Sunday 28 October 2012


Rant: BUMBLEBEE POO WHY MUST THIS BLOGGER APP NOT SAVE A DRAFT OF MY BLOG BECAUSE I wasted time typing up a blog ALMOST finished and then I switch apps to double check my dream and. it. was. all. gone. FU--DGE.

Hello C:

WARNING: Alternative for swear words are countlessly everywhere in this blog post due to overloading stress levels and annoyance so straight to the point: I am not speaking utter rubbish.

Stress is EVERYWHERE. What did I do when I realised yearlies where a few hours away. Of course. Watch the tele. Blood-d. Hell-ephant. Jade. What. The. Poopsticks on a fluffy chair.
Well I think Toy Story 3 was FANTASTIC and so was Border Security. Haha. Hiding cocaine under a wig. *tsktsk*

I'm so sorry for not posting yesterday as you can see I was not in a good position to do so. Yes I would be a grizzly bear if I could and hibernate. Eat. Sleep. Eat. Sleep. But of course I am "priviledged" to live this life. Today I woke up at 2pm (yay) and I spend the whole day having my work in front of me then finding that post office animal books are completely interestingly stupid so, of course, I read the book aloud and commenting on their every sentence. "Wombat asked the kangaroos what the secret was. Wait. WHAT. WOMBATS CAN'T TALK OHMYGOSH. KANGAROOS CAN DEFINITELY NOT SHARE SECRETS. DOES THIS AUTHOR THINK IM DUMB ENOUGH TO BELIEVE THY WOMBATS CAN TALK? Of course. Hmm. Next the Kangaroos showed the Wombat where the baby kangaroo was. THE WOMBAT IS GOING TO KIDNAP THE BABY. SHOOT DUNE BUGGIES ON A TIME WARP. ABUSE. Next book about cockatoos isn't it? Well let's look at the pic- You are an ugly cockatoo. ABSORB THE INSULT."

So the moral of the story is: Don't trust wombats. And don't you EVER let Jade read books to kids.

Had the best *cough* dreams ever. Imagine this: Your art teacher is a terrorist with a futuristic laser gun out to murder you for not doing well in exams and you get trapped in the science classroom with no more than a table to hide under while the lockdown bell rings in your ears. Next scene is...imagine this: Art gallery slash observatory area. Pretty amazing. Then you are a known fugitive. For what??Stealing something that made you nationally wanted. But you didn't AHA. Story starter. Your teacher splits the class into two groups and of corse you were put in this small group of six students who were planned to be shoved on The Rocks Resort. Doesn't sound bad does it? OF COURSE BOT. Arrive there la di da. Pool. Cool. Outside shed for potty. Not cool. Large room. Fantastic. The exorcist creep trying to kill you and your mate. Not so fantastic. Locking yourself with your mate in the outdoor potty and it turns out the creep is with you. Very very bad.

Mum found a hat rack that used to be mine so it's around 14 years old now. Quite the beauty except sadly two of the hooks broke off so now it looks weird and holds less hats D:

Eleven hours till yearlies. Good bye Jade.

And good bye to you guys too.

P.S. Attached is a picture of the Australian sunset outside my house.

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