Friday 21 December 2012

Well it's About Time

To whom it may concern,

Time is fascinating. One decade is ten years which is 520 weeks which is 3652 days which is 87648 hours which is 5258880 minutes which is 315532800 seconds which is 315532800000 milliseconds. May be slightly incorrect.

Why the hell did I just do that.

Now, you see I haven't posted in over a week. (Yes, well it's truly about time) And yes, I confess that is shameful. You would probably expect one or two a week because being bored is sometimes even worse than being busy.

Today (I'm from Australia) is doomsday. Wow. In actually have a lot to say since I haven't been here all week. I'm not sure why, but I stayed up till around 1 am in Australia to just see if anything happens or what people post on facebook, and I think it's pretty funny because they're all Australians. At first I got technical and was like: Oh hey the Mayans are from the other side of the world so our doomsday will probably be extremely late at night or early in the morning the next day. Then you start to realise that GMT never existed. Oh well. I wish I could actually prank someone in America but then you ALSO have to realise that it's still yesterday, technically. I hate time. Time and space. Especially time. And it's only Friday :( I hate Fridays. You'll never hear TGIF from me.

An Incident Yesterday:
Me: what if the world really ends tomorrow? (searching for some hope and optimism)
Mum: Well then we die

:( Thanks mum.

You never seem to have enough time. You see, my school year is already over and now it's the holidays. I read this fascinating book about time. Never. Again. Time isn't such a confusing concept but when you read a whole book about it and since it's so closely linked to the other concepts and aspects of time it repeats over and over and it just muddles up your brain because IT JUST DOES. (Just noting here, if you ever want to read, and it really is a good book, its the "Terrible Truth about Time" of the Horrible Science series and I LOVE that series it's so fascinating)

Having nothing to do is worse than having lots of things to do. You NEED to be occupied you see. Or you start going crazy, like me. So unfortunately I'm a crazy child and that really does not help so I decided to learn another language. No I did not choose to expand my knowledge for languages I actually need when I go to France and Italy next year (yes I think I previously mentioned I forgot all my Italian, sorry) so of course, I decided to learn Spanish. Sí. Oh God I need help. I learnt how to say 'Our horses do not drink water': Nuestros caballos no beben agua. Yeah because I really need to say that one day in my life *sarcasm EVERYBLOODYWHERE*

Well I had this music audition to try out for Symphonic Wind Orchestra and oh my gosh I can't sight read. So I think I failed even though I did better than my actual music exam. There's this odd thing about me in which I absolutely HATE HATE HATE HATE HATERTYUIOP music yet I love lovE loVE lOVE LOVE playing instruments. The...fudge?

Another thing we did this week was making DELICIOUS CREPES. YUMMY. They looked a bit horrible but who says they can't be delicious? We made sweet and savoury ones and I LOVE the savoury ones with chicken and cheese.

I love reading the news. And I need to mention a little sad note about the Connecticut shootings. EVIL MAN :(

It's almost Christmas, but I'm not a tad excited. Why Jade why? You got so many presents and all that and yet you don't want Christmas? It may have been because of all the sadness and boredom I face now. Well I know Santa is rotting somewhere in my backyard so...OHMYGOD I HAVE THIS INFESTATION OF CREEPY BROWN BEETLES. They are like 3mm in length and fat and round and EWW. Probably because my house is breaking down. StupidweakunreliableINFRASTRUCTUREADSJFHASLKJDFA.

Recently I've been cursed  with a plague of forgotten dreams. This is so sad. After my streak of so many recorded dreams (actually I got lazy and only did dot points and now I don't know ANYTHING about them... I have a crap brain) I finally hit some decent recall a few days ago and today of course because of that lovely doomsday issue we have today. My first dream occured on the 17th December 2012. It was the weirdest dream ever. Actually no. Nowhere NEAR my weirdest dream ever. Well I believe it was inspired by the day I made brownies in the morning and had been continuously eating them throughout the day and night (sometimes without anyone noticing but ANYWAY) and just note please: the bit about onions is because I was traumatised about these onions (la cebolla...sorry) my mum was cutting up along with these CREEPY GREY TRANSPARENT SHRIMPS WHICH FREAKED ME OUT BECAUSE I ALWAYS THOUGH SHRIMPS WERE RED BEFORE YOU COOK THEM. She was making stir fry so... :D

So in this dreamland, which I will forever call Wonderland because the dream area where we find ourselves in but not our actual bodies in because our mind is so great and amazing and magnificent and imagintive that it can conjure all these useless memories and ideas into one big even which can happen four to six times a night I THINK, but you only can remember around zero to two dreams usually well I only remember around then,while it's filing all those memories and what has happened during the day away so overall I've come to realise that I must've really hated full stops because this sentence is so outrageously long you'll probably try to reread againt to see if I was lying and didn't put any full stops which also means if I really didn't then you ha to take a quick breath every now and then because the full stops are usually use for takign a breath and a break ebfore your next sentence WELL HERE'S YOUR BREATH AND BREAK. Another thing you need to know about this dream is the fact I've always been fascinate dabout how oil floats on top of water which I already know the reasons why but I still think is cool so yes this idea came from making the brownies which I needed to combine both the water and oil for the mixture. FINALLY. My dream was about my dad taking my family somewhere because he got angry or some crap I forgot about and then afterwards ( I went to a boarding school here and it's back to school time so...) we went home to let me make my lovely brownie-onion-oil-water mixture but the problem about this disgusting mixture is that it's basically made of a 1:1 ratio of oil and water and a handful of chopped red onions inside which, overall, is supposed to make some delicious brownie after I boil it. I also actually made mroe brownies but I ate them all ad also made yummy asparagus/corn bread cases which also looked liek quiches but I also ate them all except for one or two which I eventually ate so that was absoultely POINTLESS. So I brought this oil-water-onion mix to school and I almost spilt some on my calculator and yes that was the SUSPENSE part. So I left it on the cooking table while telling my friend Amy off for not replying to my texts about if we had any assignments today and there was actually a really important assignment that was due today so obviously I started to stress out. What wasmore stressful was that when I turned on the stove to cook my brownie mix I turned around to see my other friend Donna EATING THE WHOLE MIX SO THERE WAS NOTHING LEFT except when she was eating it it started to look like gravy. Not pleasant. Well at first she did ask for my permission to try some and I said "NO because the onions are raw and everything is raw AND YOU DON'T EAT RAW THINGS OKAY? YOU CNA DIE BECAUSE OF SOME BACTERIAL DISEASE or something".  Since seeing her sticking her face int eh mixture I did not want to cook it anymore and I failed the assignment and the lesson of this dream is to NEVER rely and trust your dream friends. Ever.

I alspo had a dream today, the 21st of December 2012 but it's even longer than that so I'll post it someday and it has something about WHITE COLLAR AND THE WALKING DEAD in it and they are both fantastic shows so you should watch them :)

Tomorrow I'm going to watch The Perks of Being a Wallflower and I HOPE IT'S GOOD. Then sooner or later I'm going to watch Skyfall, Pitch Perfect, Wreck-it Ralph, Les Misérables, Life of Pi (I don't even know what it's about but apparently it's good), MAYBE Rise of the Guaridans and now I just started to realise that I've listed almost every movie avaliable. Oh well. I've also recently been eating ALOT of frozen yoghurt since it finally open a lovely one near my house. Delicious.

I was really bored and I haven't been on omegle in such a LONG time. Well this was my lovely snail mail convo with a lovely fellow a few days ago: The Hare-y Snails Army. I'm so funny.

Yesterday my friend Amy wasn't replying to messages I was sending her so I sent her this:

Dear Miss Zhukeepa
You have not been accepted in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
To celebrate doomsday, Miss Yamental and Miss Jadeissoamazingthatsheshouldbeworshipped requests for you to attend to a very important meeting via facebook, though your opinions would not affect the issue in anyway. You will agree with everything we say during the meeting because Jade is so amazing. This will be prompt and short so GET TO IT NOW.
Sincerely from,
Jadeissoamazingthatsheshouldbeworshipped and Yameng.

Well Goodbye, and if the world really does end in a few hours, thanks alot Mayans. Good luck for surviving today and the rest of the holidays.

Kind Regards,


Images: I was really into photography this week- there are sunsets, flowers, NYC, a doll I made, fried icecream,  speckled sunlight ground,  sky and the harbour. No order.

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