Friday 7 December 2012

Television Holiday

And usually I write my blog posts over a period of two-four days so if things change it'll change throughout the post.

Hey earthlings :D

I feel like talking about television shows, movies, the news and upcoming events. Let's all get up to date, unlike me who just FINALLY finished the pilot of 'The Walking Dead' because it took ages to load. *one day later* WOO. Now I'm up to episode fourrr :D

I think I'm in this television mode because I was (yes) watching just before. To be completely honest I only started to watch TV shows I think... This year. Mainly because one of my friends told me I should watch 'Revenge' because it's really good or something but anyway she's right: it really is good. Then I started to watch 'Once Upon a Time'. I do like it very much but for some reason, usually after an episode or so into a season, I lose interest but still watch it because some surprises hopefully would occur. My friend Bernice as I previously mentioned got me hooked onto 'White Collar'. When she first mentioned it (or when anybody mentions for me to wtach a show for the first time) I automatically assumed it was some anime thingo (sorry Bernice) because I think half, or more, of my friends love the genre. And I hate it (sorry). And they still recommend them. So it took me a while to finally start watching it when I realised HEY IT HAS CRIME AND IT LOOKS REALLY GOOD. I also watch CSI but I don't follow the season- I just watch it randomly (Miami and New York) AND YOU SHOULD. IT'S REALLY GOOD. I watched the New York, Miami and Las Vegas last night but they were all old shows because I've seen them before. Umm and there's 'The Walking Dead' Ahaha ohmygosh it's pretty good I think. Good show to watch for doomsday coming soon. I started watching it because it was I think one of the most watched shows with a high rating. So yes I think it's pretty great. Eat while watching, just a tip C:

Mum: (trying to be inspirational) You can be whatever you want when you grow up Jade.
Me: a Photographer? *sounding extremely hopeful*
Mum: no

Okay just then I went to go and try steal a cookie from the cookie jar (because I'm the family's cookie monster). So when my mum left I ran and opened the box and then I tried to take the cookie out but it was stuck. I hear my mum coming back and it was like this moment of fate where in the last second you'll probably make it out scot-free and it's all suspensful and all that. So it was this epic moment when finally the cookie broke free and I ran as fast as anything to my seat and sat down drinking water and hiding my cookie under the table when my mum came back. I unsuspiciously left the table to my room and ate te delicious buttersnap. Well yeah that's how my lunch went.

Oh and now my mum has confiscated my pillows and bans me from using more than one pillow. AND I LOVE MY PILLOWS. The only way (I might've mentioned this before) you can wake me up is taking away my pillow. The quilt isn't too bad unless its like -47383729 degrees.

I got alot of Christmas presents recently including a beautiful hat (in which the xmas wrappings stained it :'( sad), a pencilcase, a stationery set, a keyring, a decoration, a ring and a bracelet. Well I rewrapped all of them in pretty wrapping and hid it under te Christmas tree so I can surprise myself when it's Christmas. Yes, pathetic, but I always end up opening the presents before Christmas.

Now I realised that I have nothing to do at all. No work or anything. I actually have nothing to do. It is such a strange feeling. So I made a productive list of things to do in the holidays:
•learn italian
•recap my french
•study science
•surf or cycle
•make something... Like a model :D

In fact I got so bored I started to recap on a bit of Italian and study a new language: Spanish :D I also haven't been making my usual films in a while (yeah I have this hobby of film making too) so what I've been doing is chasing my fat dog with this watergun he is scared of.

OHH today Bernice and I were trying to persuade everyone to watch White Collar. It may or may not be working.

Fail post but see you next time anyway :D

Images: My asian fan I bought in the city because it's so PRETTY. and photos of nature and the sky and my citrus photoshoot XD OH AND THE BOOKMARK I MADE (above)

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