Sunday 30 December 2012

Dreaming Why Being Swift is Bad

Hello Earthlings :)

I've had the hiccups. Not once but twice today. *cry*

What had shocked me was the fact that people actually read my blog (AHAHA) because... I don't know... I actually checked the stats for once and I was like WHOA SO MANY PEOPLE READ MY BLOG IN THE UNITED STATES AND GERMANY AND ISRAEL. So yeah just the shocking fact from me :)

Shoot I believe it is now New Years Eve in Australia (woo..!) and I am yet again still awake at 12:37am. Well better than yesterday. So straight to the point I hope everyone has a lovely New Year (my favourite number...13) and a wonderful holiday unlike me.

As you know there are three groups of people in the world: the ones who write New Year's revolutions, the ones who don't give a damn pickle salad and the ones who write them and don't even try. I am part of the group who doesn't even try but writes them anyway to give myself a reason to go through with this year. My resolutions? Right here:
•Do better: at what? I say this every year. Do better is soo going to get me somewhere in life. Do better as in academically? Socially? Emotionally? Why Jade you can't even figure out a good resolution. Do better. Work harder perhaps? Getting your lazy bum off the couch? Doing better overall at school? Doing better at avoiding so many rhetorical questions in one dot point?
•Organise: I actually tried *painful twinge*. I hate cleaning, organising (yes one of my not perfect spots in my first semester report) and being neat overall. There was this one situation at school during geography (which I'm pleasantly surprise about how good I am about it even though I don't really enjoy it at all I must say) where I had to read out my answer. Okay please note this: when I'm nervous I get jumpy and look more confident in a way and suddenly get this burst of energy. So I start like dancing around and all which is pretty funny and I have a tendency of laughing at myself in front of everyone. Which is pretty funny. Anyway away from this distraction and back to the topic, my teacher told me to read out my answer. So as I read it I stopped halfway. For a long time. And my teacher was like: " that it?" because I was doodling for most of the period because I had actually finished so I guess he expected more. So then I said something on the lines of: "...sorry sir I can't read what I wrote." Yes the whole class cracked up because usually my writing (it's famous for its illegibility) is legible to at least me. And I just couldn't read that one word. I was like: "Jade you are screwed if you have to take notes because you can't even read your prepared work" and I just sart laughing at myself if something like that happens. I laugh about how pathetic I am. And I truly guess that I am very pathetic for a human being. Okay I drifted off a lot away from the topic. Okiedokie artichokey so the only time I ever cleaned my room was when I realised I lost my ine piece of paper which had all my French colours I had learnt in class on it which I needed to revise my French (mentioned in my blog "Wii are Hilarious" and this is the reason why I stopped at Unit 6 when I was on a roll. Literally. I used those cool exercise balls as my seat and bounced around in it) So I had to sort out my desk. Torture. In the end I couldn't find it but the good thing is that I used it as an excuse (because I was good and cleaned my room without my mum forcing me to unsuccessfully) to go and buy my "White Collar" DVDs today...yesterday because it's 12:54 now...which I ended up buying and OH MY GOD THEY ARE AMAZING. And yeah Matt's face takes up the whole cover of season 2's front but that's okay because Matt Bomer is amazing. That was a huge distraction from the topic of "organisation"
•Slow Down the Chocolates and Icecreams and Cakes and Whatnot: Not happening sorry "Beneficial-Jade"
•Try Harder in Weak Areas: I'm not very nice. I could work on that. *cough*. I'm the dead guinea pig in science so I could work on that too because it's just a plain hopeless subject. OH YES WE GET LAPTOPS IM SO EXCITED AND I HAVE NO MORE MUSIC LESSONS AHAHA I HATE -wait hate is a strong word- STRONGLY DISLIKE MUSIC WOOO *celebrates* Umm French and English needs help too. :(

Oh I have more good news: My pillow ban is over!!!!!! I have never used so many exclamation marks in my life. Well if you didn't know my mum has punished me for destroying my eyesight (because I sleep face down sometimes) by taking away my extra two big fluffy pillows. She still hasn't given them back but she upgraded my pillow now. It smells funny so I don't use it so I sleep on my hands until the smell dies out or I lose my nose somehow (by getting my epic wand and walking up to the neighbour's house who recently had a child and go all AVADA KEDAVRA on it). Sorry baby I didn't mean that :( You should be sleeping now. (1:08am)

Yay dream time with JADEISTIRED. *clapclap* Hey kids I'm here to blog about a story. This story is one you will never forget. *opens book* On the night of Christmas Jade was sleeping in her bed. She was in a dream zone. Now children listen carefully. In her dream Jade was at home and it was daylight. Her mither was peacefully sleeping and she and her brother were trying to sneak snacks into their rooms to eat. So the two children tiptoed to the kitchen past the sleeping mum towards the food cupboard. They were successful. Inside they had taken each two strawberry and vanilla LCM's and a honeycomb chocolate bar. *DA DA DAAN* And poor Jade's mind was so confused the dream changed. It was the last day of school, the day which she never has attended in her life. It was history class and little Jade has forgotten that an assignment was due today. Poor Jade hade to quickly scribble notes about frogs (or cane toads) behind her food technology assignment on strawberrty (oh by the way, she had failed- not in reality) In class, as an excuse to escape her shameful nightmare, she and a classmate were asked by their Japanese teacher (yes in History class) to go and return their Japanese textbooks (which in reality, she really never gave it back). So Friend A and Jade left to go downstairs to the Visual Arts room where all the Japanese books were stored. Now in Dream land or Wonderland, not everything is normal. See from then on children, they were suddenly lost in Central Station where they were afraid, lost, cold, hungry and tired (loljk Jade eats too much she's full). Now suddenly THE SCARY SENIORS CAME. And they just made some weird perfume. Poor Jade sneezes when there is perfume but not in Dream land she doesn't. While walking back upstairs towards the history classroom they ended up in a department store area where they met Friends B & C. Friend A has gone MIA *audience gasps* and then B decides to go and buy a lollipop. She askes nice amazing Jade to come with her so C is now missing as well. The lollipop shop was closed so sad B and Jade walked down towards the Visual Arts room until they saw Taylor Swift on the left in front of MYER (is my store). Amazed Jade went up and asked for an autograph and then everything on the right of me disappeared and became the sea. There was a canoe so Jade stood in it. Personally, earthlings, I think Friend B drowned. When Swift went ontothe boat too MYER disappeared and it was all ocean. Wait it may be a harbour because you can see Sydney on the horizon. Swift was actually a shark hunter. She is evil. Well actually she was nice because before a monster shark could eat Jade she harpooned it. Wait earthlings, over the horizon it isn't Sydney. It's New York. Apparently Jade lives in Manhattan. Swift told her that if she wants to survive she has to go and live in Queens. Jade said no. But Swift took her anyway...TO DOOM. When arriving on land, Swift ditched her (personal thanks- Jade totally needs to face reality that dumb child). Dumbfounded Jade is sad. Jade walked to a nursing home and found her aged parents sitting on a roof eating wedges with no sour cream. Jade hates noodles but wedges are okay. She can see two bright yellow moons in the sky. Two yellow moons are bad. Very bad. Jade knew this. They were both quarter moons. This means evil. Very evil. Twilight (name of the monster that suddenly attacked) came and everyone turned to kids except for Jade (lol like always). Twilight wanted to show how much pain humans bring onto others. He (or she. Or if it's a transgender...) started to showflashbacks of death of dinosaurs and of Swift killing the poor monster shark. Jade said sorry. He got angry and then knitted everyone with spaghetti using two trees until we were trapped and couldn't move. He put the trees back down into their holes. He started on a long speech (like all villains do just before the hero escapes) about killing all stupid humans and then jade has a cool idea. Since she is hanging on a twig she lets go and drags the spaghetti, ripping it. *shuts book* Hey sorry children the book ended because someone ever so kindly DECIDED TO PLAY ANNOYING MICHAEL BUBLÉ (i pronounce it ss bubble now because he makes me upset) SO EARLY IN THE MORNING ON THE STEREO >:( why was his christmas album on sale?

Well goodnight earthlings its 1:36am and I need my beauty sleep. (loljk. Beauty isn't even a part of sleep)

Kind Regards,


Wii Are Hilarious

I love epiphanies. Actually no I don't.

Hey there. Recently I've built a reputation of sleeping abnormally late...or early... depends how you see it as. The latest has been 2:43am and right now it is almost 2am. Others may call it being "abnormally nocturnal" while I'll call it "catch up sleep". The disadvantages? I wake up at around 2pm and get nowhere. Literally.

Well today I decided to finally exercise. *Epiphany moment* Wow. Well I have to anyway because I have to get back to swimming training in two weeks and yes it'll be a hell of a laugh if the coach is like: GIVE ME TWO HUNDRED and you collapse on the first. Wait sorry coach no you are not that cruel. Sorry. I'm really sorry. If you do read my blog please continue to do so. Well anyway I decided to go for a jog around my fitness resort. That's right. In broad hot daylight following a dog. Wii Fit: getting you outside and fit once more without the hassle. Though it gets a bit annoying because of the strap on the remote controller I think virtual jogging is a great sport.

Okay since I'm taking a break from "the Walking Dead" I started watching "Suits" and it's so good :D Absolutely great. But not as great as "White Collar". Which my friend Bernice and I would have to write a complaint to Channel Ten for stopping the showing of WC in Australia randomly which then prevents the Season 3 DVD from being released in Aus. :( By the time it's released Season 4 is out for sale. GREAT NEWS: Going to go buy season one an two tomorrow :D Wait today sorry it's 2:18am now.

Brother: I think I'm becoming to become smarter.
Me: What.

What have I been doing in the holidays so far? Okay I'll admit I've been slacking off my Spanish so I don't even remember what "nuestros caballos no beben agua" means. Okay I lied I do but I seriously forgot most of the vocab and the application has been sending me daily emails with complaints. Yes I went back on track with my French (not the swear words... though I do try my best to "watch my french") from the very beginning. I plan to get it all done before next year (haha very funny no that's two days plus the fact you CELEBRATE on NYE). Not going so well as there are sixteen units and only six are done :( I've been watching TV shows (of course) and dreaming and eating and sleeping. Especially sleeping (oh my fish jollies). That's not even a word I think. Also I was making a forty-eight city collage and each city collage consists of seven photos. So far I only made fourteen cities. I still have a long way to go :(

Oh my goat-snappers (not a word) I'm three epic dream stories behind in my blog. Okay so sorry for being so lazy I didn't fix my dream notes as usual in the previous post so I'll try not to get lazy even though now its 2:26am.

Oh yes I remember this one. Consists of two short dreams on the night of the 23/24 of December. The first one was that I had bought a new dress (and as you know in reality... I can't clothes shop. The idea is too complicated. Or shoe shop) without my mum knowing and my mum had wanted me to try some old clothes to see if they still fit or else to give it to charity. The setting was in an old EXTREMELY old house (my structure) but everything was practically destroyed. Everything was made of broken splintered wooden planks which don't even join up properly to leave holes and sunlight pouring in (even though the dream is set at night...confusing). Anyway in between getting dressed I sneakily tried to try on te dress but it never worked so the dream got boring so it changed. Now this dream is pretty sad. As you know I love photography. So fun and exciting. And i've been craving and saving for a new DSLR. In this second dream we were at an optometrist with my grandma and mum after leaving my grandma's old house in which, over there, she was handing down my aunty's old toys and stationery to my family. Anyway I had the new Nikon D5200 (oh I wish) and told my mum I'll be leaving to the end of the road where it's just like a peninsula so there's the sky/water horizon. Pretty. So I ran there and the scene looks like this one when I was playing Call of Duty 3 or 4..? (there was a glitch that's why I was playing...what... it's funny) and I saw these kids just playing along the beach even though a tsunami was coming (my dreams are full of tsunamis?) The sun sets so quickly and I was upset because the camera was slow and blurry with ugly pictures. So yes the Australian sunset was gone and high tide and a tsunami came. No way near good josé. It came really quick and for some reason I couldn't really move? So I held my precious camera up high in the air while water sloshed around my face. It was all goodtill a wave came and just drowned my canera. Not me because I can swim but before I was just stuck to the ground so :P afterwards I was sad so I went home and it was all dark and for some reason my piano was blocking the corridor to my kitchen (I don't play the thing... CLARINETS-WOO!) So I placed my dead camera on top and started going through the pictures and what was wrong with it. The flash apparently stopped working and also something else but I forgot. Endd of dreams. Sad.

Well good night it's now 2:34am.
Have a good day actually.

Signing off,

Images: so far of my collage (cropped), my fence, owl earrings my mum bought me (so CUTE), my strawberry cupcakes I made today, my hat collection on my head in front of my dirty mirror and my cheesecake I made (:

Monday 24 December 2012

I Wonder Whether the Bloody Weather...

It's murder here in Sydney.

Well Merry Christmas, hopefully you have a good one. I'm not. The weather isn't helping at all.

I bet you guys from America, Europe or somewhere it's freezing with snow everywhere. Neighbours with Antarcrica where it's just cold death, here in Australia, even Santa wants to survive the whole day by having a 24hr siesta under a broken air con chewing on ice.

Me: Why isn't Santa hete?
Mum: He's being charged for sexual assault.
Me: No he's a fake. Gosh.

Ahh. Aussie santas *shame*. Anyway, it's 35°C now which is absolutely BOILING. Even the sharks are heading to shore because it's so hot.

I may have previously, like many blogs back, I was actually excited for Christmas. And I have also come to realised that more than half of my blog is not me being happy, but filled with rants about useless topics. Well it turns out my Dad had got me a galaxy note tablet and I was like "whoa" so many gadgets. INSPECTOR GADGETTT. Ahaha. My aunt got me an AMAZING ICECREAM MACHINE AHAHAHA.

Oh oh oh recently I just watched the White Collar Music Video online and it looks so good. Like Elizabeth is HOLDING A AGUN AHAHAHA and Sara is back and it looks really fanastic. Just under a month to go (:

I sleep like a bear. I woke up at 2:30pm. It makes my life so confusing I didn't even know what day it was.

Except for this morning. Sydney storms are just like: BOOM SCREAM EXPLODE BOOM BOOM PITTER PATTER CLATTER BOOM because yes there's a storm on Christmas. I actually like my presents this year. And it ever so happens that my dream two days after doonsday was UTTERLY AMAZING.

In dreamland... It's doomsday. So at first it's a little hazy. We had to help these two people, forgot who but I have this feeling one was princess peach and the other was mario (what). Well anyway to help them, mum and i had to go to market city. At market city, we went to this little corner shop which sold what we needed and moochi (a froyo store). The odd thing about this store is that it's crooked at a 45° slant and can slant either way. What i needed to buy was so unpopular it was at the top of the angle so it was so hard fo get. We managed to make it ground lvl by changing the slant. So when we did i licked the red/blue mushroom tree for (actually now i think the otger person was some morphed mario) mario and got the sun mushroom tree (yellow and some other colour but it was really pretty) for peach bc thepink fairyfloss one was out of stock even though tgere was like five still there. So we took rhem to tge cash register (now everything was ground level so no slant) by going throufh this criwd at noochi. It turns out everyone lined ip forthe FIRST kine for friyo so we actually didnt hav to eait ling. so we wemt ro the second line where there eas an asian biy who just left so its our turn. We gave him the two mushroom trees and he said : $30. So i realised they were bith fifteen dollars. So after we paid him we left onto the cobbled streets where there were chinese lanterns because i thinj it was a festical. Walking down the street i found an amazing art gallery. My mum disappeared so i went up by myself to see the gallery. Alot of other kids were there and ut was some famous thing going on like mona lisa famous. Maybe it was picasso or monet. Well anyway in it was a small gallery upstairs in a purplely navy velvet spiral and i think we werent allowed in but anyway te fiften or so kids went with me. They were around 7-14 yrs old and it turns out, when we arrived at the top, there was a lockdown so we were trapped in the room. The room was like a squashed (very) sphere. Inside was only two paiting and the rest of the walls was a huge window. Which you could see the harbour an all. It was really pretty util we saw a huggee wave heading towards us. A tsunami like wave with dirt and all that it was muddy started to head over the harbour destroying almost everything. It was subrise and we could see this animated wave destroying a cartoonified building structure and just structures and the scenes also turned ino a bare sandy desert but a tsunami still rolling over it towards us. Our tower was a lot high so everyone was more calm than we should be. I was worried about my family but i stayed in the huge room anyway. When it had hit, our room fell off the tower so we tumbled with the water. What was really cool was the fact that the locdown soor was so protective no water came in and the windows are bulletproof ithink to avoid thievery.
I was the hero
Ran into this building to stop umbridge from destroying australia
She was hiding at the top top level of westfield.
Her army caught me ans my friend so on the level was also my friends mums house
It was like a westfield so tgroufht the elevator we tried to find tefuge.
I ran into the house and asked if they ha any guns or weapons i could protect myself with. They had a rifle but as she left to get it they came through the door
I took a big metal rod and hid in a white cupboard waiting for the soldiers not in uniform
When one came in I hit him unconcious then took his two guns. I saw my friend and threw it to her saying "Aim for the legs"
So bfr i could figure out how to use the gun i had to find my gun app on the iphone. The app was supposed to shoot people until i realised that movile phones cant shoot people
Finally i figured out how to use the gun- its was a gun which acts like a taser but since its christmas it had rainbow lights every time you pull the trigger. So i tased a few guys to help me friend. One guy it didn't affect till the taser thingo did it to his neck. Hopefully hes fine.
At the end of the story i tased umbridge, called the police and stopped the tsunmai even though the opera house harbour bridge and all were all gone
Notes: the house was white. My friend was asian. Her gun was s rifle.

I copied ad pasted straight from my notes on my phone so I'll fix its grammar and punctuation and all tomorrow when I'm less tired. I'm pretty sure you can understand it now.

My mum thinks I'm weird. Writing dreams?

Now I'm waiting for my yummy Vienna Cheesecake to bake. And I'm tired, so goodbye.

Images: my pathetic rewrapping of my present from my friend so I could "surprise" myself and the pretty decorations from a wedding I attended a few days ago.

Friday 21 December 2012

Well it's About Time

To whom it may concern,

Time is fascinating. One decade is ten years which is 520 weeks which is 3652 days which is 87648 hours which is 5258880 minutes which is 315532800 seconds which is 315532800000 milliseconds. May be slightly incorrect.

Why the hell did I just do that.

Now, you see I haven't posted in over a week. (Yes, well it's truly about time) And yes, I confess that is shameful. You would probably expect one or two a week because being bored is sometimes even worse than being busy.

Today (I'm from Australia) is doomsday. Wow. In actually have a lot to say since I haven't been here all week. I'm not sure why, but I stayed up till around 1 am in Australia to just see if anything happens or what people post on facebook, and I think it's pretty funny because they're all Australians. At first I got technical and was like: Oh hey the Mayans are from the other side of the world so our doomsday will probably be extremely late at night or early in the morning the next day. Then you start to realise that GMT never existed. Oh well. I wish I could actually prank someone in America but then you ALSO have to realise that it's still yesterday, technically. I hate time. Time and space. Especially time. And it's only Friday :( I hate Fridays. You'll never hear TGIF from me.

An Incident Yesterday:
Me: what if the world really ends tomorrow? (searching for some hope and optimism)
Mum: Well then we die

:( Thanks mum.

You never seem to have enough time. You see, my school year is already over and now it's the holidays. I read this fascinating book about time. Never. Again. Time isn't such a confusing concept but when you read a whole book about it and since it's so closely linked to the other concepts and aspects of time it repeats over and over and it just muddles up your brain because IT JUST DOES. (Just noting here, if you ever want to read, and it really is a good book, its the "Terrible Truth about Time" of the Horrible Science series and I LOVE that series it's so fascinating)

Having nothing to do is worse than having lots of things to do. You NEED to be occupied you see. Or you start going crazy, like me. So unfortunately I'm a crazy child and that really does not help so I decided to learn another language. No I did not choose to expand my knowledge for languages I actually need when I go to France and Italy next year (yes I think I previously mentioned I forgot all my Italian, sorry) so of course, I decided to learn Spanish. Sí. Oh God I need help. I learnt how to say 'Our horses do not drink water': Nuestros caballos no beben agua. Yeah because I really need to say that one day in my life *sarcasm EVERYBLOODYWHERE*

Well I had this music audition to try out for Symphonic Wind Orchestra and oh my gosh I can't sight read. So I think I failed even though I did better than my actual music exam. There's this odd thing about me in which I absolutely HATE HATE HATE HATE HATERTYUIOP music yet I love lovE loVE lOVE LOVE playing instruments. The...fudge?

Another thing we did this week was making DELICIOUS CREPES. YUMMY. They looked a bit horrible but who says they can't be delicious? We made sweet and savoury ones and I LOVE the savoury ones with chicken and cheese.

I love reading the news. And I need to mention a little sad note about the Connecticut shootings. EVIL MAN :(

It's almost Christmas, but I'm not a tad excited. Why Jade why? You got so many presents and all that and yet you don't want Christmas? It may have been because of all the sadness and boredom I face now. Well I know Santa is rotting somewhere in my backyard so...OHMYGOD I HAVE THIS INFESTATION OF CREEPY BROWN BEETLES. They are like 3mm in length and fat and round and EWW. Probably because my house is breaking down. StupidweakunreliableINFRASTRUCTUREADSJFHASLKJDFA.

Recently I've been cursed  with a plague of forgotten dreams. This is so sad. After my streak of so many recorded dreams (actually I got lazy and only did dot points and now I don't know ANYTHING about them... I have a crap brain) I finally hit some decent recall a few days ago and today of course because of that lovely doomsday issue we have today. My first dream occured on the 17th December 2012. It was the weirdest dream ever. Actually no. Nowhere NEAR my weirdest dream ever. Well I believe it was inspired by the day I made brownies in the morning and had been continuously eating them throughout the day and night (sometimes without anyone noticing but ANYWAY) and just note please: the bit about onions is because I was traumatised about these onions (la cebolla...sorry) my mum was cutting up along with these CREEPY GREY TRANSPARENT SHRIMPS WHICH FREAKED ME OUT BECAUSE I ALWAYS THOUGH SHRIMPS WERE RED BEFORE YOU COOK THEM. She was making stir fry so... :D

So in this dreamland, which I will forever call Wonderland because the dream area where we find ourselves in but not our actual bodies in because our mind is so great and amazing and magnificent and imagintive that it can conjure all these useless memories and ideas into one big even which can happen four to six times a night I THINK, but you only can remember around zero to two dreams usually well I only remember around then,while it's filing all those memories and what has happened during the day away so overall I've come to realise that I must've really hated full stops because this sentence is so outrageously long you'll probably try to reread againt to see if I was lying and didn't put any full stops which also means if I really didn't then you ha to take a quick breath every now and then because the full stops are usually use for takign a breath and a break ebfore your next sentence WELL HERE'S YOUR BREATH AND BREAK. Another thing you need to know about this dream is the fact I've always been fascinate dabout how oil floats on top of water which I already know the reasons why but I still think is cool so yes this idea came from making the brownies which I needed to combine both the water and oil for the mixture. FINALLY. My dream was about my dad taking my family somewhere because he got angry or some crap I forgot about and then afterwards ( I went to a boarding school here and it's back to school time so...) we went home to let me make my lovely brownie-onion-oil-water mixture but the problem about this disgusting mixture is that it's basically made of a 1:1 ratio of oil and water and a handful of chopped red onions inside which, overall, is supposed to make some delicious brownie after I boil it. I also actually made mroe brownies but I ate them all ad also made yummy asparagus/corn bread cases which also looked liek quiches but I also ate them all except for one or two which I eventually ate so that was absoultely POINTLESS. So I brought this oil-water-onion mix to school and I almost spilt some on my calculator and yes that was the SUSPENSE part. So I left it on the cooking table while telling my friend Amy off for not replying to my texts about if we had any assignments today and there was actually a really important assignment that was due today so obviously I started to stress out. What wasmore stressful was that when I turned on the stove to cook my brownie mix I turned around to see my other friend Donna EATING THE WHOLE MIX SO THERE WAS NOTHING LEFT except when she was eating it it started to look like gravy. Not pleasant. Well at first she did ask for my permission to try some and I said "NO because the onions are raw and everything is raw AND YOU DON'T EAT RAW THINGS OKAY? YOU CNA DIE BECAUSE OF SOME BACTERIAL DISEASE or something".  Since seeing her sticking her face int eh mixture I did not want to cook it anymore and I failed the assignment and the lesson of this dream is to NEVER rely and trust your dream friends. Ever.

I alspo had a dream today, the 21st of December 2012 but it's even longer than that so I'll post it someday and it has something about WHITE COLLAR AND THE WALKING DEAD in it and they are both fantastic shows so you should watch them :)

Tomorrow I'm going to watch The Perks of Being a Wallflower and I HOPE IT'S GOOD. Then sooner or later I'm going to watch Skyfall, Pitch Perfect, Wreck-it Ralph, Les Misérables, Life of Pi (I don't even know what it's about but apparently it's good), MAYBE Rise of the Guaridans and now I just started to realise that I've listed almost every movie avaliable. Oh well. I've also recently been eating ALOT of frozen yoghurt since it finally open a lovely one near my house. Delicious.

I was really bored and I haven't been on omegle in such a LONG time. Well this was my lovely snail mail convo with a lovely fellow a few days ago: The Hare-y Snails Army. I'm so funny.

Yesterday my friend Amy wasn't replying to messages I was sending her so I sent her this:

Dear Miss Zhukeepa
You have not been accepted in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
To celebrate doomsday, Miss Yamental and Miss Jadeissoamazingthatsheshouldbeworshipped requests for you to attend to a very important meeting via facebook, though your opinions would not affect the issue in anyway. You will agree with everything we say during the meeting because Jade is so amazing. This will be prompt and short so GET TO IT NOW.
Sincerely from,
Jadeissoamazingthatsheshouldbeworshipped and Yameng.

Well Goodbye, and if the world really does end in a few hours, thanks alot Mayans. Good luck for surviving today and the rest of the holidays.

Kind Regards,


Images: I was really into photography this week- there are sunsets, flowers, NYC, a doll I made, fried icecream,  speckled sunlight ground,  sky and the harbour. No order.

Friday 7 December 2012

Television Holiday

And usually I write my blog posts over a period of two-four days so if things change it'll change throughout the post.

Hey earthlings :D

I feel like talking about television shows, movies, the news and upcoming events. Let's all get up to date, unlike me who just FINALLY finished the pilot of 'The Walking Dead' because it took ages to load. *one day later* WOO. Now I'm up to episode fourrr :D

I think I'm in this television mode because I was (yes) watching just before. To be completely honest I only started to watch TV shows I think... This year. Mainly because one of my friends told me I should watch 'Revenge' because it's really good or something but anyway she's right: it really is good. Then I started to watch 'Once Upon a Time'. I do like it very much but for some reason, usually after an episode or so into a season, I lose interest but still watch it because some surprises hopefully would occur. My friend Bernice as I previously mentioned got me hooked onto 'White Collar'. When she first mentioned it (or when anybody mentions for me to wtach a show for the first time) I automatically assumed it was some anime thingo (sorry Bernice) because I think half, or more, of my friends love the genre. And I hate it (sorry). And they still recommend them. So it took me a while to finally start watching it when I realised HEY IT HAS CRIME AND IT LOOKS REALLY GOOD. I also watch CSI but I don't follow the season- I just watch it randomly (Miami and New York) AND YOU SHOULD. IT'S REALLY GOOD. I watched the New York, Miami and Las Vegas last night but they were all old shows because I've seen them before. Umm and there's 'The Walking Dead' Ahaha ohmygosh it's pretty good I think. Good show to watch for doomsday coming soon. I started watching it because it was I think one of the most watched shows with a high rating. So yes I think it's pretty great. Eat while watching, just a tip C:

Mum: (trying to be inspirational) You can be whatever you want when you grow up Jade.
Me: a Photographer? *sounding extremely hopeful*
Mum: no

Okay just then I went to go and try steal a cookie from the cookie jar (because I'm the family's cookie monster). So when my mum left I ran and opened the box and then I tried to take the cookie out but it was stuck. I hear my mum coming back and it was like this moment of fate where in the last second you'll probably make it out scot-free and it's all suspensful and all that. So it was this epic moment when finally the cookie broke free and I ran as fast as anything to my seat and sat down drinking water and hiding my cookie under the table when my mum came back. I unsuspiciously left the table to my room and ate te delicious buttersnap. Well yeah that's how my lunch went.

Oh and now my mum has confiscated my pillows and bans me from using more than one pillow. AND I LOVE MY PILLOWS. The only way (I might've mentioned this before) you can wake me up is taking away my pillow. The quilt isn't too bad unless its like -47383729 degrees.

I got alot of Christmas presents recently including a beautiful hat (in which the xmas wrappings stained it :'( sad), a pencilcase, a stationery set, a keyring, a decoration, a ring and a bracelet. Well I rewrapped all of them in pretty wrapping and hid it under te Christmas tree so I can surprise myself when it's Christmas. Yes, pathetic, but I always end up opening the presents before Christmas.

Now I realised that I have nothing to do at all. No work or anything. I actually have nothing to do. It is such a strange feeling. So I made a productive list of things to do in the holidays:
•learn italian
•recap my french
•study science
•surf or cycle
•make something... Like a model :D

In fact I got so bored I started to recap on a bit of Italian and study a new language: Spanish :D I also haven't been making my usual films in a while (yeah I have this hobby of film making too) so what I've been doing is chasing my fat dog with this watergun he is scared of.

OHH today Bernice and I were trying to persuade everyone to watch White Collar. It may or may not be working.

Fail post but see you next time anyway :D

Images: My asian fan I bought in the city because it's so PRETTY. and photos of nature and the sky and my citrus photoshoot XD OH AND THE BOOKMARK I MADE (above)

Sunday 2 December 2012

Christmas and Other Rants

The benefits of December.

Hi there :D

Before I get to the good news I should say the bad news. MY. MUM. DOESN'T. LET ME. WRITE. DREAMS. ANY. BLOODY. MORE. What is wrong with writing dreams? It isn't illegal it isn't dangerous it isn't evil or anything bad at all and of all hobbies she doesn't let me do it is WRITE DOWN MY DREAMS. It's not like everyday I have an epic dream with a great storyline but i had one last night and she confiscates my journal in the morning forcing me to sleep which is basically saying "FORGET YOUR DREAMS". Do you know how important this is to me? I only forget dreams when I seriously can't remember but if I remember it clearly with my journal right next to me of course I'll record it until SOMEBODY takes it away. It's like being a coin collector and someone uses all your coins to buy things or if you love to paint and then all your art materials are being donated to charity just when your painting was almost finish. Why is writing down life dreams such as "I WANT TO BE A PHOTOGRAPHER WHEN I GROW UP" okay but the everyday dream just not possible? Well anyway now all I remember from my epic dream was that it was inside a shopping centre. THANKS ALOT. Well anyway my LIFE goal is to be a photographer/pilot/author and whatever else I had mentioned before in my other blogs. Dreams can be very hard to not get attached to :(

Another bit of bad news: I have too many to name.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while.

I really really LOVE Christmas. First Christmas in Sydney. For around eight years I've been in Surfer's Paradise or New York. So far I got presents from friends such as: an owl night light, an owl mug, a ring, a silver star bracelet, a pen, earrings (which sadly I cannot use because my ears are too sensitive for non-gold-plated earrings) and a chocolate, which I already ate as soon as I got it. this year I actually put up decorations and bought a new Christmas tree and ornaments. The big changes in life.

Another bit of good news is that I get to go back to the United States in their spring in 2014 :D Which means NO SNOW...WOOO!! No blizzards no cancelled flights no cold no rain and all these benefits XD

Why am I so depressing with my ups and downs and sadness :( I'm just waiting for this moment when I'm old enough to drive and to work and to save up money and to literally be free so I can travel and explore with noone complaining about what I do. I actually hate money but I sadly need it in life so I'm just like >:( screw life.

In the holidays, with lazy parents, I'll never get one foot out of my house. I really wanted to go surf again or skydive but it is 'too far' or 'life threatening' (but I swear they're better off without me anyway while I'll be the gazillionth person to explore the life after death concept AHAHA) and do all these other amazing things on my bucket list. Why am I too young to explore? And no Jade is not happy. I should have just done my URL as "such is life" like Ned Kelly's last words as I have mentioned in my previous blog.

Maybe it is just me but I feel like I haven't put much effort in this blog or recently in my life. I'm acting like I'm depressed when I complain about myself >:( I hate scrambled eggs.

Image: My messy desk and my presents I'm giving out soon.
Yes one is a tissue box.

Saturday 1 December 2012

Doomsday Necessities

When was the last time I posted? Not sure. Well I've been forgeting my dreams A LOT so all I can remember is that every single dream so far is about a train trip to the WRONG place.

An important issue, speculation, conspiracy theory, joke, predicted event, the apocalypse, end of the world, the rupture or whatever one would call it, Doomsday is just a really good topic I need to just talk (is that a good word to use?) about.

Hey earthlings, it's officially December.

When I say DECEMBER first thought is: ahh Christmas. Then, it is probably: ahh holidays. Then: ahh first day of *insert season*. I actually have not realised that December is also the end: of the year or as word has it, the world. Summer solstice, 21/12/12. What I had found funny today is that I was watching 2012 and as soon as it ended an advertisement came up plainly saying: 2013. ahahaha. And I love Lilly from 2012. She is so cute. And has an amazing taste in hats.

Pour moi, j'ai une jour de liberté. School ends on the 19th. But I have it all planned :D For fun, I'll pack a survival kit and hide under my table for the whole day saying goodbye to my friends and families, wearing the best clothes to run in and all and finishing whats possible on my bucket list, which includes breaking a window. And researching tips on how to survive: what plants to eat, what things to use, what shelter etc. And i'll sleep so my death isn't painful.


  • First Aid Kit
  • Medicines
  • Water
  • HEALTHY and preserved foods or snacks
  • Water and juice (because I love juice)
  • Knives, fork and spoon
  • Rope
  • Sleeping bag
  • A SUPER thick but light book
  • Torch
  • Extra batteries
  • Portable Radio
  • A mobile phone
  • A Hat (you can wear this)
  • A Jacket
  • A Map 
  • Chocolates or lollies

Oh and I need to work on my ability to run (slowest in the class, proven, and wear sports shoes), flying an aeroplane (woo one off my bucket list) and the ability to have luck.

Time after time there are many theories to the day of the solstice and now note I'm down under so it's not the winter one at that moment. These theories include: alignment of heavenly bodies causing some sort of disaster, solar storm, nuclear attack, asteroid or some sort of body slamming into Earth, (unlikely and unrealistic) zombie apocalypse, unknown disease destroying everyone, (Christianity) some random spirit demons roam earth for some years, aliens attacking the world, mass natural disaster event and heaps more. The proof they have is a Mayan long-count calendar or if Christian, the Bible. The Mayan calendar ends every 5125 years and it seems to happen on the 21/12. It seems like a very coordinated day *cough* palindrome. WE ARE ALL HUMAN. You cannot predict an expiration date mates. Unless it is all a conspiracy theory. Or it really is real. Oh pickle beans in a leaf trunk if it is.

Welcome to the land of rhetorical and non-rhetorical questions. What if it is real? What will you do on that day before? What if it isn't? What if you die a painful death? What if all these questions are of a crazy nutcase who survived to whatever year you are reading this and yes I'd laugh at myself too? For those believers, what is going to happen, do you think?

What will your famous last words be if it does happen. Ned Kelly's one is pretty cool: Such is life. Sadly it's already taken.

Just saying but I cannot wait until it is 22/12 and saying: "oh hey isn't the world meant to end yesterday?"

A huge asteroid is visible in the daylight in the sky.
Then I realise that Sydney is around 10 hours ahead of the GMT.


Well it's not like the Mayans were THAT exact and even had the GMT then. But then they were from (I think) Mexico, at the top of my head. That place is 17 hours behind Sydney (approx).

Oh well. I'll definitely post something about this issue AGAIN.
