Tuesday 30 April 2013

Can the Uncanny Please

I had a dream. A dream about my return to fab Wonderland...

This was such an awkward dream. Maybe, just maybe you know, you shouldn't do your PDHPE research before be because my topic for school is so...it's contraception and it made some effort to squish itself into my dream (in no inappropriate manner of course. I'm THAT mature, psychologically okay?) 

So I was working in a grey and boring office (like there were so many rows and columns of people in one great hall and you all had an open desk space and a PERSONAL PHOTOCOPIER- rich I assume) BUT I was ONASECRETAMAZINGMISSIONTOSAVETHEWORLD. My mission buddies were Neal, Sara and Beyonce (AHAHAHA I was watching a repeat of WC on tele because I was too lazy to start downloading Supernatural-sorry Bernice...and guys I do not know how Beyonce got into the mess). We had to hack into the main control room in order to take back pink ponies or something from the company called "condons" (I think my brain got confused with the shop "pylones" because only the name was not associated with the shop at all). Ugh so many sexual innuendos can be made when I tell you the dream, now I think of it (no nothing happens besides the mission so my PDHPE unit just confused everything). SO while Neal was trying to hack into this computer thingy Beyonce, beig a bit useless and hoeless, got kidnapped by THE MASTER OF THE CONDONS COMPANY. Sara went off to be on guard while I just sat there treating my very many paper cuts from the paper work. In the end, we got caught and then THE MASTER OF THE CONDONS COMPANY walks in in his half robot-machine-toy costume thingo where he was now three times as tall as anyone else with pincher-hands. 

On the formal side of things,

Dear Mechanical-Beings-Who-Have-The-Uncanny-Ability-To-Convert-Such-Useless-And-Highly-Unnecessary-Words-Into-One-Adjective Earthlings,

Four, supposedly, odd, strange, uncanny or extremely unusual facts about me here lie beneath this formal statement to, purportedly, inform or to, as "so-called" entertain you in ways in which I, myself, do not find at the least amusing or comical, so in any moment whatsoever I shall continue to state these three, supposedly, odd or strange or uncanny or extremely unusual but entertaining facts about me below, in which I believe I could have stated it rather as a marvelous "word for a phrase" structure instead of this painstakingly long sentence that I personally believe to be quite the breathless and english-teacher-not-approved material that I would also, personally, not recommend you to write such repetitive words, but now please continue to read my three, supposedly odd, strange, uncanny or extremely unusual facts about me before I get further distracted from my allegedly planned "short" post:

•Guess what I love to draw? The loving and caring warmth of a clown:

•I must confess about my uncanny ability to predict and jinx things. It's one or the other but at times it's both. It is and isn't a good thing at times and I think I inherited it from my mother.

There are just those days where you feel that something bad is going to happen at some time and it just does. I call it predicting. Pffft I don't jinx people ;)

•I have an extreme fear for those ticket gate barriers in Sydney, ever since they modernised it. Oh my God everytime I go through them I get a heart attack and I get all panicky with extreme high blood pressure and fast heart rate and perspiration all in that millisecond. People alway wonder why I run through them or go through the wide gate (no you non-Sydneysiders, they are not for slightly overweight-or-above people). Just letting you know if you see a girl running troughthe ticket gates wearing a hat and carrying an abnormal load of things, don't say "hi"- it ruins my concentration of trying to not get pinched (like three times in the past) or die from a broken pelvis. 


Thank you dearly and cordially for reading my utmost formaliest piece of righting writen thet ive given yp on typin' propahlee so jewst stahp jade: OMG!!111!1!!1! stahp with dis formal crap. AHAHAHAA

I know it has been a while. I'm just so busy and lazy. I swear all those other really famous people feel that way too. They aren't lying because procrastination is also a form of business. Oh. That did not come out as planned (this could be a perfect place for a giving-birth joke).

Did I tell you that I picked up a new sport? Archery. Just saying but people from Brave or the Avengers are just helping you believe how easy it is. When you are a PROFESSIONAL. 

AND. I WATCHED IRON MAN THREE. IT WAS REALLY GOOD. It was good because he *SPOILER* didn't save Pepper so it was more realistic (personal thanks for this addition to the movie). 

Ciao Earthlings,

PS ahaha I've got souvenirs from France: a vlog (which half was done in Sydney BUTDONTTELLANYONEELSEPLEASE) and photos :D

NB This isn't my photo O: but who cares LOL ITS NOT COPYRIGHTED. YET.

I'm the one with the fabulous hat.