sink in and THEN they realised the joke. Ha. ha. Ha. Great job? No food but want a car? Cheese is a food? Grate -> Great? Oh god I'm so funny sometimes.

Recently dreams have been in my mental black hole, never to see the light of day and why? Alarm. Snooze. Sleep...Mon point exactement (i lied about the french)

On that note, $7000 is due next week for france. Greedy français. Why I can't even afford to pay for my surfing tuition which is only...1.8% of it approximately. Why am I poor :'( But I'm so blooming excited.

Christmas is in the air. You can smell it *no you can't* You can touch it *no you can not either* You can taste it *no you can't* You can see it *no* You can feel it *fine...maybe yes* AND I HAVE BOUGHT THE MAJORITY OF MY CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOR EVERYONE. Thirteen in total. All. Done. C; And I feel so proud.

In school, we do PDHPE sport every friday but 90% of the time we can nor due to bad weather or no place to do so. So this time it was just cloudy and we had set up the cricket field. Then the lighting and thunder came within 28 seconds. And then rain fell like hail literally- the place was flooding. The teacher said: "it'll pass"
Let's just say we ended up watching films for the rest of the time.

Last week of surfing last week :( I'm so sad. We did boogie boarding and body surfing. SO fun. Well anyway boogie boarding is and always will be fun and body surfing...I like everything except:
•salt water in eyes
•salt water in ears
•salt water in nose *pain*
•salt water in mouth
•salt water

I should be sleeping now. I have an exam. Nah it's okay. I will always wake up...
Brain: LIAR

Well you know that feeling when you are just running for your life. At the edge of fear itself. So you are just sprinting down your street at night on the balls of your feet until you feel safe? Of course not, but I do. For abour four days I had consecutively had dreams about running. Whether from kidnappers, my family for some odd reason, my teachers or something. Oh and there was this time where people in my grade were forced to make these different types of food (i had to make fruit jellies) and sell it and if you were caught eating any or taking any SOMEONE'S THROAT WILL BE SLIT. Anyway, no distractions. Well I've been running. A lot. Just needed to say it because it feels for some reason awfully important.

Well that's it for today. I'll leave it there. I'll most likely post this weekend. Toodles.

Below are images for this week (in order): Boofly doodle, cool sky, raining sport day, lizardy doodle, me falling off my surfboard, an unfinished eye, and my favourite monotelescorpion: Charlie Ice-Scream

Sunday 4 November 2012

L'Ordinateury Day

late late late LATE!
5 days :C
WOO think I passed my French exam.

Hello readers :D

Oh yay, mum let's me go to the Coldplay concert. It's in two weeks. Tickets been selling since March :C She does not realise how many times I asked her those many times when they were first released. so now those tickets just flew out the lonely window of heart-breaks.

Heap load of extra assignments since exams are over. And couldn't post yesterday mainly because I didn't wake up until 3:30 pm and then leaving to a barbie at 4:30 and not coming home till 9:30 and then watching Marley & Me and then going to bed. That's the only thing I find very sad :C POOR MARLEY. Don't worry, no tears, I'm not that emotionally unstable. I have some odd news: My school is celebrating Halloween a week late, this Thursday  in fact 8 days late. So yes I've always wanted to dress up as a zombie so I'm heading off to the lovely train station and as myself, I'll probably get heaps and when I mean heaps, I mean all the passengers staring at my wound covered face. Awkward BIG TIME. Last time I posted...30th..Tuesday.

Wednesday, I did..I swam, yes. Hate training :C Why? because I'd rather go home and sleep. Actually I would end up procrastinating so that reason would NOT work. Oh yes BIG NEWS my laziness scale just reached 8 because now I'm just to lazy to run to catch my early train home. O: mainly because there were no buses and I would've missed it anyway but on the other hand I would absolutely appreciate finding my lost jumper *sniffle* or I would have to wear my blazer for sport.

I HATE myself, my lousy brain or what ever part of the brain which is in charge with memorising and the fact that when ever I enter a room I forget. All. The Time. Forgotten dreams for four days STRAIGHT. This is a shame. Four empty days in my dream journal D: Well actually yesterday I remembered it until I walked into the bathroom the memory was COMPLETELY erased.

I really feel like watching some television because I put a stop for a long while for the exams. Two months I think. But all my favourite shows ended or I already finished watching them or they are not starting the new season yet :C AHAHA White Collar is off, Once upon a Time I don't think is on in Aus yet, and I don't think the others are on too :(

Still STILL haven't tried toffee apples. Oh the utter disgusting shame I put myself through.

How to make a zombie costume. I have, four days and counting. And OH GOD YES IT'S ALMOST CHRISTMAS. FIRST. CHRISTMAS. IN. SYDNEY. in a long shot but I think I already said that but ANYWAY I have FANTASTIC NEWS. I'm missing out the second week of school next year to go to the GOLD COAST. YAY Surfer's Paradise, Movie World, Sea World, Wet 'n' Wild and the beach and the shops and the view :D and two months later. F-R-A-N-C-E I NEED a fantastic camera. I really had been wishing for those amazing cameras with the unfocused background effect and all because they are just beautiful as my hats.

Do you want to hear some bad news? Of course :C My sister dropped my artwork into the toilet *sniffle* Now the paper is crinkly :'(

Here's a photo of this lovely sunset I had some time. Oh how I'm too lazy to even get out of bed any more.