Monday 24 December 2012

I Wonder Whether the Bloody Weather...

It's murder here in Sydney.

Well Merry Christmas, hopefully you have a good one. I'm not. The weather isn't helping at all.

I bet you guys from America, Europe or somewhere it's freezing with snow everywhere. Neighbours with Antarcrica where it's just cold death, here in Australia, even Santa wants to survive the whole day by having a 24hr siesta under a broken air con chewing on ice.

Me: Why isn't Santa hete?
Mum: He's being charged for sexual assault.
Me: No he's a fake. Gosh.

Ahh. Aussie santas *shame*. Anyway, it's 35°C now which is absolutely BOILING. Even the sharks are heading to shore because it's so hot.

I may have previously, like many blogs back, I was actually excited for Christmas. And I have also come to realised that more than half of my blog is not me being happy, but filled with rants about useless topics. Well it turns out my Dad had got me a galaxy note tablet and I was like "whoa" so many gadgets. INSPECTOR GADGETTT. Ahaha. My aunt got me an AMAZING ICECREAM MACHINE AHAHAHA.

Oh oh oh recently I just watched the White Collar Music Video online and it looks so good. Like Elizabeth is HOLDING A AGUN AHAHAHA and Sara is back and it looks really fanastic. Just under a month to go (:

I sleep like a bear. I woke up at 2:30pm. It makes my life so confusing I didn't even know what day it was.

Except for this morning. Sydney storms are just like: BOOM SCREAM EXPLODE BOOM BOOM PITTER PATTER CLATTER BOOM because yes there's a storm on Christmas. I actually like my presents this year. And it ever so happens that my dream two days after doonsday was UTTERLY AMAZING.

In dreamland... It's doomsday. So at first it's a little hazy. We had to help these two people, forgot who but I have this feeling one was princess peach and the other was mario (what). Well anyway to help them, mum and i had to go to market city. At market city, we went to this little corner shop which sold what we needed and moochi (a froyo store). The odd thing about this store is that it's crooked at a 45° slant and can slant either way. What i needed to buy was so unpopular it was at the top of the angle so it was so hard fo get. We managed to make it ground lvl by changing the slant. So when we did i licked the red/blue mushroom tree for (actually now i think the otger person was some morphed mario) mario and got the sun mushroom tree (yellow and some other colour but it was really pretty) for peach bc thepink fairyfloss one was out of stock even though tgere was like five still there. So we took rhem to tge cash register (now everything was ground level so no slant) by going throufh this criwd at noochi. It turns out everyone lined ip forthe FIRST kine for friyo so we actually didnt hav to eait ling. so we wemt ro the second line where there eas an asian biy who just left so its our turn. We gave him the two mushroom trees and he said : $30. So i realised they were bith fifteen dollars. So after we paid him we left onto the cobbled streets where there were chinese lanterns because i thinj it was a festical. Walking down the street i found an amazing art gallery. My mum disappeared so i went up by myself to see the gallery. Alot of other kids were there and ut was some famous thing going on like mona lisa famous. Maybe it was picasso or monet. Well anyway in it was a small gallery upstairs in a purplely navy velvet spiral and i think we werent allowed in but anyway te fiften or so kids went with me. They were around 7-14 yrs old and it turns out, when we arrived at the top, there was a lockdown so we were trapped in the room. The room was like a squashed (very) sphere. Inside was only two paiting and the rest of the walls was a huge window. Which you could see the harbour an all. It was really pretty util we saw a huggee wave heading towards us. A tsunami like wave with dirt and all that it was muddy started to head over the harbour destroying almost everything. It was subrise and we could see this animated wave destroying a cartoonified building structure and just structures and the scenes also turned ino a bare sandy desert but a tsunami still rolling over it towards us. Our tower was a lot high so everyone was more calm than we should be. I was worried about my family but i stayed in the huge room anyway. When it had hit, our room fell off the tower so we tumbled with the water. What was really cool was the fact that the locdown soor was so protective no water came in and the windows are bulletproof ithink to avoid thievery.
I was the hero
Ran into this building to stop umbridge from destroying australia
She was hiding at the top top level of westfield.
Her army caught me ans my friend so on the level was also my friends mums house
It was like a westfield so tgroufht the elevator we tried to find tefuge.
I ran into the house and asked if they ha any guns or weapons i could protect myself with. They had a rifle but as she left to get it they came through the door
I took a big metal rod and hid in a white cupboard waiting for the soldiers not in uniform
When one came in I hit him unconcious then took his two guns. I saw my friend and threw it to her saying "Aim for the legs"
So bfr i could figure out how to use the gun i had to find my gun app on the iphone. The app was supposed to shoot people until i realised that movile phones cant shoot people
Finally i figured out how to use the gun- its was a gun which acts like a taser but since its christmas it had rainbow lights every time you pull the trigger. So i tased a few guys to help me friend. One guy it didn't affect till the taser thingo did it to his neck. Hopefully hes fine.
At the end of the story i tased umbridge, called the police and stopped the tsunmai even though the opera house harbour bridge and all were all gone
Notes: the house was white. My friend was asian. Her gun was s rifle.

I copied ad pasted straight from my notes on my phone so I'll fix its grammar and punctuation and all tomorrow when I'm less tired. I'm pretty sure you can understand it now.

My mum thinks I'm weird. Writing dreams?

Now I'm waiting for my yummy Vienna Cheesecake to bake. And I'm tired, so goodbye.

Images: my pathetic rewrapping of my present from my friend so I could "surprise" myself and the pretty decorations from a wedding I attended a few days ago.

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