Wednesday 24 October 2012

Predictable Bees

Hi guys C:

NEWS FLASH: I may be getting night contacts. I like every bit about it except for the part where the hard contacts are supposed to pinch the living daylights out of your pupils. If they can even see daylight then.

Woo hoo exams in a few days!! ...D: *What the .. is wrong with this kid?* Well you can't help but be excited that the week afterwards there are barely anymore tests and you could just be procrastinating and nothing bad will happen. Being stressed means more desserts. Like how I wasted money on this rip off magnum but now it's one of my favourite icecreams. Ahaha. I'm eating a bueno now. Writing my blog instead of my assignments.

Halloween is coming up soon and this brings up a great flashback. I had a dream on the night Of halloween I think three years ago where in the future there is going to be an accident and zombies will come and attack because the virus becomes really strong and I just realised this sounds like Resident Evil. But then there's this question: WHAT IF I'M PSYCHIC?

I've always wanted to go to a fortune teller with tarot cards to tell me my fortune and read my palm. I find the superstition interesting.

Oh gosh there's a bee in my house. I locked it in my mum's room. Thank god. No surprise attacks. No no no.

I have no relative pictures for today so here's a recent picture of the clouds. WOO Christmas soon. Yes I think you know what I wish for...


...Santa's decaying body to be finally revealed from my blocked up chimney.

Shoot. Now it has escaped. (Not the corpse, the bee. THE BLOOMING BEE)

Bye bye :D

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