Sunday 10 February 2013

Time Warp

It took me a month to write this post. I hope the time frame of it all kind of makes sense. Kind of.

Don't you hate eating fruits warm? Unless it is in a hot pie or tart or something but I can't stand warm fruits. Even just room temperature fruits which is basically warm in our summer.

Hello Earthlings,

I don't even know why I'm still trying with this post. But I still am. :(

#4 LESSON OF THE WEEK: Pinching and other means of mild self-harming (including punching and slapping) yourself in a dream to see if it is a dream most likely would not work. Especially for me.
...In the end I actually thought my dream was real. Which would've been awesome.

Within under seven days I must learn how to wake up at 6am rather than the current 12pm (which is a big improvement from 2:30pm). I had previously mentioned that I need to get my revision notes done. There has been no progress since last week and I am probably screwed.

Dad: LOOK. Big Bird!
Me: That's an Ibis. We see them peering in our windows every morning.

I wrote that about a month ago. So basically school already started and we got two assignments, with one of them THE BIGGEST ONE OF YOUR WHOLE LIFE and some article crap. From today the major assignment is due in three days. Let me tell you something: I am abnormally interested in the most unanswerable questions in the whole of the universe. My original question I were to experiment on was, unfortunately, "How to recognise a face". The best question EVER was unanswerable so it took me until the last minute to finally pick a suitable question like the boring "short-term memory" bunch. The night before school started I didn't sleep. *SURPRISE* So I woke up nice and early which ultimately doesn't make sense if you didn't sleep at all. And I texted Bernice and she replied at 4am... Well about my revision notes I hid them somewhere so I'd forget about them until the CRUCIAL moment of hard-hitting exams just gives me this huge blow to my head and I'll just say a bunch of regrets. Like the usual. I HAVE CAMP NEXT MONTH. And I'm getting laptops which is awesome but unfortunately I was away for a week which means I miss out a HEAP of things. But I think a trip to Surfer's Paradise is just as good.

I have made a conclusion for the unusual school excitement for many Australian school students nowadays. The majority of us is excited because of what? No not the work or waking up or whatnot but of what we have bought that is brand new for school. Whether it is a brand new pencilcase or school bag or notebooks I'm pretty sure 99.9% of this majority are going to show it off in some way or another. You can do it in a subtle, modest manner. If that is even possible because that's very contradicting like a light darkness. ANYWAY, other than meeting new or old friends I am pretty sure the students with no new items aren't as excited as the kids with a brand new pen or something. Yes. I am one of those "got-a-new-pen-so-I-am-automatically-more-awesome-and-excited-than-you" kids.

TELEVISION SERIES RANTING TIME: White Collar was back yesterday and it was really good but I guess I'm more excited for the next episode because I need something really bad to happen to cause some good old thrills. To me its extremely funny when someone acts drunk or drugged like how Neal was drunk in this episode. Unless they're violent drunks. Then it gets interesting. And I swear there are so many guest stars and minor-role-actors that are repeatedly used in shows that I watch like, for example, a Once Upon A Time actress in Castle (which I'm more than five seasons behind in) and a Revenge actor in Suits (which I'm also still more than a season behind in) I just caught up with Revenge and now I'm asking myself why did they have to name that guy Marco? Because every time I hear his name there's this little part of me which really really wants to scream out POLO. Along with Revenge I have caught up with the Walking Dead and I really don't want Daryl to die but to be honest I don't think he is going to and Andrea is really annoying. Sorry Andrea fans.

UP-TO-DATE TV RANTS: I really really didn't like Elizabeth when she made Neal lie to Peter :( And I'm still too lazy to catch up on Suits and Castle. It's all too much for me :( And why does White Collar have a two week break when they just had a mid-season break? But here's a funny post I found: HELLO (it's a link just in case for some reason you didn't realise). And the Walking Dead is back so YAY. The episode was awesome and I HOPE Daryl comes back and I'm pretty sure he does. I feel sorry for Tyreese. He was really friendly unlike Ben and his friend >:( Revenge is okay so far. YAY something interesting happens. Who do I think would die? Most likely Jack or Amanda since this is Revenge and all the bad things happen to the "good" characters who are actually also kind of bad but yeah. I think it might be Amanda. Because if it was it would be interesting. If not, then I'm fine with it XD And I lost interest in Once upon a Time AGAIN. BUT I HAD THIS COOL IDEA. Wouldn't it be amazing for a Castle/White Collar cross-over? :D

Oh and thank GOD that there was an undo button because I just deleted this whole post.

Recently on the news I think an old bottle had arrived on Perth's shores (was it Perth? I never read the article) and that had just reminded me of something on my bucket list. I needed to do a message-in-a-bottle sort of thing one day. There are two problems: what the message would be and how to not get a big fat littering fine when I throw one into the big blue. I guess my message would be about what my average life is like in the year 2013 (or whatever year it may be) and probably a tip. I'm also waiting till I hit year 12 after the Higher School Certificate to make a time capsule for just me or even one with my friends and not to open it until I'm thirty because I reckon that is a suitable age and many things should and would have changed by then. ALWAYS include pictures because it would be visually attractive, and I would probably have some coins because we may or may not kick out a coin or so in our currency system. Letters and notes are extremely important and my life goals by the year 2032. Achievements, memorable moments, favourite or most valued item you ever posessed (don't put like a diamond in there because someone could rob it during the next gold rush- yes a citizen in Ballarat just found this huge nugget so who knows what would and could happen). The reason for all this? I always had a knack for old historical things. Trust me I was extremely happy when I found Aussie pennies in my dad's time capsule from... I think 1982. If I bought a house it would definitely be a heritage home or a place with lots of interesting historical moments. All I knew about my house is that it had housed soldiers during war. Good enough for me.

In the middle of the night...say past midnight:
Brother: ...and I probably will again this friday night-

Honestly I hate Fridays.

On Tuesday I had gone to the shops in Hurstville and also my friend, Yameng's home to learn how to knit. To be honest the first thing I did there was harassing her fat but cute cat. It bit me three times :( I thought they are like dogs when it comes to petting: loves the stomach, back and head rub. Yeahh not so much. Well we had yummy aeroplane jelly then we just skipped the knitting part and went to watch White Collar :D I watched the pilot now three times because of that LOL but it's good for learning French. So afterwards we had to walk all the way to Kogarah station in the boiling hot sun just after I witnessed Yameng abusing her cat and throwing it around like it's a plushie. Shame. SO during this day out with another one of my friend call Zoo. Now Zoo, Yameng and I went to Westfield to watch Life of Pi. Which is amazing by the way. Incredibly amazing. Watch it. Also watch White Collar. ON THE TOPIC OF "PI" I made myself to remember the first 60 or so digits of pi for fun. And yes it is fun. Do you know what else is fun? Running into Toys 'r' Us and taking this Star Wars Trooper mask and putting it on and getting a pink feather boa and strangling yourself with it while making this weird tongue-y noise and running around the the store shaking this huge pink Lego kit. Awesome. And I bought "The Lost Symbol" by Dan Brown for FIVE-FISHING-DOLLARS. MATE. THAT THING WAS WORTH SIXTY. AND IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL. And I got this really pretty Typo cup that I already abused. I also HIGHLY recommend Grilled Scallop sushi from Hero Sushi because it's FUDGING amazing. Well I now realised that old ladies with lots of shopping bags in Hurstville aren't much friendlier than old ladies with lots of shopping bags in Bankstown. I was like: HELLO. GOOD AFTERNOON. HOW WAS YOUR DAY. And she's just like: hi.

I just found out on wikipedia that my last name means gold not guilt. But like everyone says, don't trust wiki.

Now the annoying cyclone Oswald is attacking both the "Sunshine" coast and my state. Literally my state. I'm in this wreck in which I'm just depressed about the fact that when I go to the Gold Coast next week my plane will presumably crash or all the theme parks are closed or the beaches are closed or all the shops and my hotel has flooded. At first I thought the cyclone wasn't that bad because I THINK it was last year that I was at the Goldie AGAIN (been going ever since I was five) my brother and I happily relaxed in a rip at Surfer's Paradise. Hopefully it won't be horrible and that I'll bring back beautiful sunny pictures of the Gold Coast.

I'm back from the Gold Coast. BEST DAYS EVER. (I did warn you with the time frame mix up because it was all to be posted by Australia day. Didn't happen. Mate) I'll post everything in my next post. I don't even think I should make this post any longer and I've had HEAPS of amazing dreams in that month so yes await for the next post which would be AFTER my unusually-important-and-scary-stressful-science-major assignment is due which is by the end of this week.

Oh and you know how I love photography? Like LOVE LOVE LVOELVLEOVLEVLEOVLEO. YEAH. :D

What a pointless sentence LOL well I went outside down my street towards a park so that I could take the best picture of the most beautiful sunset EVER then I see a dog. A white fluffy dog. Running at me. And then stopping half-way to pee on a tree. Then continuing to run towards me. Then my slow mind realised that's Blizzard. My dog. My fat, dirty dog. My fat, dirty dog was not int he backyard. HE HATH ESCAPED.

Blackouts are annoying when you don't have matches because you hate lighters. BUT NOW. I LOVE THEM. Its like *FLICK* ERMAHGERD it's a flame. But I still like matches better. Sorry.

The majority of my dreams end up with a tsunami. :( BUT I had this awesome dream where I met all these awesome people like Coldplay (I need new songs from them) and the White Collar Cast. That dream is for tomorrow guys. :D OH and if I hadn't mentioned this yet but I'M GOING TO NEW YORK IN APRIL NEXT YEAR. HA. I could meet the cast :D Which would be amazing.

It's been... a month since I last practised my Spanish. C'est dommage. lol that's not even Spanish. Lo siento. OH and for some reason my friends find it unbelievably funny when I say scusi. Well. I used to say 'excuse me' then it shortened to 'scuse me' then to 'scusi' which is inspired from the Italian 'mi scusi' which means, obviously, 'excuse me'. So I basically shortened 'mi scusi' to just 'scusi'. Complicated but I needed to explain my reasons.

Mum: *blahblahblah*...Justin.
Me: Well you said that "Justin" time.
Mum: *puts on the what-the-hell face*

Me: (for fun) why is my phone sweating?
Mum: *puts on the what-the-hell face*

Me: Why are you boring?
Mum: *puts on the what-the-hell face*

Me: Why do you eat such unhealthy foods for? Noodles aren't good for you.
Mum: *looks at my maccas and puts on the what-the-hell face*

Love being a hypocrite. Which I also nickname them as "hippos"
Goodbye. Hope you survived the post without getting confused. Trust me I confused myself.

I'm just going to include only one picture and make a whole picture post as well.


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