Thursday 25 October 2012

There's Another Bee

It's in my room...

Hello readers :D

I take back what I said. I have more exams afterwards D: I lied...You know that deep deep down inside a lying person is A BIGGER LIE. I'm joking :D. Well I had a nice short little dream last night. It was basically:

Person: "What are you looking for?"
Me: "Koalas"
Person: "There are no koalas here"
Me: "Oh"
Person: "So..."
Me: "I'm allegric to koalas" (in reality, I'm actually not and really want to hug one before they become extinct)
*koala pops out of nowhere*

It was so BLOOMING hot today. Oh and today was a day that I doodled my one true love. Hats. Everywhere. Except the photo I posted was the doodle with the Mad Hatter. He's a journalist in reality. And yes I was learning about global inequality.

FUN FACT: I'm claustrophobic.

Bit short but I'll post something more interesting soon after all this stress-pressure goes away. Bye!

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