Sunday 2 December 2012

Christmas and Other Rants

The benefits of December.

Hi there :D

Before I get to the good news I should say the bad news. MY. MUM. DOESN'T. LET ME. WRITE. DREAMS. ANY. BLOODY. MORE. What is wrong with writing dreams? It isn't illegal it isn't dangerous it isn't evil or anything bad at all and of all hobbies she doesn't let me do it is WRITE DOWN MY DREAMS. It's not like everyday I have an epic dream with a great storyline but i had one last night and she confiscates my journal in the morning forcing me to sleep which is basically saying "FORGET YOUR DREAMS". Do you know how important this is to me? I only forget dreams when I seriously can't remember but if I remember it clearly with my journal right next to me of course I'll record it until SOMEBODY takes it away. It's like being a coin collector and someone uses all your coins to buy things or if you love to paint and then all your art materials are being donated to charity just when your painting was almost finish. Why is writing down life dreams such as "I WANT TO BE A PHOTOGRAPHER WHEN I GROW UP" okay but the everyday dream just not possible? Well anyway now all I remember from my epic dream was that it was inside a shopping centre. THANKS ALOT. Well anyway my LIFE goal is to be a photographer/pilot/author and whatever else I had mentioned before in my other blogs. Dreams can be very hard to not get attached to :(

Another bit of bad news: I have too many to name.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while.

I really really LOVE Christmas. First Christmas in Sydney. For around eight years I've been in Surfer's Paradise or New York. So far I got presents from friends such as: an owl night light, an owl mug, a ring, a silver star bracelet, a pen, earrings (which sadly I cannot use because my ears are too sensitive for non-gold-plated earrings) and a chocolate, which I already ate as soon as I got it. this year I actually put up decorations and bought a new Christmas tree and ornaments. The big changes in life.

Another bit of good news is that I get to go back to the United States in their spring in 2014 :D Which means NO SNOW...WOOO!! No blizzards no cancelled flights no cold no rain and all these benefits XD

Why am I so depressing with my ups and downs and sadness :( I'm just waiting for this moment when I'm old enough to drive and to work and to save up money and to literally be free so I can travel and explore with noone complaining about what I do. I actually hate money but I sadly need it in life so I'm just like >:( screw life.

In the holidays, with lazy parents, I'll never get one foot out of my house. I really wanted to go surf again or skydive but it is 'too far' or 'life threatening' (but I swear they're better off without me anyway while I'll be the gazillionth person to explore the life after death concept AHAHA) and do all these other amazing things on my bucket list. Why am I too young to explore? And no Jade is not happy. I should have just done my URL as "such is life" like Ned Kelly's last words as I have mentioned in my previous blog.

Maybe it is just me but I feel like I haven't put much effort in this blog or recently in my life. I'm acting like I'm depressed when I complain about myself >:( I hate scrambled eggs.

Image: My messy desk and my presents I'm giving out soon.
Yes one is a tissue box.

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