Saturday 19 January 2013

Even the Icecream Started to Fry


Not for the Havaianas Thong Challenge, which I unfortunately cannot attend but we have officially put Sydney on the barbie like our steaks (not shrimps. I don't even know how the saying is...what...shrimps?).

Dozens of fires have broken out all over the state with the heatwave launching its attacks along with humidity, thunder and rain. It's bloody 46 degrees celsius, or otherwise seen as 115 degrees fahrenheit. Congratulations Sydney, we just got the shootiest weather of all time.

What did I do? Wake up when people usually have a siesta, eat, work, knit (unsuccessfully) and try to spray my dog with water for him to feel better even though he is scared of it.

I'm just saying but my dream was like as if it was on high. I remember, as it was one of the most memorable moments in that dream, that I could actually fly, by moving my feet as if I was cycling, all the way to the sun. Then I stopped flying because I realised I need sunglasses to land on the sun. So I went to go get my sunnies and continued my journey to the sun.

You know those times when you remember something but you don't really remember it? Like if you forgot a word and thinks it starts with "b" but it doesn't? Frustration is just so...

I was reading 'the Helix' magazine from the CSIRO and it's so interesting. I now know how to figure out the angle of blood splatters AHAHA. One step closer to being...whatever I want to be. :(

This is how I planned my day:
7:00: wake up
8:00: swim
9:30: stop swimming
10:00: arrive home
10:30: finish showering and start work
11:00: finish year 7 summary
2:00: break
By 5:00: finish year 8 summary
5:00: free time
6:00: dinner
7:00: start collecting year 9 science notes for the next day

What my day really turned out to be:
10:19: wake up
11:12: get out of bed
12:00: eat breakfast
12:01: complain
12:02: whinge
12:03: complain
12:04: finish breakfast
12:05: procrastinate
2:55: start knitting
3:46: stop trying because its getting nowhere
3:47: whinge
4:00: spray the dog with water
4:15: work (got only two pages done) and procrastinate
4:16: complain
4:17: complain
4:18: whinge and play with rubbers until...
4:57: break time
5:00: found out wifi was working again
7:00: get off the computer and eat dinner
7:30: dinner over
7:31: now

See you soon everyone :D

Images: my yarn and needles, my hotdog AHAHA, my books (french revision, science revision, Lee Child novel I bought, maths revision NOTE: 2/3 Revision books have not been touched. I just felt bad for not doing any work this holidays and that I don't use any of my beautiful typo books but now I'm running out), my noodles I had for dinner

Signing off,
Arnold Sodeman

...please don't look him up LOL

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Precious Royal Guilt

Isn't it nice to be woken up at 5:12 am by birds laughing at you? That's right kookaburras, I'm watching you.

I have so much to say that I haven't posted in about two weeks.

Okay that didn't make much sense. But I do admit I have a lot of "breaking news" and "explaining" and "ranting" and "photo spamming" and "making fake promises" and "whatnot" which didn't really need quotation marks but I felt the need to keep the pattern "ongoing"...

I've written this to-be posted blog post about five times. This is the sixth time I'll be writing it. I have plenty of good reasons for you to stick around till this very end. One reason is that I am allergic to save buttons. I wrote a post I think three times without saving them every time. That's right. And I thank God for those auto-recovery Word documents or I would've been screwed so many times. I tried writing this post various times throughout the fortnight so please don't make me feel so bad. Okay I just saved this just in case.

I've built many worries and paranoias throughout my life including worries about losing things. I really have this attachment to memories and anything memorable one has remembered. I have around 40 gigabytes of photos ahaha and I am worried that somehow, someday, they will all be deleted. But I have begun to move on from my attachment. Not so much because I still back up things at least twice. But still :) I also have a wide range of phobias, but they are not as bad as some other people. Okay yes I am quite claustrophobic. IT's not too bad because I can handle an elevator BUT if there is something wrong and I am stuck in one for an extremely long time (like in 'The Force' how this family got stuck in a broken elevator for a few hours in SUMMER) I will eventually start to overstress myself so much that I will try to sleep to get rid of my fear. If I am in a closet for too long in hide and seek (like half an hour or more unless I'm angry and can tolerate it) I will leave because I hate small spaces. THEY ARE SMALL. OKAY. Another fear I unfortunately have is the fear of heights. This is why I want to go skydiving because I'll face this fear. But I will never start tight rope walking ever, even if my life depends on it. Unless I know that I'm completely secure then I'm fine. Another fear... OHH spiders. I hate them but I find them fascinating. If one ends up touching me (when I'm surprised) I'll get a mini heart attack because I'm not the screaming type. Yeah I figured I always look very unemotional at times :( I'll always go up to a spider and stare at it. Until it jumps at my face. Like last time :( There was this time when I went canoeing and I have this habit of staying at the back of the boat and kicking the water a lot. When I stopped there was this huge spider on my knee. It was okay, I let it stay there for a while because it was cool but then I flicked it away. Sometimes, I take my fears as a joke. One time I was making my bed and then there was this little coil of dust-fluff (so I had thought) so I picked it up and looked really close to inspect it. Long story short I just picked up a spider. As they say: FACE YOUR FEARS.

French Books I Bought
Managed to buy SOMETHING
 with Bernice :D
Previously I had said that I will post a short movie review for 'Jack Reacher'. And I do mean short. I watched it they day after it was released so now it probably not do so much good. I would admit that (now, since I recently bought a Jack Reacher novel- 'Worth Dying For' by Lee Child. And I also bought a bunch of other books because I'm a bookworm) the actor who plays Reacher, Tom Cruise, does not fit the description of the character at all. That, is one of the obvious complaints of a book reader. One of the biggest shames in this movie adaptation of great reads world is of the Percy Jackson movie. Oh my goat fish but that film was horrible and was completely off the book. Drifting back to the Jack Reacher film, I thought it was pretty good and it is great how sometimes there are bits of comedy, which I like- to give some laughter throughout the seriousness. Overall, through the main criticism of not fitting the character's appearance, the movie is great: 4/5 stars :)

On the topic of movies, I was supposed to watch 'Life of Pi' today but I had to unfortunately go to a dentist. Well anyway while going to watch 'Jack Reacher' I had gone with Bernice. My goal was to buy one clothing item. It never worked out. I managed to steer away from buying clothes. It's like how, unlike other girls, I don't like nail polish or lip gloss or lip stick or whatnot. I just don't like their smells and tastes. Unless it has UV ray protection.

WARNING TO ALL AUSTRALIANS: if you haven't read the news...THERE'S A KILLER FLU ABOUT FROM THE UNITED STATES. One of the problems of globalisation. These darned diseases, which means vaccines which means needles. Lots of needles.

My Wii has broken down but it recently was fixed. Well it was a good reason to stop being fit. I went onto it and it gave me my new BMI. Hey almond Magnums aren't just there to be admired. They are to be eaten. So are the chocolate-dipped scotch fingers, chocolate milkshakes and the chocolate flakes. Lollies aren't really my thing though, but I think it's still a good reason for my current "slightly off" fitness level.

...My name means: Precious Royal Guilt. The question is 'Why?'

I'm so proud of my subconscious mind. I haven't had a nightmare for over a year. Until a few nights ago. It wasn't exactly clear at first (well it WAS until I got too lazy to write it down) but the only reason why it was different to all my other apocalyptic dreams is that I HAD A NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE. Well it wasn't really a nightmare but there was this one moment that was 'nightmare-worthy' but the rest was funny.

Instead of that short dream here's one I wrote when I was supposed to post a few days ago:  No surprises here but yes the dream was hazy. Maybe because I didn't record until before I went to bed that day. Sadly. On the night of the 11th of January, 2013, the end of the world was here, yet again. I was at Central station, waiting for my train to come so that I, along with the rest of my grade (and some other years), can travel to the Sydney Art Gallery. Sadly the train guards came and told us that they ran out of trains but it was all okay because they had a replacement system. So not long after, we saw three buses (one a double decker sightseeing bus and two plain boring old buses) pull up on the train tracks. I whispered to my brother and sister to run and go upstairs of the sightseeing one. So we made it. We got into a three seater on the top so we ha an awesome sky view. Excited to go to the gallery the bus driver made some sad news. He said: Sorry but all siblings of Sydney Girls High students must be returned home. The only siblings on that bus were mine. So first they drove that bus to my home to drop them off. As we pulled into the driveway I told them bye and then showed my friends this picture I drew on the wall of my house (it had taken ages to fill the whole wall, up to the roof) with a piece of chalk. I was happy because it had lasted even in the rain because a little bit of the brown roof was overhanging so it had protected it, except for the faded parts at the bottom. Suddenly, someone on the bus in my grade, took out their water gun and sprayed the whole wall. I was so sad I was depressed and upset and I swore I wanted to murder that person (well not literally just giving the death stare) because water and chalk is never a good idea. So the whole trip I was quiet. When we arrived I was happy again. (Please note: I don't usually ever get mood swings. If it seems like I do, one emotion is fake and the other is real) Waiting for them to mark our roll they told us that you get points for how much, at the end of the day, you know about the artworks. If you get in the top thirty or something, they give you a medal. I never had a medal before so I really really tried to consume a lot of knowledge. So after exploring the art gallery for a while I settled down in a corner where the stairs were. (the gallery was kind of structured like my school) I saw that two people were there already and I heard them say: Do you want to go look at the carpet gallery? Even though it's out of bounds but sill... So yes as evil as I was I grabbed a random friend (I think it was Yameng) and I really was that bored and wanted to go somewhere else because I already could remember as much as possible about Aboriginal paintings. So I pretended to follow her but she was actually following me so I "accidently" walked into the carpet gallery past the security because they saw that we were busy talking. (Sorry Yameng, I can be evil. In fact, I am truly evil) While exploring the carpet gallery (and Yameng ditching me because she got bored) I realised why it was restricted. It was because the main office was there. With my super hearing powers I heard that they were making a list of people who had the highest points (all the smarties in my grade were mentioned) and then I heard me :D So happy that I could get a medal I realised I reached the end of the corridor and there was only a glass window there (the whole gallery was empty). I looked through the glass window and i realised that they had gathered up all the winners into that room but I was locked out. I tried to hear through the soundproof window: "...all those winners who need a medal, please follow me". They were led out of sight. I scrambled back upstairs towards the back door. Almost there, I heard a huge explosion which shook the building and deafened my ears. I opened the door to the warehouse area and ran outside. I saw this orange mushroom cloud where the winners were supposed to be. So they all perished. Shocked, everyone, it turns out to be, had to be evacuated into the warehouse anyway. Oh wait I forgot to mentioned this but I think I stole a painting. Don't worry I never got caught. It turns out there was a street bombing all around Sydney. Ignoring all this, I grabbed another friend (I forgot who) and went up to the table area where all the teachers were relaxing. I forgot what had happened but I remember, since this was an evacuation area, it was boring. So I started to have a chat to the teacher about exams and medals and how I could still get one (LOL I think I watched Wreck-it Ralph before this dream happened so I may appear to be obsessed with this "medal"). She didn't reply but she offered me a chocolate. I took it and left knowing we had to wait a longgg time. It ever so turns out that as soon as I stepped out of the warehouse the helicopter dropped a purple bomb which created a fast-approaching mushroom cloud. I didn't really care if I got a detention or not for leaving without the teachers permission but I ran into a bus, closed all the windows and stayed there because I am a greedy basketball. Long dream short I survived and it turns out my family was in the bus so they survived too. I'm really getting sick of these doomsday dreams (local or international) so I'll promise you, no more of these doomsday dreams unless it is actually interesting. Well that's the end.
...of the world :D

-radio transmission crackles-
*explosion* MAYDAY MAYDA-

I'll get straight to the point: if I am to pursue my dreams of flying... This will support it. Yes that's right I'm going to (hopefully) join the Australian Airforce Cadets. Plus it will help me keep fit LOL but I really want to fly an aircraft :3 Okay I know I don't come off as the type of person who is interested in the military environment except through theory (yes I finally know the dates of the World Wars and I know I'm just a tad behind. Just a tad) but I more or so come off as a variety-seeking different adventurous type. But so far this seems extremely unlikely as you see my timetable is full. Literally. Apparently per term you are supposed to have (two? At least) weekends free and 3hrs after school (apparently Tuesday) every week.

Monday: Extra Art Class, Tutor
Tuesday: Tutor
Wednesday: Knitting Class, Wind Orchestra (if I made it)
Thursday: Badminton
Friday: Swimming
Saturday: Tutor

I do, unfortunately, have my ups and downs and sometimes I get too lazy to apply for the AAFC. So I kind of gave up for this year. I'll probably be more supportive next year. Please note the 'PROBABLY' because I put that word in for a reason.

TV SHOW TIME: Another promo for White Collar came out and it looks really cool :) For all those people out there who likes watching any television series at all, you would love White Collar. Just saying :D I'M REALLY EXCITED. Six more days! And oh my gosh I really really hate Shane in The Walking Dead. I know he's going to die, I think the next episode. He better die. That basketball. I really really really hate him.Wait I'm watching it at the same time as typing and now he's *SPOILER ALERT* dead. That is kind of great but I feel bad for Rick. And I feel so sorry for Dale :( He is a very good person but nooo. Those cruel people didn't want to listen so now *SPOILER ALERT* he's dead :( (I know if I say 'spoiler alert' you guys would still read on anyway so I find them rather pointless *cough* Bernice) I'm still behind on Suits and Revenge is still quite the same on it's plot and all so far. Once Upon A Time always, for me, grabs your interest for a bit, then, as fast as you are pulled into it, you are out.

Completely irrelevant but this is
one of my best bokeh shots XD
Actually wait I am bothered to type up a better dream. Here it is (and yes it was an awesome dream): This dream occurred on the night after the doomsday dream. This is still a doomsday dream. LOL too much of The Walking Dead (I'm up to season three now and AHH OHMYGOD DARYL HAD TO KILL THAT CUTE OWL). Okay sorry I got lazy and the beginning of this amazing dream is hazy. RHYMING. I know that there were two houses are stranded in the oceans. Each belonged to either one of my cousins who are siblings (Ben and Jas). I believe I was at Jas' first then I found a way to escape to the other house which turns out to be rented out by my brother for protection during the apocalypse. I don't really know how the transition went (like always) but all I knew is that I arrived at an older version of our property. The inside of the house was refurbished with brown smooth wood planks and a fireplace. Over there I was asking my brother what he was doing. He said he was picking a new dog- a good one for the upcoming apocalypse. He told me to help. I had to hide under a cupboard with a Japanese Spitz (three of them). We picked the quietest one. I asked him why (from the past) he had speared both great Siberian Husky puppies. Grey and blue eyed. I forgot what he had said. In the end (I, again, don't know how the transition went) but I made it back to land just in time for school. As soon as the bell rang with me carrying the heaviest subjects (maths and French) I asked my friend: do we really have to bring all of year 7's, 8's and this year's French books and she was like yeah Jade. Deal with it. In my locker, it was full of books including books written by Castle (yes I started to watch that show too LOL) which I really wanted to bring to read but it was all too heavy. As I walked down the textiles corridor and I was just in time for great news. My French teacher told me I got a detention. For what? Walking down the corridor. I forgot what I had to do for detention but it was something about bananas. Maybe peeling them and cutting them. Anyway after detention I had left school while my French teacher wasn't looking (I AM SO EVIL) to this Sydney hotel that my cousins and my whole family were in. Apparently I came in the worst time possible. They were all tormenting one of my cousins for some reason which I had conveniently forgotten. It was awkward so I decided to leave by convincing my family to go to this hotel/casino. I am again unsure of the transition. I believe I was in the casino, though under age. I got bored waiting for everyone to do what they do when I saw that they were offering raisin cookies. I got suspicious and then I saw that all the waiters' cards were from around a century ago (their birth date) so I told my brother that this had seemed all so familiar to a book I think. I left before I could be tempted to get a cookie because I was starving and I knew that raisins are disgusting and that the apocalypse is near so we need to get going. After leaving the casino and into the cafe bar, I remembered that it was a Percy Jackson reference (Lotus Casino I think in Vegas). The waiter had got up to me and offered me a cookie and even thought I know I shouldn't and was even reminded by my brother, I ate the cookie anyway (because I can). It wasn't too bad. Maybe because I was hungry. Please, family and friends who are reading this, don't ever give me a raisin cookie because I won't eat it. Then we had to run because everyone realised the apocalypse is here and some people were already zombies but wasn't seen as them until the "doomsday clock" struck. I had to drag my dad out of the casino and he's like "why Jade? Why are you always so bossy >:(" and then we really had to leave by taking our car. On the road, we bumped into another survivor group which consisted of the Walking Dead crew (as it ever so happens to be). We had combined to make a larger crew. We had no idea where we were heading so we decided to go to one of the survivor's mansion which is next door to a school. It was the evening so we had to rush before it was nightfall. There were heaps of zombies outside the gate so we had to dash for it I believe. The survivor's wife was home. Skip skip all this boring stuff to when we got to pick rooms. I don't know but for some reason I was really stupid in this dream so I picked the most luxurious room over the safest room, which was the one further away from the entrance where all the zombies were. The survivor went around the rooms to check on us. Finally he reached my room and I believe I was complaining about how uncomfortable the bed was. His facial expression was like: not my problem mate. Just at that moment unfortunately two zombies walked into my room. The survivor screamed and opened all the drawers to try and find a weapon but all he found was a deflated blue balloon. the zombies were gaining on him. I hid in the closet while they continued to attack the survivor because there was nothing I could do about it. When they were distracted I ran into the bathroom which was just next to the closet. Sadly these zombies are smart zombies and they know how to use a knife. Which is so inconvenient for an unarmed midget like me. They chased me into the bathroom so I went out onto the balcony. Yeah that's awkward. There's a GLASS door to the balcony from the bathroom. You could only lock from inside and there's only one door so I have to slide the door side to side to protect myself from the zombie in the bedroom and the one in the bathroom. I manage to hit the door really hard on the bedroom zombie that its arm fell off but the bathroom one had a knife and it's arm wasn't cut off. So it decided to slice and cut my wrist. Barely any blood came out of the wounds but apparently I was already suffering from blood loss so just in time, the other survivors heard the noise and took down the two zombies. WOO STAYING ALIIIVE but we were all sad that the other survivor died. Again I am unsure of the transitioning but our group escaped into a forest/river area by dusk. The group needed more food so they told me (because they're wimps :D) to go down past the highway to the convenience store. When I went in I saw that it was all empty so I casually strolled in as if I shopped. When I turned to go where the aisles were I accidently knocked over a stack of cans in the sea food section. The zombies on the other side of the store heard the noise and walked towards me. I ran and hid under rotting fish (disgusting- bad enough to retch) so they couldn't smell me. They didn't so I saw that they chased this other girl instead and while she was being consumed (ahaha did you get that? She is a consumer and then the zombies started to eat her so they consumed the consumer LOL). I manage to grab things along the escape and an  empty broken jar to stab any zombies.

I'm too lazy to finish the dream (I also didn't write it in so much detail as usual) but here are some points about what happens:
-My sister gets some sort of poisoning and she gets delivered to a hospital
-We leave to a more rural area where there are less zombies
-It turns out we meet my relatives there who have a farm and don't really know too much about the apocalypse
-Other than our rellies, yes James and Oliver Phelps was there and also another Harry Potter actor but I forgot who
-Apparently I couldn't tell the difference between the two and kept calling each other each other
-We ended up safe staying in this apartment

I always forget where I put things. It's like I hide them if it's precious (like money or something) then when I need it, the place is so safe that I forgot where I left it. It causes so much unnecessary stress in your daily life. This is why I don't clean my room. If I clean it, I may misplace things in new place and will never ever find them again. Unfortunately when I DO have to clean my room, I find the most useless, but memorable, items in my room. Like a Maccas toy from six years ago.

It was really funny because when I DID find my wallet *clap clap, congrats* I decided to make a mini survival kit in my wallet. You would probably be thinking "oh...ohkay" but I had a good reason. Actually, coming to think of it...I don't. So anyway this idea did start because I was also packing for school...naturally being excited almost a month early and I have this habit of carrying the most useful things at the most necessary times. It's like how I always keep a pen in my pocket- saves time and effort. Well in my survival kit, in my wallet or not, I usually include band-aids, pens, hair ties, bobby pins, paper clips, tissues, mozzie bite cream (because it's summer and they're not very friendly then), moisturiser (because it's good it put it around an itchy spot, like a mozzie bite area, to avoid scratching if the mozzie bite cream doesn't really work out for you) lip balm (with SPF+ because I think that's more important than its taste), sunscreen, post-it notes, permanent marker, Mentos (because sometimes you need a sugar boost), a fan (because yes it is so hot in Australia) and emergency money (around $10 or $20). You know...I can be very prepared if I wanted to :D I actually do recommending bringing some of these things for incredibly inconvenient moments (which, for me, is always, since I have allergies and sneeze and sneeze and sneeze...)

In one of my blogs about New Years I had mentioned about one of my resolutions- TO BE MORE SOCIAL- in it. It really, to be completely honest, hasn't been working out so well. And I didn't say I tried unless standing within two metres of a person and ignoring them doesn't count. I have four events of unsocial-ness I have faced in the past fortnight. The first of all this was about an Asian child in a purple swimsuit swimming near me. I was just relaxing in the pool, adjusting to the temperature when this one-eyed one-horned flying purple people-eater just jumped at me and started to froth and drool at her mouth within a few centimetres off my cheek. It is not pleasant to have a rabies ever so close to contact. That moment, mes amis, is my first moment of socialising in a stranger-filled society. The next one happened a few minutes later when I transferred myself into the spa. (Please note: I'm never the extreme socialist. If I must be someone's buddy or meeting new friends of friends then of course I'll chat but I don't even talk to my swimming mates in my squad unless I didn't hear the coach) There was this little cute baby whose name was Emma, as stated by her mother, who swam next to her. Our only communications were: Hi!; How are you?; What's your name?; Pardon?; Are you enjoying swimming? I guess I got boring so they left :( The third occasion this fortnight was  the fact that I went to get the mail. The postman was there, quietly doing his business while I go up to him and say "Hello". I didn't expect him to jump in fear. I just said hello :( He was like: Oh sorry you scared me. Your mail is in the box. No hello back or anything. My old postman used to be very nice and be like "Good Morning. How's your day?" in his typical Aussie accent. Now it's just like this awkward silence while he fumbles with the mailbox and then leaves. Well, I tried.

I am surprised about how much I had learnt from watching shows with French subtitles (now available since I bought television series DVDs). My favourite French expression is now: On y va (let's go). It will change I assure you. It's like how in Italian I found the word for bicycle very memorable.

Night contacts are so fun. I love taking them off. Unfortunately I get double vision from them :(

Finally I have decided to draw again. I drew this picture of a girl looking out of a window (it's unfinished because I'm too lazy). I need to work on humans. It was one of my holiday mini-epiphanies. Another epiphany was that I forgot all my extra maths notes so now I'm re-studying them and I am no fan of quadratics or trig and I realised how smart other people were looking at their homework and how much I realised I forgot how to do them.

This was such a long post. But it's okay. It makes up the times I haven't been posting. Sadly the holidays are running short and I haven't managed to get any of my to-do list done.

Toodles :D

Friday 4 January 2013

Googling Bored is an Understatement

Dear Readers from Everywhere,
I have been posting as often as I could, as I will dare.
I have nothing to make this post interestingly fun,
So I'll make it rhyme- consider it done.

The sad things about the holidays,
Making it lack in loud hoorays,
Is that I am unsocial and poor-
And it closes a lot of doors.

Travelling is something I wish I can do,
But I cannot- not even for a day or two.
So here I am, stuck with this life
Resorting to stuff like staring at walls to end this strife.

The procrastinator I am,
Yes it'll leave me be damned,
has not let me shorten my to-do list.
They have all faded into a dusty mist.

I've started to become so inactive so much,
That myself became too cold to touch.
The Australian summer is the usual cure,
But with the air con on- that's a bit much to endure.

I truly must be mind-wreckingly bored,
And letting this feeling last is something you can't afford.
So listen to the moral of this life story,
Don't become a chalkboard.

Well thanks for letting me waste your time. But to be honest I do have something else to say:

Guess what I have found online?
It had sent happy tingles down my spine.
I found this lovely hat you see
And it may be fortunately suitable for me.

Seriously though- that is one beautiful fedora. I also liked the Borsalino ones but if you click on that link YOU SHOULD READ THE LAST PARAGRAPH. Ahh my dream last night as well is another thing I need to talk briefly about. It was the most disconnected and broken dream ever. I woke up every five minutes with a sneeze attack (yes I have allergies to dust and it doesn't help if your tissues are covered in dust) so my dream had changed from watching Life of Pi at a creepy camping place to Bellatrix Lestrange trying to murder me at my grandma's house to me stopping world domination of being controlled by microchips by sticking my red diamante microchip into my french notebook then running it under the shower. What.

Have a great holiday everyone.
Hopefully you'll have a lot of fun
In or out the sun. Because you know... some of you may not be in summer now and I am that considerate to be that thoughtful to you wonderful fellows.

Thursday 3 January 2013

How to Spend Six Hours

This post will be short and more boring than all my other posts.

Hey guys. How are you days? I'm just trying to keep up with my word about posting (almost) everyday. I think I'm going pretty good. As you can guess this post is short mainly because last night I had slept for only six hours because I was too busy blogging and apparently it says I still did post yesterday but you see this blog posts on the wrong time frame so... Woo explanation over.

That's right. I spent six hours around the city shopping for what? Nothing. That's right. I bought nothing other than food. This is disappointing. I was excited to buy a hat. Yes a chocolate brown 56cm wool 1 3/4" brim fedora which I could hopefully wear in France. Which would be beautiful. France I think sells alot of expensive hats like the Borsalino. Well I could spend days in Strand Hatters and still not make a descision. Now the reason why I didn't buy anything: because my mum gives me permission to buy a nice hat and there are too many hats to choose from that are all beautiful in their own ways. I actually only, mainly, use half of the hats I own. This is because I was not introduced to this 'finer' quality part of the madness. Now I realise I complain too much.

99/100 of my six hours was spent clothes shopping. I dislike it. I sit and wait while everyone else shops. That's how I spent my day. The only pluses were Max Brenner and Ladurée. The bad thing about Ladurée macarons is that they all broke and turned into dust. So really I only have one plus.

I'll leave it there. I wish I can actually explore more though.

Wait that's it- I complain too much. I'll leave it here until tomorrow.

Images: my macarons (the last picture shows the cracks :( sad) and my fantastic popsicle fondue from Max :D oh and my weird Malaysian noodle soup thingo I tried.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Like A Dream Come True

Why do my neighbours like murdering trees? I swear everytime I look at them they're cutting down trees. I think I mentioned this before but they cut down a tree that wasn't even on THEIR property. In fact...they cut down MY tree. Recently they had cut down the huge old eucalyptus that has been there for almost a century. Now they're cutting down another. It's a bad addiction and we environmentalists and tree activists need to stop this NOW.

LOL nah that's not the topic for today but seriously. I was completely serious about stopping them. When I'm old enough I am going to sue them. That's right. I have a video of them cutting down my tree. It's going to be like: "Five years ago during the installation of the cream fence which now cuts our territories, our neighbour's brother has happily murdered our purple tree which has been growing for about our house's age- 80+ years". That's right George's brother. You are going DOWN.

Next topic. I despise my past self which I'll call Jadie to avoid confusion. So Jadie...when she talks she uses an overload of exclamation marks, not full words often when typing, spam (, no sarcasm and is just plain silly. Why did I talk like that. It's just like rubbish. Now when I look back I'm thinking: ...did I do that? Or something like that. It's like if you follow the current 'trend' or something then when it goes out of style you just regret it. To be honest I never had followed a trend whether it was fluro or pastel or studs I just stuck with a "deal with it" look LOL. Comfy. So now to how you previously's like a lasting first impression. I don't even want to be part of the pack anymore so I just do what I do. Now hopefully my intense sarcasm and correct-grammar sentences do just fine (I just know it does).

Have you ever done something you had regretted? I hate regrets. Regret is like BOOM BOOM inside your head. Whether it's from an exam...which it usually is for me or whether you had picked the wrong opportunity when it was there. I regretted how I spoke, many questions in my exams, what I had chosen in my life and many more.

I'm eating an almond magnum after playing sport LOL no regrets here. Then later on when the game finds out whether you improved the next day or not... :(

I'm writing the rest of this post at 11:46pm so I hope I post it in time for the 2nd of January. And...I don't know... I kind of updated my ideal job. Not sure if I had mentioned this but I've also wanted to be a detective/police officer sort of thing because it is interesting. But I don't like guns. They are loud and I don't like loud things. Except for music. Or if I ever end up being a pilot I'll have to endure the starting engine of some aircraft. Then again I'd have to endure gunshots. If not a detective then a forsensic scientist for crimes. To be honest I don't think I'd ever become a director or an animator or a journalist so those dreams can shrink a little in priority. Funny thing is that my childhood dream was to be an astronomer (no not astrologist) and an artist and how things didn't much change from there. Okay now I just feel like doing something awesome. Like being an elephant trainer. No that was a lie because I do not -nowhere near- want to be an elephant trainer. By this rate, for work experience, I'm going to end up being stuck as an elephant trainer.

Today (second day into the year of 2013) I saw something online (which obviously may not be true) which had stated that an old Japanese superstition (which I call 'stupid'stitions...ahaha) was that the first dream of the year will come true. I somehow want that to happen and not want that to happen. It may be hazy mais à expliquer...voici mon rêve:
The staircase I quickly
drew just then
My family and I were on a holiday in a big brown hotel with a lot of windows. Now there's been talks of a terrorist. Now this terrorist is like an incredibly skinny dumbledore (like as in skin and bones) who wears rainbow out of fashion clothes and has a long white greasy beard. Dangerous. So ignoring this fact we moved into the area for our vacation and we were placed onto the second floor I believe. My parents and sister left to go shopping or something like that while y brother and I stayed in our room doing what we just do on an average day. So my brother played League of Legends (ew... Sorry gamers, I really don't like it) while I... I do what I do. So I walk around hoping for some dead clown to appear in closets or something frighteningly interesting to occur when suddenly I heard cheap glass breaking. As I walked towards the sound I stepped on some glass (it was extremely minute and you could not see it until you looked extremely close and I think it was only one or two millimeters in length). Slightly in pain I managed to pull the glass out, which cuts my finger but that's okay, and then what was left was this little red dot on my sole (not soul). I still walked barefooted to where the sound was. This place was apparently where my brother was. The rectangular window above him, was completely smashed. Luckily my brother wasn't hurt (or even cut) because no glass had even made contact with him. I looked out that window then I saw this giant brown window-breaking machine (the machine was like this huge plastic brown board which was the size of the side of the hotel that had, at every few metres, a little block that would push forward to break all the appartment windows, probably killing someone). Worried, I ran outside our hotel on top of the grand staircase on a black and whote checkered floor (there wasa shaking gold and diamond chandelier) to see all these kids just playing around like everythig was normal. Confused, I went to the front door to go outside but as I looked outside, there was the scariest thing EVER. Outside, on the pathway near a fountain with the background of a crowded park, was an old man with a long white beard and incredibly skinny arms and body sitting in a red and beige canoe, using the oars to slide across the pavement and staring at me with a crazy look. He was just slowly sliding him and his canoe across the ground like as if it was water that made him extremely slow but the water was a concrete pathway. Extremely worried I ran towards our room to get my brother, where ever he disappeared to when suddenly *SCREAM* SOMEONE HAD PUT A BOMB IN HERE. Chaos broke out and I was just sick and tired of these terrorist bombings. FINALLY after stepping on so many legos the kids left on the ground I found my brother. I'm like to him: do you have anything important you want to retrieve from your hotel room before we leave? He said no and it was about time my tranquility is smashed. Yes what I saw was that evil shrivelled Dumbledore canoe guy just running with crooked legs and wrinkled hands outstretched. My brother and I both ran into the elevator through the glass and pain and we managed to go to ground floor before that crazy terrorist could kill me. I forgot this part of transition or maybe we just did change suddenly from the hotel to my real home in my dream but anyway our family was reunited. We had a bomb squad. Not really actually it's just some of my rellies who are experts and professionals are bombs. Okay I'll call it a "homemade" bomb squad. Apparently I live in a villa (is that what it was called? I don't think it was a town house. It's like there are houses right next to your house on your property sharing the same driveway or something) because an Islamic family lived next door (as in, in my backyard). Well apparently the crazy rainbow dude had followed me home (...RAPE no) and put a bomb that was on the left side of our front yard (take that tree-hating neighbours, it's going to kill your garden). The bomb explodes at 9pm which was sunset in my dream which is strange because 9pm is like darkness already. So I'm dumb and materialistic in my dream so I tried to grab as many precious things as I could and the best my homemade bomb squad can do is delay the bomb. So they managed to delay it for another ten minutes. In this time my dad, mum and I ran into our house to get as many things as possible (just before this I had asked my brother if he wanted me to get anything for him and he said no and that nothing is worth anything to him). First I went into my room to get two of my favourite hats (both my brown Witchery fedora and my black Brixton Jones), my artworks and handmade things which in the end would've gotten squashed in my overflowing plastic bag, some photos I could scavenge, a pen (lol), some notebooks including my adventure travel journal (I ignored all my diaries because by the time you buy a diary and use it... At the most it would only last for a fortnight then you forget about it or get lazy so...). Then I went into my closet to get a jacket, a shirt, pants and two pairs of shoes. I couldn't fit more so I got a larger garbage bag. Someone had knocked on my window and yelled out "I MANAGED TO EXTEND IT FOR ANOTHER EIGHT MINUTES" (fifteen minutes in total) and I was getting stressed. I went into my brother's room and took something (I forgot), then went to my sister's to get her a doll, took my laptops and hard drives and my USB's. I almost forgot the family photos. After running outside and dumping the stuff, I ran back in and took all the photos I could, with the help of my mum. At the last minute we ran as far from the house as possible, but the Islamic family didn't make it and for some reason the bomb affected their side the most :(. Incredibly sad (for some reason it was daylight again) my uncle and my dad went inside to check to see it's safety and if we can go in. Luckily my room was least affected and I can actually go inside it safely. My brother's was a little less safe but still good but the rest was dangerous. The middle had caught on fire (just a little) and we saw that the roof was crumbling inwards with the plaster falling you would expect a crumbling sound but it wasn't. I'm going to guess that it was at 130 decibels the noise was like a screeching fingers on chalkboard sound and it was absolutely painful and horrible to hear. Discordant is a better word. And harsh. I think after this that part of the dream ended.

Now you see why I kinda hope this Japanese stupidstition isn't true. But the next part would be amazing if it was true.

After leaving computing class with my technology teacher trying to con us into buying these stuffed cats for $5 we found out that our two french classes this year were merged together into one classroom because the teacher was away today. As we walked we saw our tech teacher again in the corridor, already having a stand which was selling stuffed cats. As I could see, those yellow cats were still piled high. I went inside the crowded french room with my friends Yameng, Donna and Tina already sitting at the back. I sat right in the middle of the back and the room was unbelievably humid. Waiting for our french teacher to come, my mates were talking to each other and scribbling in each other's books (which I imagine, in reality, they would never do, except for me, and if I did I would have my throat slit). The main french teacher that I know and will call Ms M was teaching us. She had handed out a "very important" sheet for us all to stick in our books. I used my new notebook and just tucked it into the slot for papers. I looked at my friends who started to throw glue and paper at each other. Shame on these immature children (reality: I am usually the person who throws around the glue and paper and they are usually the ones who are mature and scolding me). Suddenly the room is quiet. The teacher says: "Okay class I have to leave for a meeting but for now you will have a casual teacher. His name is Mr Cooper and he should be coming now". Okay for me I was like: heyy isn't Mr Cooper the same alias Neal Caffrey used on one of his cases once in White Collar? But not necessarily the one where he was a substitute teacher (or maybe that WAS when he used the "Cooper" alias then again that name could've came from that character the same actor played on glee). Anyway as soon as I thought of that...guess who walked happily into the classroom? That's right. Neal Caffrey. Or Matt Bomer. Or whatever you call him. And I think it was because I was rewatching french versions of WC again yesterday. Apparently we were told that we all had to wash our hands because they were dirty (which is completely irrelevant to french but we still had to do it) and as we filed at the door (since I was at the back of the room, I was at the back of the line) I asked him "Are you Matt Bomer?" and he's like "Yep". Yeah that was awesome and my dream self was about to tell Bernice to come because she would want to meet him too but then I had realised she was in whatever class she was in XD (yes Bernice imagine this dream became real according to the superstition) and I think the dream ended when I stepped outside the room to go wash my hands.

And this is why I kinda wish this superstition was real. I need to get rid of "hi 5 a celebrity" and "meet the cast of white collar" (well in this person :( ) off my bucket list. In my dream I couldn't hi 5 I guess because my hands were dirty. Supposedly. Well I could believe that the whole setting of the second part of the dream coming true because a) Ms M does teach one of the two classes this year b) the three friends mentioned do do french and c) we do occasionally get subs.

Well you know how I mentioned I wanted to finish this post by 'minuit'? It's 12:44am now and I doubt that.

Oh I caught up a little more on 'Suits'. Harvey and Donna are a funny pair XD

Tomorrow I am going to Strand Hatters to see if I can get anymore hats as well as going to Max Brenner in the city. So an "early night's sleep" I am supposedly having.

Goodnight (: I'll post again today since I missed out yesterday but a couple of minutes.

Images: me messing about bored continental soup in one of my best mugs EVER.

Tuesday 1 January 2013

New Year. New Identity. New Life.

Hey everyone I'm a spy now. LOL jokes. However that would be a GREAT start to some best-seller novel. Cliché but a classic. Warning: This will be a short blog and will self-destruct after being read.

Happy New Year. Yet again I am trying to type a blog at 1:29am. Every time you restart school for another fresh new start and actually TRY to keep everything organised and neat because someday... you WILL regret it (yes I am talking about you, you sneaky exam period) it all gets ruined when you write the date. That's right. The date. When you write that title of yours into a crisp fresh exercise book then its like "31-1-2012". Then you realise it's 2013 and you're just like: best neat streak EVER. Anyway about the celebrations this year, I really liked Sydney's fireworks this year (ESPECIALLY the golden waterfall...nice unique touch... like every year) and the symbol for the year- a pair of lips- just reminds me of modern pop art. I like modern pop art. Anyway I spend the whole day sleeping, eating, doing yoga (I killed my Archilles tendon and to make up for my excessive eating) and watching another few episodes of "Suits". GOD I HATE TREVOR. *Extremely dislike.

I realised I didn't go shopping at all to get any of those wonderful sales (besides the White Collar perfection set...previous blog) and all. Bad news is that my Goldcoast trip in February may get cancelled and I was actually going to try out my uncle's DSLR (Nikon D5000. Old but the best I can get at the moment) at Surfer's PARADISE and that place is like a haven.

Oh and this paragraph is dedicated to Jasmine Chew (stinkbomb) but note to some viewers please don't be offended by anything as this is an inside joke we both had together. I do appreciate patriotism at time and this is a good time to. Here it goes: Jas, Mate. Accept reality. You've just gotta. Australia is truly heaps better y'know. Who cares about restoration of public toilets. Just rid the bloody guns already or put some more laws 'bout it and we can all just have this friendly chat over the barbie. I think your arguments are a load of rubbish. That's right Jasmine. Rubbish, not garbage.

My pillow still smells :( Like rubbish.

Oh my gondripoddoodles (that's not a word either) BERNICE if you are reading this (and I had read your blog and no I didn't assume you would start crying XD) I'M ABOUT TO TELL YOU AND THE FOLKS ONE OF MY DOOMSDAY ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE DREAMS. And it is AHMAYZING. Okay okay I'm going to start this thing aye? On the fateful night of the 26th/27th of December I was at great grandpa's birthday party (his birthday is really today) at my cousin Jessica's house except it didnt look her house in real life but ANYWAY we were all outside this one story house. My mum had to take one of my rellies home and I asked if I could come with. She said: fine then you stubborn child. So I holped into the car. My relative said that she's going home early to prepare for doomsday even though it had already past. (in reality one of my other rellies was actually a doomsday prepper) I thought it was weird so I said okayyy then. I looked out the windscreen and saw three huge circles. I asked what were the three circles on the window for. My rellie said: Hey Jade, as a Christmas present I had installed UV-ray circles to protect your family from the sun if you have to escape from home. So after dropping her off in the middle of nowhere, literally, and me sitting in the front seat what I had actually found unbelievably weird was that as we passed this school, some kids were running from what I could see, giant spiders (yes like in Harry Potter). Two big hairy giant spiders. Huntsmen I believe. Maybe Brazillian. I told my mum to speed up because that was horrifying and start heading home instead. LOL At this moment I didn't even are about the rest of my family that much and just wanted to go home. After a few seconds later I decided to call my brother and sister to run over 15km home (even though the house they were at was on the way). My mum and I reached this huge intersection near the house my siblings were in but the road to home was coincidentally closed. Wow. This is getting amazing. So we parked the car on the street randomly, not a care about the other drives and started to run. Yes. Across that darned intersection. I did not wear running shoes (hey it was a party so I wore thongs. American readers you totally know I'm Australian and thongs here means "flip flops" not... Yeah not what you think) So I was kinda behind my own mum who just sped ahead of me and the bad thing was that it was sunset. And god sunsets in dreams (and even in my Australian backyard) is extremely fast. This was slightly creepy. As we ran we noticed that there was this huge concrete wedge so I assume if soneone drives on it they could possibly but most likely die because their car will presumably land on such low ground (as in 100m down). As we ran we saw my annoying siblings and a few other people I don't know with us. At that monent we arrived home with only my brother, sister and mum who started to call my dad to come home but to not roar his truck because it'll attract the zombies. We were inside and there was a zombie outside our house so I told my mum to go and get the shotgun (Jasmine yes I was a bit hypocritical about the guns) because there was a walker (the Walking Dead reference XD). I ran back inside to find more weapons (it's time to survive, to not be completely safe but safer than with zombies). I took three fat knives and gave one to my sister and I think my brother took a nerf gun (for all those who don't know what that is... it is a toy gun. Yes and ohmygosh he took a toy gun. Of all things). I found a small barbie bag and gave it to my sister to put medicines and first aid stuff into it. See? Because I'm smart LOL. I thought that now at least the smart doomsday preppers are prepared. I went outside to fill my fat dog Blizzard's waterbowl (apparently he isn't fat and he is just fluffy but that's just what people would say to just let him feel better) to the very limit and overflowed his food bowl with, obviously, dog food (no it was dynamite *sarcasm*). I went back inside to get more food but as I poured the food I realised someone had replaced the dog food with toys (and of all things that person does... Why?). I went to my room to get change in comfy clothes so I can actually run and I hear my dad arriving home. I only changed my pants at that moment (jeggings because I only otherwise own shorts and jeans and I hate jeans and my amazing cargo pants went missing). I went outside and I think he saw me carrying two knives (hey he was cool with it) so he ripped off both of his truck doors and then putting their hinges together (how? I don't know) saying: this is an overcoat to store sharp things. At first it didn't fit but the longer I wore it the more it started to fit and turn into a regular comfy coat which I could put knives in and it still wouldn't stab me (I love how realistic this all is). I asked him where the axe was and he said he'll go and get it (the last time I had asked him this in reality, which wasn't long ago, he's like: why don't YOU go look for it? And I'm just like: no). Oh note please: there were also some neighbours at our place as a survival team since were the only house who has gates. And as you know all zombie survivors must have a survival team of random people or you won't survive for long unless you're like Will Smith in 'I Am Legend' (a great movie). So finally I changed into a long sleeve even though it's summer (can go up to 40°C which is HOT) and packed survival backpacks including torches, lighters, matches etc.and as I went back to sharpen my knives the dream ended.

Oh my jundolumps my brother sometimes sleeptalks and just then (its 2:09am) he was just like, in this creepy whispery voice, "see?" and it snake-like and OHMYGOD.

You know how yesterday I had hiccups? This was at like 2am so I was supposed to be asleep.
*Mum walks into room to put back something she stealthily took that I never noticed*
*I pretend to sleep*
*She was just about to leave...*
Mum: ...why aren't you asleep?

Oh and yesterday's blog I had also mentioned my pillow ban. AHAHA TODAY WHEN MY MUM DIDN'T NOTICE I TOOK MY PILLOWS. AHAHA.

Okay goodnight guys. Have a happy New Year and no this blog will not self-destruct.

Jokes. But I know you would survive it.