Sunday 30 December 2012

Wii Are Hilarious

I love epiphanies. Actually no I don't.

Hey there. Recently I've built a reputation of sleeping abnormally late...or early... depends how you see it as. The latest has been 2:43am and right now it is almost 2am. Others may call it being "abnormally nocturnal" while I'll call it "catch up sleep". The disadvantages? I wake up at around 2pm and get nowhere. Literally.

Well today I decided to finally exercise. *Epiphany moment* Wow. Well I have to anyway because I have to get back to swimming training in two weeks and yes it'll be a hell of a laugh if the coach is like: GIVE ME TWO HUNDRED and you collapse on the first. Wait sorry coach no you are not that cruel. Sorry. I'm really sorry. If you do read my blog please continue to do so. Well anyway I decided to go for a jog around my fitness resort. That's right. In broad hot daylight following a dog. Wii Fit: getting you outside and fit once more without the hassle. Though it gets a bit annoying because of the strap on the remote controller I think virtual jogging is a great sport.

Okay since I'm taking a break from "the Walking Dead" I started watching "Suits" and it's so good :D Absolutely great. But not as great as "White Collar". Which my friend Bernice and I would have to write a complaint to Channel Ten for stopping the showing of WC in Australia randomly which then prevents the Season 3 DVD from being released in Aus. :( By the time it's released Season 4 is out for sale. GREAT NEWS: Going to go buy season one an two tomorrow :D Wait today sorry it's 2:18am now.

Brother: I think I'm becoming to become smarter.
Me: What.

What have I been doing in the holidays so far? Okay I'll admit I've been slacking off my Spanish so I don't even remember what "nuestros caballos no beben agua" means. Okay I lied I do but I seriously forgot most of the vocab and the application has been sending me daily emails with complaints. Yes I went back on track with my French (not the swear words... though I do try my best to "watch my french") from the very beginning. I plan to get it all done before next year (haha very funny no that's two days plus the fact you CELEBRATE on NYE). Not going so well as there are sixteen units and only six are done :( I've been watching TV shows (of course) and dreaming and eating and sleeping. Especially sleeping (oh my fish jollies). That's not even a word I think. Also I was making a forty-eight city collage and each city collage consists of seven photos. So far I only made fourteen cities. I still have a long way to go :(

Oh my goat-snappers (not a word) I'm three epic dream stories behind in my blog. Okay so sorry for being so lazy I didn't fix my dream notes as usual in the previous post so I'll try not to get lazy even though now its 2:26am.

Oh yes I remember this one. Consists of two short dreams on the night of the 23/24 of December. The first one was that I had bought a new dress (and as you know in reality... I can't clothes shop. The idea is too complicated. Or shoe shop) without my mum knowing and my mum had wanted me to try some old clothes to see if they still fit or else to give it to charity. The setting was in an old EXTREMELY old house (my structure) but everything was practically destroyed. Everything was made of broken splintered wooden planks which don't even join up properly to leave holes and sunlight pouring in (even though the dream is set at night...confusing). Anyway in between getting dressed I sneakily tried to try on te dress but it never worked so the dream got boring so it changed. Now this dream is pretty sad. As you know I love photography. So fun and exciting. And i've been craving and saving for a new DSLR. In this second dream we were at an optometrist with my grandma and mum after leaving my grandma's old house in which, over there, she was handing down my aunty's old toys and stationery to my family. Anyway I had the new Nikon D5200 (oh I wish) and told my mum I'll be leaving to the end of the road where it's just like a peninsula so there's the sky/water horizon. Pretty. So I ran there and the scene looks like this one when I was playing Call of Duty 3 or 4..? (there was a glitch that's why I was playing...what... it's funny) and I saw these kids just playing along the beach even though a tsunami was coming (my dreams are full of tsunamis?) The sun sets so quickly and I was upset because the camera was slow and blurry with ugly pictures. So yes the Australian sunset was gone and high tide and a tsunami came. No way near good josé. It came really quick and for some reason I couldn't really move? So I held my precious camera up high in the air while water sloshed around my face. It was all goodtill a wave came and just drowned my canera. Not me because I can swim but before I was just stuck to the ground so :P afterwards I was sad so I went home and it was all dark and for some reason my piano was blocking the corridor to my kitchen (I don't play the thing... CLARINETS-WOO!) So I placed my dead camera on top and started going through the pictures and what was wrong with it. The flash apparently stopped working and also something else but I forgot. Endd of dreams. Sad.

Well good night it's now 2:34am.
Have a good day actually.

Signing off,

Images: so far of my collage (cropped), my fence, owl earrings my mum bought me (so CUTE), my strawberry cupcakes I made today, my hat collection on my head in front of my dirty mirror and my cheesecake I made (:

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